Kawasaki Ki-232 v1.01

Downloadhttps://www.mediafire.com/?mc3alim77giz3ncSkin pack: *Base heavily on max's skins; just a colour change and appropriate markings*
https://www.mediafire.com/?pc3gx4ax8vlhsd4Max's skin pack (far superior):
http://hangar19.net.is.currently.offline/1939---1946.htmlInfo:An entirely fictional streamlined japanese Do-335 - built by myself as a testbed.
Takes Do-336-A6 skins with no issues
v1.01 -
New default skin, thanks to max_thehitman. Check out his skinpack at:
http://hangar19.net.is.currently.offline/1939---1946.htmlNew weapons:
Ki-148 - radar guided anti shipping bomb. Based on twister's code.
Light - 2 off 12.7mm machine guns, 1 off 20mm cannon
Type 3 rocket bombs, 8 off
Type 3 rocket bombs in a "schrage musik" arrangement
Cloned cockpit - if anyone fancies retexturing/adding japanese dials, that would be handy
Credits:Based on the stock Do-335, with Lisek's Do-335A6 used as a "base" for the coding so thanks to:
Original Do-335 by 1C:Maddox
New 3D by Lisek
Wheels and spinners by PA_Jeronimo
New classes and FM by SAS~Anto
Default skins, skinpack by max_thehitman
Help also from Crazyflak and SAS~BravoFxTrt
3D wise, the major change is the streamlined engine. The skin is heavy based on max's from the A6 mod.
Installation:Ki-232 folder to #WaW, #SAS etc depending on what you're running
Add following lines to the files listed
Ki232 air.Ki232 2 NOINFO ja01 SUMMER