Polikarpov I-190 & I-153 Bis, Version 1.1

https://www.mediafire.com/?8y2h6hxbmd4si4rI-153 Bis:
https://www.mediafire.com/?wsin45oju7lgokgNotes:I-190 - the ultimate development of the I-153; fitted with an M-88 twin row radial engine, developing 1100Hp. Top speed 375Km/h at sea level
I-153 Bis - Fictional modification of the I-153, based on marrying the ASh-82 radial to the biplane's airframe. A "what if" aircraft that I developed first, before flicking through a book on Polikarpov's biplanes and finding a photograph of what was pretty much the mod i'd just made...
One particular feature may be useful for other I-153's - i've removed the emergency gunsight, so you can actually see through the reflector site now - it should modify all of the stock aircraft as well when you install this.
Credits:Based entirely on stock aircraft and skins, so Thanks to Oleg and Maddox
Installation:I-153Bis folder to #WAW or #SAS etc.
Add following lines to the files listed:
I-190 air.I_190 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
I-153 Bis:
I-153Bis air.I_153Bis 1 NOINFO r01 SUMMER
If you have both installed - please delete the FM file from the I-153.