Bring on new ideas Spartan!
We currently have the Light-Medium-Heavy folders and these should provide enough freedom to move textures around and match everyone's preferences plus we also have the custom folder to fit additional needs. The 'Random' option randomly selects a texture from the Light, Medium, Heavy and Custom folders.
I understand your point but who is to tell there are no heavy skies/storms on deserts!? I will not decide what sky likely goes for each map, I leave that to you: put your gloves on, read the briefing, look out of your window

and select a Light-Medium-Heavy sky or choose "Default" (previously named Stock) to use the map's default sky.
This is when the custom folder comes in handy: you are about to start a campaign in Norway then take the time to choose skies likely to be found there and copy them to the custom folder. Or you can re-arrange textures in the other folders. It all comes down to the naming convention used and what we make of it: Light-Medium-Heavy, Africa-Asia-Europe, Desert-Seashore-Mountain... you name it.
You messed up? back up first or download everything again

I take good note of this for future releases. Thanks Spartan. Let's hear what others have to say about it.
This is the best invention since crusty bread (Epervier is with me on this one, I am sure)!
I have been using systematically it since it was released, what a joy.
Big thank you to you and of course to Istvan and Thierry as well !!!!!!
Most welcome Zoran395! We will see new sky textures one of these days, I am sure! (high hopes...)