Great job Pete, but I had forgotten some details, in this folder I put corrections.
put the contents of this folder in : Felixstowe_F2AF
Hello Gio, glad you are happy with what I did with your excellent model.

I will take a look at the link you posted, thank you very much, all your models are superb and greatly appreciated.

Nice models. thanks so much. However, I cant get the gunners to fire in 4.12 sas mod install. they move but the guns dont fire. Any ideas? I put the wwI weps mod in the folder too.
Hello dsawan, I mentioned in the thread and the readme a similar experience to what you report altohough it was just the rear gunner, I found if you use the option with the 2x230lb bombs all is good, at least in my install anyway.

The guns are Vickers but I am not sure exactly what weapon pack if any they come from, I use all the WWI packs by Dreamk in each of my installs. It is possible that without those packs the guns would not fire, sorry not sure to be honest.
Hello Stalker, thank you very much for the skins and template, your work is greatly appreciated.

Not sure just when I will get a chance to try your templates as I have the cavalry to do next and I have a skinning project of my own on the go.,47717.0.htmlThe triangle you show in the image is a gear hook I think it needs to be hidden. I changed some of the things Gio did that enables the plane to sit on the water, this entailed altering hooks and clips. If I remember correctly this is one of the CF_D0 gear hooks which I moved, not sure though.
Previously Gio had used a set of floats from another model hidden but I used the actual wing floats and struts instead of the existing gear meshes.
Istvan I have taken a look at the cockpit textures but not actually in sim yet, they are outstanding, thank you very much indeed your work is also greatly appreciated.

I do not have time tonight to actually test all the skins you guys have posted but will hopefully get the chance tomorrow evening.

Once I test everything I will add the improved textures and any fixes and repost in a new link, for the moment though rather than add all your links to the first post I will leave them where they are.
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.