Hi 4S_Vega
I operate:
! 00_WeaponsPack_V1.3_20160923 in 412.2 SAS.5.3 heavily modded.
I just made install of B-26B Marauder version2.2 for 412 :
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,17791.msg529533.html#msg529533 by SAS~Gerax; works on clean 412.
Main B-26B post points to that location ( at bottom see HERE ).Within this mod, is
included the patch:
Weapons classfiles patch (add in the "weapons complement" folder overwriting) https://www.mediafire.com/?c37znerjabydc65 of main post.
[ 260LbsBombFrag + M26Incendiary ]
This patch contains three classfiles:
03EDC4A4249322E4 7/13/2011 8:57am 1.69Kb ; this one
conflicts with
03EDC4A4249322E4 2/28/2011 3:50am 1.37Kb of WeaponsPack.
B86C976C19BD6ACC not found in pack. BombGunM26Inc .
C5BF4CD24886E65A not found in pack. BombM26Inc .
'M26Incendiary' file not found in arms pack.
Conflict is:
weapons dropdown shows only first 4 entries; 260LbsBombFrag don't work and stops the dropdown; no error reported. ( ...
03EDC4A4249322E4 2/28/2011 in use. )

Before: dropdown stops at *16x250lbs .
I have neutralized -arms file in B-26B mod ; restored, same results;
had to do this-->
-03EDC4A4249322E4 to classfile of Weapon's pack. Opposite: neutralize file or files in in B-26B mod, did not work.

After: dropdown reachs '100xParaF' then 'none' ( 412.2 SAS modact 5.3 ).
03EDC4A4249322E4 7/13/2011 of mod is therefore in use (along with the other two classfiles), and more classes as seen below:
everything now works normally...
February 2011 versus July 2011.
Does your class file needs such update? ( Plus the two ? ) Or will these B-26B classfile(s) ( newer ) cause some problems elsewhere... (?)
update: 78D212DA9AA53450 ( 260LbsBombFrag ) is
present in both mod and pack; B-26B's one is more recent and bypassed: no conflict detected...
CD1096DA6DB769E4 + F024CEE239989064 ( BombTorpMk13Late ) are found
only in Marauder, not present in "AerialTorpedoes mod".