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« Reply #108 on: April 19, 2017, 04:35:39 AM »

The Voisin is flying in 1914, when aircraft were little more than observer platforms.  The point of the early campaigns is to put the later stuff into perspective.  Everybody does 1917 and 1918 but there is precious little about the early days and the illustration of rapid advancement.  I presented 7 campaigns for the 1914/1915 period and another 7 for 1916.  For 1917 and 1918 I have 38 done now and the action is certainly a bit faster and furiouser!

Considering the ground collisions there is no problem with the AI in general but the Taxi-To-Takeoff option does cause AI aircraft to 'form up' over the final takeoff point before they get going.  All that swooping around can work out badly in mountainous terrain.  The newest versions of the mountainous campaigns feature a straight takoff roll for AI in amongst steep valleys, although the player still gets to spawn off the runway and usually has to cope without the 'autopilot' (the new campaign Companions deal with 'proper' autopilot systems, or at least a realistic way of using them).

By 1916 we have the Airco and Neiuport over the Somme and things are hotting up...



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« Reply #109 on: April 19, 2017, 07:52:23 AM »

Hi SAS~Monty27,

just wanted to say thank you for both of the excellent pdf manuals.

I started flying the DOF part 1 campaign this week. But looking at the manual today. Realised i started in the wrong place (Time Will Tell 1916)  :-[

Also had a quick look at the SCW campaign, but the aircraft would not keep running. Starts ok, but cuts out every time.

Anyway that is another subject.

Many thanks for the excellent campaigns and for the superb back up manuals.  8)

Best regards,



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« Reply #110 on: April 19, 2017, 08:05:05 AM »

Monty, I'm playing your campaigns by date.  I enjoy the early slow and no teeth stuff too, don't get me wrong.  By playing in time order, I get to fly better and better craft as they become available, reveling in the improvements.  Just the joy of flying endears every craft.  And learning to succeed with the tools at hand is a thrill itself.  I love hating planes, if that makes sense!

I like early 14-15 stuff, where combat flying was in its infancy.  Thanks for providing campaigns that bring this period to us.


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« Reply #111 on: April 19, 2017, 12:26:19 PM »

FYI Monty, on the French The Early Years campaign with the Morane Saulnier H at the same airbase with mountains, none of the AI aircraft crashed into the hills while the AI flew this type of plane, and they attacked enemy aircraft.  Guess the pilot being able to shoot had something to with that (in comparison to the Voisin III). 

What a thrill to take the Marane Saulnier H with it's upward shooting gun and very limited single clip of ammo and actually shoot down a bomber!  With engine smoking and stopped, it nose dived into the river with me following it down with a huge grin.  I didn't have any ammo left, why bother the other three bombers!  Bomber didn't explode, never got an "aircraft destroyed", it was just standing on its nose on the shore of the river as I passed low, hoping the crew was okay.  Didn't care if I got credit, I did my duty.  Landed very happy.  Of course, the campaign credited me with the air victory and I was on my way to WWI ace status.  If I survived.

PS: Another mission in campaign encountering four bombers, first knocked out by AI ally performing a diving collision.  I came in and took the wing off second, turned, and shot down number three.  Difficult with the very small amount of ammo for MS H.  Of course, my engine was smoking and rudder was damaged, but got behind and below number four (last bomber) and pulled the trigger and EMPTY!  Didn't realize I was chasing the bomber with no ammo.  Limped home and got credit for two more kills.  I can't believe I hit anything with that up shooting gun with no aim point, but I'm starting to get deadly with it.

PSS: Maybe I shouldn't be so excited.  Next mission I shot down three more bombers with the MS H and rounds left for the fourth bomber, but he got away because my crate was smoking, shaking, and losing power.  Fortunately near the landing strip so I got down safely with mission complete, three more victories.  No big deal, but doing this with the small ammo load of the MS H, gun angled up, no aim point, surprises me.  I guess you learn by experience and with MS H, you don't fire until you know your going to get a hit.  When I get to shoot straight to the front of the plane, I'll probably miss now.  Whatever, I'm knocking them down, but the crew chief is really upset because I keep bringing back my kite all shot up. 

PSSS:  The next mission (stormy, nasty, low visibility) saw the bomber ace approach the next four bombers and I was immediately shot dead.  The now unharmed MS H traveled downwards as the bomber gunners cheered.  The bomber plague was over!  The nasty gnat dealt with.  Okay, 2nd attempt, turning a very sharp turn with full rudder and stick fully back to get behind bombers, I lose sight of bombers, turn hard again and lose control of the MS H as it stalls and goes into a spin.   After recovering from the spin I heard the bomber crews laughing in the distance.  Shot down two bombers and went home, wounded, embarrassed, and wet.

And next was final mission of the campaign, I shot down 3 more bombers (getting to be a habit) for a campaign total of 11 air victories, 1 KIA, two awards, and a promotion.  If I only could have flown and shot as well with the MS H from the beginning, but I think I got it figured out.  Loved pulling it out of an accidental spin, fun stuff.  Thanks for the trip Monty!


