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Author Topic: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.  (Read 21105 times)

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War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:08:58 PM »

War Over Italy: July 1943-May 1945

A DCG campaign for IL-2 CUP and VP Modpack by Von Ofterdingen 

Download Link: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1990

Campaign Information

This campaign is based on events in the Italian battle-fronts from the invasion of Sicily through the end of the war. Though based on historical data, much of the gameplay is dynamic due to the nature of Lowengrin’s Dynamic Campaign Generator (DCG).

The following campaigns are available:.

•   Operation Husky, the Invasion of Sicily
•   Invasion of the mainland
•   The Gustav Line
•   The Gothic Line

I recommend that you start with Operation Husky and let the DCG run you through the entire war.

Nation                              Plane(s)                          Sub-campaign(s)
Great Britain (RAF)            Spitfire, Mosquito            All
Italian                              M.C 205                         Operation Husky (Invasion of Sicily)
USAF                               B-25, P-47, P-38, P-39    All
Luftwaffe                         BF-110, JU-88, BF-109    All

Recommended Skins for player to use in WOI:

 SPITFIRE9C - Default
 SPITFIRE9M63 - Default
 MOSQUITO4 - Default
 A_20C - Default

 MC_205_1 - Default

 BF_109G6 - 02-Malta Bf109G.bmp
 JU_88A4 - Ju88A4-Italy-wl-3ZE.bmp
 JU_52_3MG4E - Default
 BF_110G2 - Bf110_II-ZG1_Italy_blank.bmp

 B_25G1 - B-25C_OD_nm.bmp
 C_47 - Default
 P_38J - Early MTO generic.bmp
 B_17F - OC_B17F_301stRoundels.bmp
 P_40M - -USAF-Desert.bmp
 P_39N - P-400_39thFS-35thFG_TheFlamingArrowIII_USMark.bmp
 P_47D10 - P47_78thFg_1943.bmp


I based the campaign parameters on the historical reference, Africa to the Alps, on USAAF.net:


Prerequisites & Compatibility

This campaign was written and tested using the SAS CUP mod pack.

The campaign may also be compatible with other modded DCG-enabled IL-2 systems, though I have not personally tested any others.  You must have So.V-Volperossa ‘s War over Italy map installed. The map is included with DBW and 412TFM.

You must have installed Lowengrin’s Dynamic Campaign Generator for IL-2 version 3.47 or later. To obtain DCG see the Lowengrin website: http://www.lowengrin.com

Installation and Settings
•  Decompress the WarOverItaly.zip file and put the uncompressed WarOverItaly folder into your DCG home directory.
•  Make a backup of the DGEN directory in you IL-2 game directory.
•  Copy the DGEN folder from the WarOverItaly\DGEN directory and paste it to the main game folder. If prompted to overwrite files, click Yes.
•  Start the DCG program. Select File?Optional Third Party Data Folder.
•  Navigate to the WarOverItaly folder and select allcampaigns.dcg.
•  In the DCG main screen, select Mode ? Off Line Career (Full Auto-Generation Mode).
•  Close DCG.
•  Start your IL-2 game. Choose one of the Nation/Career options listed above under Campaign Information and slick Start.
•  For best results, choose the squadron that is in the same ordinal position as the aircraft you select. For example, if you choose the second aircraft type in a list of three, choose the second squadron in the list as well. This will ensure that you receive the correct aircraft upgrades as they become available.

This is a large and dynamic campaign with 4 different career nationalities. I have done testing, but testing a campaign of this scope is near-impossible. If you encounter difficulties, please notify me; solutions are usually available once I know the nature of the problem. Exploding planes on startup are the most common issue; if you encounter this please let me know (this is a problem that can be fixed with relative ease). I have created new Payload assignment files for this campaign, but as noted above it is hard to test all possible combinations.

Thanks to the SAS team for bringing us CUP, and Paul Lowengrin for the excellent DCG campaign generator.
I am personally much indebted to Scharnhorst and Lonestar for their wonderful tutorials on the use and scripting of DCG campaigns.
Skins. Many thanks to the skinners! Truly the campaign builders best friends (along with map makers)!
•   VP Media
•   IMME
•   Foo bar
•   Rdans
•   Dkoor
•   Goodwood
•   Bo Nidle



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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 10:08:36 PM »

This is great news, waiting for download link!


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2015, 02:37:52 AM »

Fantastic, DCG and CUP - a match made in heaven!


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2015, 12:33:49 PM »

Link posted on first page. Sorry for the delay; the problem was me not M4T. Enjoy!


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2015, 01:15:32 PM »

thank you for this campaign; i already installed it and tried a "generate" to verify if my installation is ok; it works and i find it very very nice.

it's my first DCG campaign so i would appreciate very much if you can answer my following questions:

- in your readme you wrote "You must have So.V-Volperossa ‘s War over Italy map installed. The map is included with CUP."
just to be sure: i do not have to search and/or install the map because it's already there, is that correct ?

- i started the husky with p39 and i noticed my plane has a different skin from all others p39; my plane is the only one all green; i copied paintscheme adding to the existing one ... or i had to delete the previous and only afterward copy the new paintscheme ?

- i noticed sometimes very short freeze (a fraction of a second) so i can play without problems, but if it becomes a problem, is there something i could do ?

- you wrote "For best results, choose the squadron that is in the same ordinal position as the aircraft you select. For example, if you choose the second aircraft type in a list of three, choose the second squadron in the list as well. This will ensure that you receive the correct aircraft upgrades as they become available". That is not very clear to me; so if i understand, you say that if i choose Husky-P39 (it's the fourth in the list of planes i can select for husky) then i should select the fourth squadron in the squadron list, is that correct ?

