I confirm W10 is not yet ready for IL2 fans!

Since W7 developped serious issues with my 8 years-old motherboard (no sounds, basic graphics), and that nothing I could do (reinstall all drivers CG and MB, full W7 reinstall) could solve the problem, I went for a new rig.
I was faced with a critical choice: W7 or W10?
Since that was a clean install and that I did not want a later crappy Windows update to set me back for a reinstall, I decided to go all the way and install W10.
Another factor in my decision was that Windows is my secondary OS; I am on dual-boot Windows/Ubuntu, I mainly use Ubuntu on a day-to-day basis, and I need Windows only for some game (essentially IL2) and the TomTom GPS update.
So if bugs there were on W10, that was not critical: it would only reduce my IL2 flying time for a while.
I finished buildind the new rig 3 days ago.
My first impressions: 3 annoyings features and ONE MAJOR BUG!
The 3 annoyings features:
- for a dual-boot, you must deactivate the "hibernate mode" to have acces to exchange partitions when running on Ubuntu
(that disable Windows quick-boot mode)
- the mouse pointer has a life of its own sometimes (it behaves normally on Ubuntu)
- and I find Cortana (the search engine) a bit on the enquisitive side (it did not ask for a blood sample and a urine test, but I am sure Microsoft will enable that feature very soon)
THE MAJOR BUG: Joystick and game pads
- Windows detect them, but the games don't!!!
- I have an Saitex X52 + rudder pedals set: no way to get them working in a game.
To be sure it was W10:
- install of latest drivers: no joy
- search on Saitek KB: found advice about UAC on W8, so followed the procedure (disable UAC, install drivers as admin, and reboot).
nothing going, IL2 control panel does not react to joystick inputs, although all is fine on Saitek control panel
- tried with thrusmaster gamepad (detected by W10, report no problem with it): still no joy with IL2
- found at the bottom of a drawer my FS2002: installed it, and tested my X52 set on it.Guess what! Yep, nothing.
I browsed through Microsoft (french) support forum, and I found that the gamepad issue has already been raised, but no answer so far.
So I will have to wait for Microsoft to fix the issue: hope that won't be too long. I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, stick to your version of Windows, and enjoy IL2