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Author Topic: Troubleshooting - When your CUP installation-load stops by 95%  (Read 9547 times)

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Re: Troubleshooting - When your CUP installation-load stops by 95%
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2015, 10:46:03 AM »


Yesterday, CUp work fine.

Today, when I change the module "The Golden Age" to "The World at War", the game stop at 95%, but if I change it to the module 5, works fine.

Can someone help me?



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Re: Troubleshooting - When your CUP installation-load stops by 95%
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2016, 07:09:56 PM »

Hi, sorry to add to the pile.....

So I got WAW working just fine...no problems whatsoever the first try. I was actually impressed with myself for following directions, but then I realized that it was because of very good directions that I was afloat. Thank you for that!!

I posted right after that, asking if I needed sep installs for each module and was told it would be a good idea. Well, off I went, fresh copy of 4.12.2 in hand. I went ahead and put the megapatch in there first, just in case you know? then the modact 5.3, then the map modules, next the SAS-MME Component, followed by the JTW modules. I hit the restore points as instructed and then......

Yep, stuck at 95%. I deleted it and started over.......same result. One of the things I noticed is that in my SFS_MAPS is that there was no "cupsounds.sfs" in there...that's a clue. Also, my log file looked different than the one posted. My little section looks like this??

[HotKey Console]
Shift Tab=Activate

I am going to give her one more go, then ask for help. I'm just confused because I proved to myself tha tI can follow steps and get CUP working, but this one is giving me fits :-(



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Re: Troubleshooting - When your CUP installation-load stops by 95%
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2016, 02:37:03 AM »


At installation guide, it is told to unpack the packages of the modules directly to the main game folder of Il-2 Sturmovik 1945, after installation of the basic Modact 5.3.

But this will cause this problem!

You have to do the following procedure:

Unpack the several parts of the moduls at the same folder where you have your .rar files. For example it will be the very first part of the whole CUP Installation, called ~ SAS MME01 ~.
Then you have to go IN that folder! and copy/paste that content at the main game folder, for example c:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Il-2 Sturmovik 1946\
You have to do the same with all parts of all modules.


Aw man, this cannot be the case across the whole user base. It can't be. It has to be a problem with people unzippers ...  Unpacking, THEN copying/pasting.. and double the install time? Nonononono  o_O
"A day without slaughter is like a day without sunshine" ..Marcus Kincaid
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