C.U.P.- Module 02 - Dawn of Flight Pt-08Several more excellent WWI mods have completed 412 conversion testing and now join the DoF Flightline:

RAF RE-8 re-work September 2015. Mission_bug
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48412.0.htmlEarly British recon plane 1916

Bristol Fighter F2b. Mission_bug
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47119.0.htmlIconic 2-seat fighter from April 1917 onwards (F2A/B)

Curtiss Felixstowe_F2A WIP R.C Mission_bug
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47642.0.htmlBeautiful RNAS Seaplane in two variants

Phonix D.I Fighter in own slot. Mission_bug
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48503.0.htmlAustro-Hungarian fighter late 1917

Seimens Schuckhart D.I Planeshine Issue Fixed SAS~Monty27
The high planeshine that has dogged this pretty little model for some time has finally been fixed! I learned a lot more about the process when we fixed the planeshine on the Helldiver at Hangar-19. Now I was able to use the same principles to fix the Seimens Schuckhart D.I.

Cockpit Fill-In for SPAD VII SAS~Monty27
The SPAD XIV Seaplane uses this fill in. I imported it to the SPAD VII as a temporary measure. The four dials don't actually work, yet, but they do look much better than a blank panel.
New Planelist SAS~Monty27
The old Planelist, with attached dates, was quite misleading since actual service dates vary from introduction dates, often by months sometimes by years. This does away with dates and also expands the proper aircraft names.
Mortar and Infantry Mod (v 1.02) CY6
This excellent, but quite old mod, enhances Command and Control (also by CY6) 412 compatibility. It will be added to all CUP Modules as they are upgraded.
Additional Stationaries:
Curtiss Felixstowe F2A
Curtiss Felixstowe F2AF
Bristol Fighter F2b
Phonix D.I Fighter
Many thanks to Mission_bug for these conversions and VPMedia for the texture upgrades.
C.U.P.- Module 02 - Dawn of Flight Pt-08
https://www.mediafire.com/?0hbajf8gh1ea5a1Wanna see this stuff in action?