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Author Topic: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL  (Read 53802 times)

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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #84 on: February 10, 2016, 11:00:52 AM »

Ok _ I think I know what is happening - The Aerial torpedoes mod does not include a new java file for the G4M1-11 but changes the weapons loadout though a cod file.  For this plane, it includes therefore a new CF_D0 mesh with the correct hook number and positions and COD file.
HOWEVER the Aerial Mine mod that I uploaded before this mod had also a COD file for this same plane (but less complete, without, of course, the new torpedoes) The COD files included in the aerial torpedoes mod MUST crush the former COD files to avoid the kind of problems shown in the log file. It's the reason why I called the folder conatining the COD files, included in the Aerial torpedoes mod by the name "AerialMinesCodFiles" identical to teh cod folder of the previous mod.
The easiest thing to try is to install the  (new) AerialMinesCodFiles folder from the Aerial torpedoes pack in the MODS (or #SAS) folder of your installation, respecting the path: #SAS/AerialMinesCodFiles, then checking for doublons in your installation.


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #85 on: February 10, 2016, 02:02:44 PM »

okay, i think i understand...although, i start getting easily confused once the conversation steers towards new/latest/update/version/this or that... and end up easily getting the wrong thing.
so, please try to explain to me what i need to do with my current situation ..
as it is now, in my #SAS folder, i have the following relevant folders, in this sequence:


these mods were only installed for the first time beginning January, so i'm guessing i have the latest version, correct?

so it seems i have things already the way you say it should be, or what have i got wrong?
and i don't quite know as the conversation seems to move from Aerial Mines to Aerial Torpedoes, back and forth too much for me to know exactly what is meant to be where....
if i sound a little confused, it's because i am, lol ...

anyway. will keep experimenting meanwhile.. ;)

okay, i have since rearranged the folders so that they are in this loading sequence:


is this what you meant?
i'm unsure about the 'cod' folder contents inside the AerialMinesCods folder.....
the readme says it contains classes for the G4M1, but approximately half the classes in that folder are disabled with '-' sign, and there is no other indication of which of these classes are meant for the Betty, or indeed, anything.
if these are indeed the classes needed to fix this issue, can you at least specify which of these classes must be moved, or do they all stay inside the 'cod' folder?
okay, i guess i need to stop asking too many questions at once, as i'm just confusing myself even more....  :P

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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #86 on: February 11, 2016, 03:24:11 AM »

Ok let's go step by step:
1) the cod files are not java files - although they kook similar to hashed java files, they are fundamentally different. Their hashing often begins with '-' sign. This does not mean that they are disabled (although for folders and java files, putting a '-' sign at the beginning of their name disables them - the Il2 motto has always been "why make things simple when you can complicate them")

2) from the Aerial mines mod you must have only the remaining cod files that have not been updated in the Aerial Torpedoes mod:

3) from the Aerial Torpedoes mod, you must have these cod files:

4) it's better to have all the cod files moved to a single folder named "cod", respecting this path order:

5) Clean after that the other cod files in the folders named

5) these mods do not include a modified java files for the Betty. All the transformation in its loadouts is made through cod files.


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #87 on: February 11, 2016, 03:30:08 AM »

okay, that's a lot easier for my simple mind to process, lol -
and it's the first time ever i hear that the files in the cod folder will still work with a '-' sign in front.
come to think of it, if this holds true for other files inside other mod folders, i might have stumbled upon one of the reasons for some other 'mystery' issues i've had lately.
great - will give it a go later this afternoon, and let you know how things went.. ;)

the Il2 motto has always been "why make things simple when you can complicate them

LOL - tell me about it!  :D
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #88 on: February 16, 2016, 08:12:42 PM »

and let you know how things went..

Eugene, any news about this?
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #89 on: February 16, 2016, 09:16:33 PM »

Gerhard, not yet, mate, sorry - i've been busy with my U-boat mod, and didn't get back to this yet.
i will make some time today to have another look at this. ;)
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #90 on: February 16, 2016, 11:13:01 PM »

now thats what I call revelation :) good to know this stuff about COD files :)


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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #91 on: February 26, 2016, 02:37:11 AM »

Dreamk, hi, apologies for the delay in getting on with this - i had some other more pressing mod issues to sort out first - that's now done, thank goodness, and now i can get back to this.
when i read your above last post, about the 3 cod files to keep from the Aerial Mines mod, and the rest from the Aerial Torps mod, there are a few things which don't gel with what i have.
currently i have the following in my install:
the 3 relevant folders i have are:

okay, for this discussion, i understand that we are only concerning ourselves with the cod files for now, ie: those files, either with or without a '-' prefix, which reside inside the cod folder/s.
currently, i only have one cod folder between the 3 folders i have mentioned above, inside the '!_AerialMinesCods' folder.
inside this 'cod' folder, i have the following files:

to try and make things a little clearer, i have highlight/selected the 3 cod files you mention from the Aerial Mines mod, that have not been updated in Aerial Torps mod.
as for the rest - well, as you can see, they don't really properly match the cod files you show in your list above.... so that's already an issue, from the looks of it.
as i said, as far as i know, i have the latest versions of these mods, so i don't understand the discrepancies in these files...?
can you help me figure out what's happening here?  :)
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #92 on: February 26, 2016, 02:53:44 AM »

Eugene, where does all this cod files come from?

I just downloaded the Mines again (from here) and have
only 15 cod files in the same folder as yours in the pic above?

Which dl have I missed?

EDIT: forget it, I forgot to add the other cod folders (Torpedoes) cod files.  :P
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #93 on: February 26, 2016, 03:05:25 AM »

probably the ones from the Aerial Torpedoes mod, which is supposed to supercede the older ones, from my understanding?
also, i followed Dreamk's advice to place all the cod files into one cod folder, only difference is that he has his cod folder inside the Aerial Torps mod, whereas mine are all inside the AerialMiesCods folder (i used this one simply as it made sense to me to have all the cods inside a folder named Cods, lol) it shouldn't really matter which folder the cod files are, i guess, as long as they are all together.
the main problem at hand is that the cod files i do have, for the most part, don't seem to match up with the ones Dreamk has shown in his above list..... so i suspect that's the main reason - but where those all come from, i'm not sure - as i said, i have installed the latest versions of the Aerial Mines and the Aerial Torps mods, and consolidated all the cod files into one folder, which should be okay to do.
the fact that most of my cod files don't correlate with Dreamk's must be the reason for the problems, i guess.....but how to solve?  :P

edit: okay, just saw your edit, Gerhard - so, does your cod files look similar to mine, or similar to Dreamk's?

next edit
; perhaps to make it less confusing for myself, i might rename this folder: !_AerialMinesCods    as   !_AerialMines+TorpsCods  :D
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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #94 on: February 26, 2016, 03:25:35 AM »

does your cod files look similar to mine, or similar to Dreamk's?

My list is ident to yours, but doesn't match DreamKs list:
where does this cod files come from, ie "-1280990642", "-1378211238" etc?
I do not have them in my torp mods folders.  :-X

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Re: Torpedoes and Gliding torpedoes Pack - Ready to DL
« Reply #95 on: February 26, 2016, 04:16:21 AM »

it's possible that i added one or two from some subsequent plane additions - will have to check through my mods to see which...
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