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Author Topic: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.7  (Read 81112 times)

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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5 (25-May-2017)
« Reply #96 on: May 26, 2017, 07:14:23 AM »

Hi Zoran395, I am afraid the Timer won't work as you expect! A similar example of what you are asking is: will my aircraft skin suddenly change in the middle of a flight? That won't happen!

Sky textures change in the background but you will see no difference until you play your next mission. Moreover you must use a different map to see new skies: somehow IL-2 caches the map somewhere and the engine completely ignores new textures unless you play a different map.

We spend most of the time sitting in the cockpit looking at the sky, and this mod is about sky eye-candy. IL-2 built-in clouds and weather system and other mods such as C&C take very good care of actual weather.

Sorry to disappoint! :P
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5.1 (27-May-2017)
« Reply #97 on: May 27, 2017, 08:28:15 AM »

No more comments so I take everything is working as expected and advertised!


Simple is always better, but after a second thought I decided to reinstate Single/Multi profile images to increase awareness of the Multi-Profile feature. If you already downloaded v2.5, simply replace the executable and the Readme with the new ones found in v2.5.1

Review the v2.5 release post for full details about Multi-Profiles.

NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5.1 (27-May-2017)
« Reply #98 on: May 27, 2017, 05:18:14 PM »

You are like the VSM man ... so fast, I did not even have a chance to try 2.5, there is already 2.5.1 !!!

Okay, fair enough I spent my Saturday in GMax/Gimp!

Thank you for your (very thorough) reply, I got tricked by:
Use the Timer if you plan to play a long session and many missions, you won't notice it is there! I ran tests where the skies changed every 5 seconds and I noticed... nothing (on a moderate machine).
which meant background updates of the tga files and not a refresh while playing... I was visualising some kind of fireworks of sky background textures!



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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5.1 (27-May-2017)
« Reply #99 on: May 28, 2017, 03:52:07 AM »

Yes, let's reword the sentence:

"I ran tests where new textures are copied over every 5 seconds and I did not notice any skipping, lag, stutter... nothing. Missions played smoothly."

Intel Core 2 Quad-Core / AMD HD6450 - go figure...
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5.1 (27-May-2017)
« Reply #100 on: May 28, 2017, 04:39:55 AM »

Installed to my separate BAT & VP installs, worked without any problems.

Thanks very much for this, very nice mod.


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5.1 (27-May-2017)
« Reply #101 on: June 27, 2017, 11:41:25 AM »

Avira Connect says:
Typ:   Datei
Quelle:   C:\Users\IL-2\Programme\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 UP3rc4\jsgmemods\Random Skies\#UP#\Random Skies\IL-2 Random Skies Launcher.exe
Status:   Infiziert
Quarantäne-Objekt:   23b95605.qua
Wiederhergestellt:   NEIN
Zu Avira hochgeladen:   NEIN
Betriebssystem:   Windows XP/VISTA Workstation/Windows 7
Gefunden:   TR/Muldrop.eaiak
Datum/Uhrzeit:   27.06.2017, 19:33


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5.1 (27-May-2017)
« Reply #102 on: June 27, 2017, 11:54:43 AM »

whistler says: ;) (from the first post)

The launcher has been completely written by me and compiled with AutoIt, a great and powerful scripting language. As with all powerful languages there comes a downside: virus creation by those with malicious intent. Since every AutoIt-based exe is basically the same exe, false positives run rampant across all kinds of antivirus engines.

I guarantee this mod has been developed and shared with the best intentions and I would never include any code that does not serve the purpose advertised. Up until this day there are zero user reports of any issue of any kind. If the launcher gets blocked by your antivirus, you will have to add the executable to your AV Exclusion List / Whitelist / Safe Zone to unblock it. If for whatever reason you cannot or do not want to use the executable, an alternative solution is provided in the Readme.txt

The Mod does not connect to Internet and it does not change any Windows settings. SAS~Storebror: has proven on reply #21 that what I initially shared was not harmful in any way. You can take my word for it or go somewhere else. Download this Mod only from official locations.
NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.5.1 (27-May-2017)
« Reply #103 on: July 13, 2017, 04:55:13 PM »

I Love you for this! BEAUTIFUL! What a difference this makes! Thank you so much!


