SAS-Modular Map Expansion - PART ELEVEN - CUP reaches 364 Il2 maps!
AFTER THIS UPGRADE YOU WILL NOT NEED IT AGAIN!Simply UnZIP/UnRAR all contents directly to your main Il2 Directory and allow overwrite when prompted.
Comprises improved/additional textures.
Object updates and new Static.INI for all CUP modules.
Seven new maps, two quite old projects, one brand new, two modern re-masterings of classics, two updated versions and one fixed, bring the SAS~Modular Map Expansion up to date (so far). Remember that CUP-Module-01 Maps are essential for ALL of CUP, whatever your favourite period. So please keep current and grab the latest set of the most comprehensive Map Expansion in all of Il2.
CUP now contains 364 Il2 Maps! Every one of them has been thoroughly tested for save bugs and texture loading. For such a massive project there have been, with the exception of a couple of late fixes, very few issues at all. Despite its complexity this is also one of the easiest, and most user friendly, packages to install. Many lessons were learned with TFM.
For the areas; Belarus 1916 and Belarus WWII, CUP has recently been corrected. There was never anything wrong with the maps. Thanks especially to rollnloop and Uzin for your help with this one.
Constructed to function properly with PAL's MissionPRO Combo (JSGME enabled and included in CUP); the CUP Maplist is divided regionally and alphabetically with detailed credits and consistent labelling. These features are added to make life easier for FMB Mission Builders and many of the very best Mission Builders and Il2 Map Makers have worked on its design.

New Content
Crimea***********************-by Cyberolas
WWI Belarus 1916*************-by Uzin
Belarus Summer***************-by Uzin
Belarus winter***************-by Uzin
East Africa******************-by Kapteeni
Dodecanese*******************-by agracier
Central_Med******************-by Marez & GilB57
Papua_New_Guinea*************-by Tomcat_Zombie & SAS~Farang65
CRIMEA RETEXTURED, RETOWNED, REVILLAGED - Cyberolas,16373.0.htmlAnother Cyberolas treatment literally transforms this map! With photoreal textures the entire region is brought to life. Flying Il2 here looks more like FSX than a ten-year-old sim.
BELORUSSIA V2 - Uzin,29951.msg314008.html#msg314008These maps cover the area from Minsk to Brest. Based partly on aerial photos, made during WWII, they contain more than sixty airfields located through research of authentic documents from that era.
Molva: Red Church in Minsk 3D model.
Nachprod (aka Murdoc):summer and winter skin of Red Church in Minsk.
Stoupa: written permission to use his Pilsen Synagogue.
RedEye_Jir: written permission to use his objects from maps of Spain.
Uufflakke: written permission to use his objects towers.
DODECANESE ISLANDS - agracier years ago agracier opened up another vital European region to Il2 with this beautiful and interesting map.
EAST AFRICA - KapteeniThis older map still looks great and features in several colonial and regional campaigns.
CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN MAP - Maraz & GilB57,8608.0.htmlThis amazing treatment results in a photo-realistic looking map from the Tunisian coast to Sicily. The textures are wonderful and this map has the best Malta too.
GW Spring Central Mediteranean V 1.1 Re-Mastered by GilB57
-New & fixed map for Maraz Central Mediterranean map
-Enhanced textures & added airfields and buildings
-Maraz for the original map
-Canon-UK, LAL-Rone, Uufflakke and a few others for objects
-Viking, Agracier for textures
PAPUA - NEW GUINEA - BOUGAINVILLE - AUSTRALIA - Tomcat_Zombie & SAS~Farang65,45687.0.htmlThis map was started by Tomcat_Zombie and then populated by SAS~Farang65 with textures assistance from dpeters95. The thread is a great read, the map is very extensive, and thbauchot's TB Skies have been added as standard!
New sky textures Part 5 tbauchot,46010.msg516133.html#msg516133
DOWNLOAD SAS-MME11.RAR UPDATE on the day of release!
New Papua-New Guinea-Bougainville-Australia Textures Update and Kokoda Airfield.
+ TB Skies added to all maps - updated+ Upgraded Actors.static for bay of Biscay Map - thbauchot
See original notes below:
deleting of my airfields templates that floated on the water surface area in the area of :
RAF Predannack and south of the town of Falmouth.
reorganization of taxi and stay waypoints on the RAF Warmwell airfield :
Now the landing aircraft are able to find their way and don't disappear anymore.
Only aircrafts such single engined or light twin engined are able to find their way !
for example : Mosquito, Beaufighter, Beaufort, Blenheim, etc...
More heavy like : B-25, A-20, Wellington, etc... don't work !
Good flights, Thierry B.