- last question: with which rank to start ? i usually would like to command a 4-flight, so i can give orders to the other 3 planes (TAB - rejoin/cover me/attack my targets etc ...); which rank do i have to choose ? or if i start from the lowest rank,  the progression to higher ranks is fast ?



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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2015, 05:44:10 PM »

Im having an error when try to load the campaign...
I have followed all the steps in the readme and always the same outcome
Code: [Select]
= DGen (01/05/05) =
seed: 3751075
DGen initialization. Side: de, Rank: 0
Distance=75 km
Career ID: DeI
Error - can't open DGen\Husky.DB


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2015, 05:59:10 PM »

@ Darth

It looks like you are running DGEN rather than DCG. If you have not installed DCG, you need to do that. If you have, you need to select Mode--> Off-line Career (Full Generation Mode) from the DCG main menu. DCG will back up your DGEN program, so that if you unselect Off-line Career it will restore DGEN.


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2015, 06:30:55 PM »


- in your readme you wrote "You must have So.V-Volperossa ‘s War over Italy map installed. The map is included with CUP."
just to be sure: i do not have to search and/or install the map because it's already there, is that correct ?

...Yes, that is correct. Your map is all set.

- i started the husky with p39 and i noticed my plane has a different skin from all others p39; my plane is the only one all green; i copied paintscheme adding to the existing one ... or i had to delete the previous and only afterward copy the new paintscheme ?

...I think this is true of all IL-@ campaigns. You need to choose the skin to use for your aircraft. The mission builders can choose the other planes. I should put in the readme what skin to select. The P-39 skin I am using is P-400_39thFS-35thFG_TheFlamingArrowIII_USMark and was done by Goodwood. Try selecting that before you click Fly on your next mission.

- i noticed sometimes very short freeze (a fraction of a second) so i can play without problems, but if it becomes a problem, is there something i could do?

...In short, yes; there are adjustments you can make. This campaign has many planes in the air during missions and that can cause lags. Make sure that your WOI campaign is the last one you selected in IL-2, then leave IL-2 (exit or just click the Windows key)open DCG, and select Edit-->General Campaign settings from the DCG main menu. The Squadron Density dropdown will let you fly with fewer planes. Full is the highest setting, so try a lesser one, the click the Generate Mission button on the main DCG screen to implement the change. Once done, the density setting will remain in effect unless you change it again.

- you wrote "For best results, choose the squadron that is in the same ordinal position as the aircraft you select. For example, if you choose the second aircraft type in a list of three, choose the second squadron in the list as well. This will ensure that you receive the correct aircraft upgrades as they become available". That is not very clear to me; so if i understand, you say that if i choose Husky-P39 (it's the fourth in the list of planes i can select for husky) then i should select the fourth squadron in the squadron list, is that correct ?

...Yes, you have it exactly right.

- last question: with which rank to start ? i usually would like to command a 4-flight, so i can give orders to the other 3 planes (TAB - rejoin/cover me/attack my targets etc ...); which rank do i have to choose ? or if i start from the lowest rank,  the progression to higher ranks is fast ?

...Choosing the highest rank pretty much ensures that you will lead the squadron. I started as a US pilot as a Lieutenant and was a Captain by the time the allies conquered Sicily. If you want to lead the squadron from any rank, select the Options --> Squadron Management option from the DCG menu and generate a mission as described above for Squadron Density. You could make both (or more) changes at once, if you wish.



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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2015, 03:47:11 AM »

@ Darth

It looks like you are running DGEN rather than DCG. If you have not installed DCG, you need to do that. If you have, you need to select Mode--> Off-line Career (Full Generation Mode) from the DCG main menu. DCG will back up your DGEN program, so that if you unselect Off-line Career it will restore DGEN.

It's correct, I got CUP and DCG installed but for whatever reason the dgen not switched with the dcg... Now it's working correctly.
Thank you very much for this superb work!!!!


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2015, 06:33:01 AM »

...I think this is true of all IL-@ campaigns. You need to choose the skin to use for your aircraft. The mission builders can choose the other planes. I should put in the readme what skin to select. The P-39 skin I am using is P-400_39thFS-35thFG_TheFlamingArrowIII_USMark and was done by Goodwood. Try selecting that before you click Fly on your next mission.

thank you for your answer;
may you please tell me the skins for other planes i could play in the campaign ?

one last question: with DCG is it possibile to start 2 the same campaign (maybe two WOI) at the same time, one using one plane and one another plane both of them on the same IL2 installation ? in other words, could i start one WOI with P47 and another one with P39 (or maybe me109), or i can have just one WOI running ?


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2015, 09:51:43 AM »

First, let me thank you both for your interest. I appreciate it.

I am at work at the moment but when I get home later I will put the recommended skins in the first post. I am think that is something I should start doing all the time.

You can run multiple copies of the same campaign.  I was doing it during testing to make sure that all nationalities worked properly.  I got confused sometimes but it worked fine.


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Re: War Over Italy - a DCG campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2015, 05:10:54 PM »

I have updated the first post to include a list of skins recommended for the players use. Using these skins ensures that you have the same paint scheme as the rest of your squadron. You can also change yours or other aircraft types in the DCG main menu's Squadron Editor. Remember that you will always need to generate a new mission for the changes to take effect.

Now go try to talk Mark Clark into cutting off the German retreat instead of taking Rome!
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