does this fix the problem where shutting the jet engine and restarting it makes the plane permanently slower? I remember years ago having to be extremely careful with it because if you make a mistake and shut the engine the plane becomes glitched and agonizingly slow.
I misunderstood your question.
Google translator often does not translate correctly and the meaning of what is written is lost.
I am not a programmer and my knowledge of Java is very limited.
I can collect the code, but not write.
Unfortunately, modders often do not write original methods into classes that would reflect the characteristics of a particular aircraft, but simply refer to the default class of another aircraft, which differs from the one offered in the mod.
Therefore, some mods need to be seriously corrected: both 3D and code in the class. It is not always possible to do it well.
I would be very glad if someone more knowledgeable in Java would correct the code in the class of this interesting aircraft.