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.6 (16-Jul-2017)
« Reply #104 on: July 16, 2017, 06:33:03 AM »

I love you too cerberus!! ;D

IL-2 Random Skies Mod version 2.6 :: DJ Edition ::

While working on my AmbienceFX mod (which I by the way will update later on today), I realized music tracks do not play randomly and we end up listening to the same music tracks in the same order over and over again. Here is an attempt to enhance IL-2 music tracks playback order.

(There are more elegant, more efficient and less invasive mods out there to randomize music tracks, in example the excellent Random playback of music by marcost).

THESE NEW FUNCTIONS WILL RENAME OR MIX UP YOUR IL-2 MUSIC TRACK FILES. They will get the job done but you have been warned.

IL-2 Menu themes
This option will mix up all tracks found in IL-2/samples/Music/Menu/ In example RU.wav will become DE.wav, US.wav will become JA.wav and so on. B.A.T. users will enjoy this feature. Do not use this function if your menu music tracks relate to the countries (anthems, hymns, marches...)

To hear Menu tracks you must have 'Play Music' enabled and 'Music Volume' up.

Take-off, In-flight & Crash tracks
This option will append unique random numbers in front of the *.wav track filenames found in IL-2/samples/Music/ TakeOff, InFlight and Crash folders. In example, track.wav will become 001_track.wav. This function is folder-recursive but folder names remain unchanged. Stock IL-2 does not come with any Take-off, In-flight or Crash tracks, but you can download some online.

To hear the tracks in-game you must have 'Play Music' enabled, 'Music Volume' up, and:

- Play 'take-off' tracks enabled
- Play 'in-flight' tracks enabled
- Play 'crash' tracks enabled

Radio broadcasts
This option will also append unique random numbers in front of the *.wav track filenames found in IL-2/samples/Music/Radio/. In example, track.wav will become 001_track.wav. This function is folder-recursive but folder names remain unchanged. Stock IL-2 does not come with radio tracks, download some online.

To hear radio broadcasts in-game you must have 'Play Music' enabled, 'Music Volume' up, and use Realistic Navigation. Switch between radio stations (if the mission creator added any) using the pre-defined 'Next beacon' and 'Previous beacon' control keys.


I hope you enjoy these new additions. Full v2.6 change log:

Code: [Select]
v2.6 (16-07-2017)
- Included Auto.bat image to increase awareness of the feature. (Original icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com)
- QMB Quicks/.last.quick deletion implemented in the executable. Batch file 'Files/QMB_Fix.bat' no longer needed.
- Added DGen logs detection.
- New 'Shuffle Music' options in the Tools menu.

NG-HUD v3.6.1 | NG-MAP v3.2 | NG-CAM v2.0 | NG-PAL v1.2: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,93.0.html

ol' Navy

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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.6 (16-July-2017)
« Reply #105 on: July 24, 2017, 03:22:09 PM »

To use 2.6, do I just install right over the top of the version I have now?  I think that I must have 2.5 (if there was one, and if they are in sequence).  Thank you for your help.


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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.6 (16-July-2017)
« Reply #106 on: July 25, 2017, 02:05:02 AM »

Its just a straight overwrite ol' Navy
Corsair Carbide case, Intel core i5 4690 3.5ghz with Arctic Cooler, Asus Rock H97 performance, MSI Ventus XS OC 1660GTX 6GB DDR6, 32GB Patriot Viper 1600Mhz, 256GB/500GB Crucial SSDs, Windows 10 64bit.

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Re: IL-2 Random Skies Mod v2.6 (16-July-2017)
« Reply #107 on: July 25, 2017, 07:38:20 AM »

Its just a straight overwrite ol' Navy

Thank you.  But I must have done something wrong beforehand.  Several of my campaigns (DOF and WAW) and their progress (of course) disappeared.  Any idea where they could have gone?  Sorry to be such a pain for you guys.  Thanks for any advice as to where I can look to restore them if possible?  If not, then I can just start them over.  Any idea what I might have done?  I know this last one is a hard question.  I can't remember what I have done earlier this morning, much less what I did start of the day yesterday.   Sad but true.
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