Do not hesitate to intervene to the Privateers_410 !
They are also orphans now! They need a guardian angel 410 !
Eh eh eh, I'm still a rookie! I don't have enough experience to be a guardian angel!

So, this is the D/L link for my patch:
CAUTION: this patch is
ONLY FOR DBW USERS! NOT TESTED in stock 4.10/Modact!
If the bombsight not works, try these classfile (put into B-24D-140 mod folder):
1: go to B-24D140CO and delete the classfile "
THIS IS A MANDATORY STEP! This class is incompatible with DBW stock B-24D and -J. The class was cloned and renamed, and now is used only by the B-24D-140.
2: Copy and paste the new classes into B-24D140CO folder. Overwrite if requested (but make a backup copy first).
3: Tests the patch!
Additional steps:4: if you have the "relook mod" for the B-24J, go to mod folder and delete the same class pointed above, at Step 1.
Optional: if you desire to maintain the stock DBW loadout (with Bat and guided bombs), delete ALL classes and the "cod" folder.UPDATE4: if you have the "relook mod" for the B-24J, go to mod folder and delete ALL the classfiles and cod folder. (Thanks to redfox for report!)4bis: FIX for MISSING BAT bombsGo to
"relook mod" folder,
3do -->
plane -->
B-24J-100-CF(USA) folder, and open the hier.ini with a notepad. Now scroll down until the bottom and add these lines:
Mesh BatWingRackL_D0
Parent WingLMid_D0
Attaching 0 -1.000000 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.558805 -0.021510 -0.213079
Mesh BatWingRackR_D0
Parent WingRMid_D0
Attaching 0 -1.000000 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -1.713869 -0.021509 -0.180430
save and close. Same procedure into
B-24J-100-CF(Multi1) folder.
5: if you have the "
ball turret_down up" mod, simply delete it. Seems to be unnecessary with DBW.
1c/TD for the new B-24D
Epervier for conversions to 4.09 standard.
That's all! Tests and report!