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Author Topic: Windows 10 headaches?  (Read 6253 times)

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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2015, 10:38:19 AM »

Quote from Susan Bradley, an independent Windows expert:
Based on my first-hand experience, I still recommend that you should wait to install Win10 on your primary or production PCs. Microsoft needs some time to gather the information from forums, blogs, and social media and make adjustments. Let tech writers and equally insane Windows users install Win10 first and report what they find.


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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2015, 11:11:23 AM »

I confirm W10 is not yet ready for IL2 fans! :(

Since W7 developped serious issues with my 8 years-old motherboard (no sounds, basic graphics), and that nothing I could do (reinstall all drivers CG and MB, full W7 reinstall) could solve the problem, I went for a new rig.

I was faced with a critical choice: W7 or W10?
Since that was a clean install and that I did not want a later crappy Windows update to set me back for a reinstall, I decided to go all the way and install W10.
Another factor in my decision was that Windows is my secondary OS; I am on dual-boot Windows/Ubuntu, I mainly use Ubuntu on a day-to-day basis, and I need Windows only for some game (essentially IL2) and the TomTom GPS update.
So if bugs there were on W10, that was not critical: it would only reduce my IL2 flying time for a while.

I finished buildind the new rig 3 days ago.
My first impressions: 3 annoyings features and ONE MAJOR BUG! >:( >:( 

The 3 annoyings features:
- for a dual-boot, you must deactivate the "hibernate mode" to have acces to exchange partitions when running on Ubuntu
(that disable Windows quick-boot mode)
- the mouse pointer has a life of its own sometimes (it behaves normally on Ubuntu)
- and I find Cortana (the search engine) a bit on the enquisitive side (it did not ask for a blood sample and a urine test, but I am sure Microsoft will enable that feature very soon)

THE MAJOR BUG: Joystick and game pads
- Windows detect them, but the games don't!!!
- I have an Saitex X52 + rudder pedals set: no way to get them working in a game.

To be sure it was W10:
- install of latest drivers: no joy
- search on Saitek KB: found advice about UAC on W8, so followed the procedure (disable UAC, install drivers as admin, and reboot).
nothing going, IL2 control panel does not react to joystick inputs, although all is fine on Saitek control panel
- tried with thrusmaster gamepad (detected by W10, report no problem with it): still no joy with IL2
- found at the bottom of a drawer my FS2002: installed it, and tested my X52 set on it.Guess what! Yep, nothing.

I browsed through Microsoft (french) support forum, and I found that the gamepad issue has already been raised, but no answer so far. :( 

So I will have to wait for Microsoft to fix the issue: hope that won't be too long. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, stick to your version of Windows, and enjoy IL2 8)   


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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2015, 08:17:51 AM »

Some W10 update later, a bit of news:

after several trials I managed (at last) to get my X52+rudder pedals set to work on W10; in a limited way, but that's a step forward.

Drivers:the ones for XP 64 bits (my W10 is the 64 bits version)
Drivers installed as admin

All joystick inputs are detected by the game
BUT the profiles defined via the SST profile editor are useles.
- gun command defined as "enter", via SST profile assign "enter " to a button: you may press this button, no gun will fire, although if you press "enter" on the keyboard, you will get your guns firing.
-and if you select "no profile" for X52, and assign "gun" to the same joystick button via IL2 setup panel, you will fire your gun when pressing the same button that was inoperative when using the profile mode.

I precise I am no novice with the profile editor, I have been using it for more than 5 years on XP and W7; the profiles that worked on previous versions are useless on W10.

So I have created a new pilot (Bill "W10" Gates), and in the process of defining for him a new set of commands, in order to get the most of the now limited joystick abilities.

I miss the full range that was available via the profiles, but I am glad to be able to fly Il2 again!
Still hoping all W10 bugs will get sorted out soon (I know, I'm a die-hard optimistic). 


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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2015, 11:02:30 AM »

Other people having issues with Saitek and Win 10


Cheers Dakpilot


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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2015, 11:28:07 AM »

Other people having issues with Saitek and Win 10


Cheers Dakpilot

Thanks for the link :)

I signed the petition: hope that will get things rolling .


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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2015, 07:14:23 AM »

Setting compatibility of the exe to win 7 got it working for me , my st290pro joystick seems to be working normally as well.



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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2015, 10:16:33 AM »

I 'accidentally' upgraded to Windows 10....
1.  My graphics settings for IL2 were suddenly inferior and despite playing with both GeForce and conf.ini settings I could not get back to what I had in Win 7
2.  Opening the conf.ini file in Notepad, I couldn't save it...."access denied"
3.  Windows "Edge", in a word, sucked.  Slow, and non-intuitive.
4.  My Saitek settings were changed somehow (my control settings in IL2 were switched from peripheral 3 to peripheral 4)
5.  My rudder pedals had to be reset and the 'brake' re-assigned

The one thing that MS did right?.......allowing me to revert back to Windows 7.  I did that and everything was back to the way it was.  I went further and disabled the Windows Update file so that I won't be 'surprised' or even notified about Windows 10 updates.

I should have followed the old chestnut "never get the first edition of anything" (at least where computers and electronics are concerned, LOL).

My advice to IL2 players, particularly if you've invested in a lot of mods and you've spent some time and energy to get IL2 just the way you want it.........do NOT upgrade.
If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.


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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2015, 05:30:09 AM »

I just told my wife I was going to buy computer parts which were actually all the parts to build a new PC:
Got win 8.1 OEM and upgraded straight to Win10.

IL-2 runs fine but needed reinstall. I could not get the drive that had all my IL-2 installs (on XP SP3) to be simply ported for use with Win10.

I also disabled the local user access control (via the registry) and got rid of all network/antivirus/update services : the machine is is not connected to any network. This is just fine, as a 15+ years Linux user, I don't need Windows to access the Net  :)

Now I have HSFX, SAS 5.30 and CUP of course all running fine plus my TM3 custom flavour (thanks Benitomuso) with my brand new GTX 950.

I have one niggle with Quick Object Tool v4.0 which I will have to sort out with Dependency Walker.

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Re: Windows 10 headaches?
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2015, 06:32:49 AM »

I remember my IBM PS-1. Everything ran off one 3.5" removable disc. DOS, ms works, prodigy, everything. Not much for graphics but lightning fast.
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