C.U.P. Module-03 World at War PART-12
#WAW Part-12 adds some nice new features and corrects many long-standing issues:**************************************
SASEngineMOD and the Stupid 412 AISome time ago TD412 introduced many good things and a few problems; such as AI flying into mountains under certain circumstances. Western0221's latest patch brilliantly fixes this but is incompatible with PAL's Chocks Mod. There were also a couple of classfiles to rem out (4B598398AD1D180C and 08447B2E29097EB0) regarding the Zero Cannons.
In time we expect the Chocks MOD to be back but presently the EngineMOD and Western's AI Crash Fix must take priority for mission builders. We have to use the Restore Point Install method this time because this fix involves more than just adding new content, some things have to go...
RESTORE POINT INSTALL TYPE: Make sure you are up-to-date with Parts 09, 10 and 11 from previously.
1) JSGME DISABLE everything prefixed #CUP and #WAW
2) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #WAW to -#WAW.
3) UnZIP/UnRAR 'C.U.P.- Module 03 - World At War Pt-12' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
4) ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.
5) Delete old -#WAW at your convenience.
6) Check that you are up to date with the SAS Modular Map Expansion - SASMME PART-12
7) Install SASMME PART-12 - Easy way, just drop it all in...
FIXES AND MAINTENANCE1) SASEngineMOD-2.7 with Western0221's Patch + Carriers + Steam Cats + Beacons + Smarter AI + Tiger33's Sounds
2) The 'David Spit MkIXs' are now properly and fully implemented.
3) Claymore's FW190's feature his improved pilots and corrected armament (long cannons) for the FW190 A-6.
4) Missing APS-4 radar wing-pod on SB2C - a rare bug, difficult to replicate, now fixed here for everyone.
5) D4Y Judy's re-instated and properly labelled in plane.properties.
6) Ship Extension 2.20 'Sailors Disappear' resources added.
7) New style Complete Planelist, minor additions.
All of these issues were down to compiling the mods for CUP and not problems with the original mods.
Now for the extra good stuff added since then...
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46763.msg519839.html#msg519839This aircraft mod, still beta, is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen in Il2. The 1946 Seafang lost out to the Hawker Fury and only 18 were built. In an ideal universe this would have seen more action; so we have to have it in CUP. The late production date, and the sheer perfection of the Seafang, see its entry into #WAW and #JTW simulataneaously. Not 'what if', more 'if only'.
Bf-109V-48 Thor
Anto, Cpt Farrell, Crazyflak, Freddy, Greif11, JapanCat, Jester's Ink, Maddox:1C, PA-Jeronimo, SAS
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46749.0.htmlLanding & Navigational Lights for Ju-52 Family wcat
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46496.0.htmlBombsaway's running light update to JapanCats A6M's. SAS~Bombsaway
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45319.0.htmlG3M2 22 type96 bomber NELL ten010
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46860.msg520969.html#newNew Tanks and Artillery from 413 Epervier
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46648.0.htmlRailway Gun Leopold/class K5 guns 283mm for HSFX 5.01 Epervier
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,14790.msg512991.html#msg512991The iconic siege gun, with new wagons and trains, is available under 'Trains' and 'Stationary Stock'.
Fairey Firefly by Ectoflyer and CWatson
Il2 Freemodding - Readme included - Already featured in 'The Jet Age' late war introduction also favours inclusion in 'World At War'.
Naval Mines Epervier
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,46588.0.htmlYet another dimension for the more sophisticated mission builders
Ships Su Smolensk - Daidalos Team (4.13) from 413 Epervier
Soviet river gunboat Smolensk

Installs new Default Skins for the SB2C Helldiver. This is for people who aren't seeing them already.
Removes Gear Covers from Ju87s - Not compatible with Bomb Release Gear Mod (also JSGME).
CONTENTS:Il2/...#WAW - Completely new Master-Folder - replaces everything for up-to-date package.
SFS_WAW/...WAW54.sfs, WAW55.sfs & WAW56.sfs - more 3Do packed into SFS format.
SFS_MAPS/...VLC12.sfs - Vehicle resources.
JSGMEMODS/...Some new options (see above).
For so much testing and obsessively tweaking engines, carriers, buttons and reporting everything for our benefit.
Pre-install tests of the Leopold Railgun and Su Smolensk.
Hangar-19 test pilots, anything, anytime, anywhere...
C.U.P.- Module 03 - World At War Pt-12
C.U.P.- Module 03 - World At War Pt-12B
Missing classfiles for Blenheim MkIVF
UnZIP/UnRAR to main Il2 install...
(These will be included in #WAW Part-13)