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Author Topic: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL  (Read 54388 times)

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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #60 on: January 27, 2016, 01:00:40 AM »

maybe it's just me, but i'm struggling to make sense of your posts.
to make matters worse, instead of answering the guys who have offered advice, and letting them know what you did in response to that advice, you seem to post up some different info with each new post, and it's getting more confusing with each post you make.
how about tackling each reply, one at a time, giving us feedback on what exactly you did in response to suggestions, before just posting with something new..?
help us to help you, in other words.... don't keep making it harder to help with each new post you make.
for example, in your above post, first sentence:

i activated all the aircraft files in the 3Do plane folder  through jsgme but game wont start

i'm sorry, but i have no idea what you're talking about here, it literally makes no sense..... what EXACTLY did you do? tell us , step by step, precisely what you're doing... we simply won't be able to help, if you keep making vague reports of what you've done.
and....'game won't start', you say - in what way, exactly, does the game 'not start?'
does nothing happen? does it start loading, and then crash? does it load, and then crash? does it freeze up? what is happening, exactly, please?
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2016, 02:57:03 AM »

i am following DreamK's directives and so far so good , 2 folders out of 3 are accepted and the game will start . not starts means the game will not fire up , or nothing happens when you click the icon,or you dont get to the splash start up screen . as you can read above he has asked me in his last post to activate the AI aircraft in the 3Do plane folder using the jsgme tool in the game folder , this is the first time i do this , i dont know if i did the right thing and the game still wont start "fire up" with the third folder aerial mines COD files folder in the DBW folder. i'm waitting for his response to move on.I hope i  have been clear.


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2016, 03:54:40 AM »

that's much clearer now, thanks - you'll learn quickly enough that you need to be very specific when asking tech help questions, as that's the only way to get proper help - we can't see into your pc, so we need as much detail as possible.
having two folders in the game and it still loads, is a good sign.
i'd suggest the following, although perhaps not the easiest route - add the Cod folder, the one that causes the game to not start, and then, one by one, disable the classfiles inside (classfiles are the ones with numbers and letters in the naming, eg: D316021E9A6B74EC2)
by disable, i mean add a minus sign in front of it, so that the game doesn't read it.
do this, one by one, and try and load the game between each one.
hopefully, it'll just be one or two that are causing a problem, but for now, this should work, and will also be a good exercise for you to get familiar with the way the game works and reads files.
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2016, 04:10:43 AM »

Try first to suppress these java files that are in the COD folder:
(they are for for the PBN1 and B17F and pose problem if your AI planes are not correctly installed)
and, if you have installed the mod "PBY-5 Catalina Update v1.02",  delete also the COD file:


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2016, 07:32:53 AM »

by removing the 2 files you mentioned the sim starts.I then checked the US MK 13 torpedo and all your mods are listed in MB.i then armed the flyable avenger with the MK 13 mod 2 and flew at 30mt above water at approx 200kmh hr and launched the ordnance.as soon as the torpedo hits the water the game freezes and you get the cannot read message window.Also in MB when i click play and go to  the fly , arm buttons with the map the arm button does not function.
i then went to the japanese B6n2 and the dreamK list of torpedoes is there.The same things happened as with the avenger.When i go back to desktop i have to readjust the resolution again. 
i have conducted more tests and i note that the 2 aircraft with which i did the torpedo tests now dont go to arming even with an empty load and with a new mission name . what is causing this ?


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #65 on: January 27, 2016, 05:02:16 PM »

first go to the folder named Quicks (in the root of your Il2 installation) and delete the file named .last.quick.
This must solve this problem:
"the 2 aircraft with which i did the torpedo tests now dont go to arming even with an empty load and with a new mission name..."
For the other problem - which version of the game are you using? can you post the log?


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #66 on: January 27, 2016, 07:39:12 PM »

good morning
there is nothing in the DBW 410 Quick folder,



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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2016, 11:27:45 PM »

Ok - desactivate the folder called !_AerialTorpedo_class_upgraded. The new torpedo class probably contains visual effects  that have been introduced in the game after 4.10 - this can indeed give this kind of crash.


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #68 on: January 28, 2016, 12:28:35 AM »

i removed the folder you mentioned above

result of tests:
japanese type 91 mod 1

launched at 250 mt approx 200km hr speed approx,the torpedo launches well and hits the water and follows a clean trajectory towards moving target at approx 500mt .torpedo hits target and explodes causing damage,3 more aircraft follow and launch same torpedo and sink the destroyer.

what can i do to get the arming button to function with the avenger tbm3 and B2N6 again ? 



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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #69 on: January 28, 2016, 08:14:25 AM »

have you tried to push the reset button?(in 4.10, the red button at the bottom of the QMB screen)
And try also this: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50185.msg547732.html#msg547732



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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #70 on: January 28, 2016, 09:56:29 AM »

i tried both above suggestions but no show. i then removed both torpedo folders and the arming button functions with these 2 aircraft again. what do you think we can do about this conflict ?  i need to go to arming to change skin and weapons before take off.

Further test:
I just did some more testing and rush to tell you that when i loaded the Avenger mark 3 "brittish" flyable torpedo bomber the DreamK torpedo range does not appear ,same goes for the flyable IJN Kate B5n2 torpedo bomber.
they do appear in the flyable italian bomber SM79
they do appear in the swordfish AI
i dont know the russian torpedo aircraft to check.
i installed today a new copy of DBW and installed again the torp folders but the result is the same,it wont allow to go to arming.
if you can solve the problem of unblocking arming for the aircraft selected for the mission the problem is over.

update 28 jan
with the presence of the 2 folders of torps in the MOD folder all aircraft in any mission do not go to arming . 


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #71 on: January 29, 2016, 11:59:40 PM »

version 413  free mod

today i did tests on 413

the DREAMK torpedo set appears in the italian SM 79 torpedo bomber load and behaves well in mission with 3 other ai aircraft against a moving sea object.the arming button functions normally.

i then went to the 2 japanese torpedo bombers and the list of DREAMK torpedoes does not appear.
It does appear in the swordfish ai. but i have not tested it.
It does not appear with the avenger or Mark 3 type .   
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