Since I am a known addict in Naval action I could not resist to create these 3 Planes.
I combined only the work of some great modders to create these planes I love so much !
Ju-88C-6b air.JU_88C6b 2 g01 SUMMER
Historical Loadout for KG-40
- Original Ju-88C-6 by Maraz
- New Ju-88 3d in v4.10m patch by Jippo and Team Daidalos
- 3d model update using v4.10m parts by Birdman
- Classfiles adapted for new 3d by Crazyflak
- Cockpit repaint and fixes by bolox
- new FM by Sputnikshock
- Fix_Ju-88 Spinners by PA_Jeronimo
- 3d-Model of the complete Nose section by Barnsey
- New Loadout and a little 3d-tweaking by Docholiday ;-)
Ju-88R2Only some where produced to give the KG-40 a chance against Mosquitos and Beaufighters
Ju-88R-2 air.JU_88R2 2 g01 SUMMER
It`s only a version of barnesys great Ju-88R1 Nightfighter !
nose section reworked from ju88 C1 available at avia skins site author to be confirmed
thank you
some class & cockpit files from the JU88 G6 mod at sas have been used also so thanks for those to the guys at sas the sas mod can be found here
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23846.0.htmlnew 3D parts engines ,props,radar atenna,MGs hier edits skins general screwing around etc Barnesy
class files & FM From CWatson, based on Sputnikshock's G-6 classes
wheels from jero mod wheels pack
default skin by barnesy templates from azibiz
Slipper & Gumpy for information and idea thanks guys
original plane maddox games
- New Loadout and minor 3d-tweaking by Docholiday ;-)
Ju-88G1Only prototypes were built but the nightfighter version was more needed in these days ..

https://www.mediafire.com/download/646brcyge96835c/JU-88G1d.7zdifferent FM. Now it starts better
Ju-88G1-Zerstoerer air.Ju88G1d 2 g01 SUMMER
It`s only a versioon of barnesys great Ju-88R1 Nightfighter !
nose section reworked from ju88 P1 available at avia skins site author to be confirmed
thank you
some class & cockpit files from the JU88 G6 mod at sas have been used also so thanks for those to the guys at sas the sas mod can be found here
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23846.0.htmlnew 3D parts engines ,props,radar atenna,MGs hier edits skins general screwing around etc Barnesy
class files & FM From CWatson, based on Sputnikshock's G-6 classes
wheels from jero mod wheels pack
default skin by barnesy templates from azibiz
Slipper & Gumpy for information and idea thanks guys
original plane maddox games
- New Loadout and minor 3d-tweaking by Docholiday ;-)
Tested in 4.12 + SAS MODACT and DBW 1.71