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« Reply #112 on: April 20, 2017, 01:03:48 PM »

Hey Monty,

I just wanted to start the FR campaign "1915-Skydancer" but when I press the start-button nothing happens. When I press it again, the game says I already started this career, so I went off the campaign-screen and re-entered it. Now the campaign is listed. But when I try to open it, my screen does weird stuff (the menu flickers crazy and I can't do anything...) The previous french campaigns and the other countries work fine so far. I'd like to add my log but it's too long to post (error when trying to click on "post"). Any chance of posting it somewhere?
I really have no idea what's going wrong... I hope you can help me! :D


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« Reply #113 on: April 20, 2017, 02:35:29 PM »

I tried FR 1915-Skydancer campaign and got the same result 'kingle92' got.  You mentioned fixes for Part 1, so you might already know about this one, but this campaign in BAT is crippled at the moment.

On Gallipoli, nothing wrong.  Just got to mission #5 and it says spot for artillery and use ground padlock to call in artillery.  Oh-oh.  I have all views disabled, including padlock.  I tried, useless.  I had to redo campaign from start so I could reset my difficulty settings to allow ground padlock.  Might be nice to mention that in the campaign intro with all the other difficulty settings.  If you want.  Me, I'll just leave it enabled from now on.

PS: Your mission briefs are spot on.  The Sopwith Schneider has such a weak front, one tiny slap and the engine is in flames (I've witnessed it too many times).  With gunner who can't hit anything either, another aircraft on my hate list (but in a good way), but that is a pilot's life, got to fly what they give you and learn how to handle the weaknesses as well as the strengths. 


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« Reply #114 on: April 20, 2017, 02:51:16 PM »

Just flew the missions in the Vosges mountains. Crashed attempting to land at base, on the last one.

Still lets the player go on to the next mission though.

So i have re-enable the setting that stops this happening.


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« Reply #115 on: April 21, 2017, 10:11:36 PM »

SKYDANCER! is fixed.  When I copy/pasted the campaign.inis with changes to the medal system, by Spongebob, Skydancer! got the wrong copy.  It was all your fault Spongebob!  ;D 

Never mind, easily fixed and looking good.  All in the new package.  These are some beautiful planes and the fighting is intense too.

Just flew the missions in the Vosges mountains. Crashed attempting to land at base, on the last one.

Still lets the player go on to the next mission though.

So i have re-enable the setting that stops this happening.

Why?  You might have pranged it but limped away in one piece.  I guess the mission success function is a matter of choice.  I don't set impossible goals for missions, just get back and land, so it probably does make sense to leave the 'No Instant Success' icon active.  Its just that in some cases it has been known to stall campaigns at a particular point and I don't think you can change it halfway through.  If you are not satisfied with a mission you can always 'Refly' it before accepting the result.



Those PREVIEW PDFs are for the New Sets - Dawn of Flight is 2 campaigns short of a completely new 52 campaign set + skins + Campaign Companion.PDF.  The niggles and bugs mentioned here, nobody's fault were are just pushing the envelope, have been fixed and the overall missions improved as well. 

It takes many hours to make these and we are very close to having this large WWI package completed.  I hope people don't think 'I jumped the gun' or spoke too early. - I do deliver in the end, and have a plateful managing B.A.T. as well.  We will have Flares, a few more C&C objects, more static objects too.

B.A.T. Expansion Pack Twelve will cover the necessary upgrades then the ENTIRE NEW WWI PACKAGE will be out hot on its heals.  It has been a hoot to make all these and polish them up and discover some of the AI problems and niggleshits and go back and solve everything. 

I appreciate the feedback so far.  We are all in this together and we never throw up our hands and say, "Oh well, that can't be done".  The whole story of B.A.T. and the campaigns that follow, is a bunch of people who didn't accept that anything can't be done.  I'm back into it today.  Run through the shopping, its raining so I can't do the garden, good, back into the war for the whole arvo...  ;D



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« Reply #116 on: April 22, 2017, 02:46:41 AM »

Hi Monty, it did say i was deaded when i crashed  :D

So am i correct in saying the missions i am flying, have nothing to do with the new pdf previews ?

Really enjoying them though, i very much appreciate all the effort that has gone into them.

Best regards,


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« Reply #117 on: April 22, 2017, 06:36:07 AM »

Good to hear, your campaigns are outstanding.  Now you make it even harder to wait for EP12!  Plenty to do till then thanks to the early release of Part 1.  Now its just wait for EP12, come on EP12.  Is it done yet?  Is it done yet?  Is it done yet?


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« Reply #118 on: April 22, 2017, 07:00:30 AM »

Hi Monty, it did say i was deaded when i crashed  :D

So am i correct in saying the missions i am flying, have nothing to do with the new pdf previews ?

Really enjoying them though, i very much appreciate all the effort that has gone into them.

Best regards,

Not nothing, they were the first draft really.  I had no idea of some of the issues that would arise since and some of the improvements we were able to factor in during the growth of Dawn of Flight and the subsequent creation of B.A.T.  There are enjoyable and a good introduction, its just that the final draft got even better!


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« Reply #119 on: April 22, 2017, 10:24:20 AM »

With you now sorry, Monty.

All very new to me and i only really started using 1946 recently, even though i bought it in Feb.

I appreciate you replying and the further explanation.

I look forward to the updated versions then.  8)

Best wishes,
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