Hello again, this is my second WIP of skins to fit the new version of the Avro Lancaster again using the excellent template by eMeL.
As with the Egyptian aircraft I have previously covered these for the earlier 3d so this WIP will bring things up to date.

These are a small selection of 1024x1024 intended to test schemes and code placement:
Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/?lrnmu9voich90oaAvro Lancaster in the standard Green/Brown night bomber scheme as used by the RAF:

This is a special scheme applied to the Lancaster and Lincoln, it is described as Earth and Brick:

This uses the Earth already in the template by eMeL with something I made up to represent the brick, I have not
seen any actual paint references to the usual BS, FS or RAL paints so presume this was manufactured in Argentina
especially for this scheme.
If anyone actually has information such as paint chips or actual reference numbers to the scheme could you please post them.
Here thanks to Bison_M we now have a version of the Lancaster to represent the Lincoln, here in the Grey and Black scheme:

I have information in two articles in 'Air Enthusiast Magazine' showing all three schemes above were actually used
on the Lincoln.
Not sure when these will be posted as I need to go through my references and find appropriately coded examples to use
with each scheme and the time to do them.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.