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Author Topic: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)  (Read 110883 times)

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #336 on: August 24, 2022, 08:29:27 AM »

I will wait the two weeks!  :))

Or as we call it in Arab countries, the 'Insha'Allah factor'...

 ;D 8)
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #337 on: August 24, 2022, 11:46:45 AM »

Bugs with HUD notifications
Fixed in Patch 1.
HUD Log is shifted to the lower right corner now too.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #338 on: August 24, 2022, 11:57:26 AM »

The Meteor's engine RPM goes between 6000 and 16500, but RPMs that high don't transmit over servers, so the Meteor's engines will always sound like they are below idle RPM over multiplayer.
Working on it.
This is a tad more tricky as netcode is involved.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #339 on: August 25, 2022, 01:29:13 AM »

The Meteor's engine RPM goes between 6000 and 16500, but RPMs that high don't transmit over servers, so the Meteor's engines will always sound like they are below idle RPM over multiplayer.
Fixed in Patch 1.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #340 on: August 26, 2022, 10:04:39 AM »

The Typhoon Mk.IB's prop doesn't get damaged properly when hitting it into the ground:
Fixed in Patch 1.

You can fly with a broken prop by using RRR to repair your engine after you smashed your prop, then smashing your prop again, which won't damage your engine:
Actually this is something Zuti fixed long time ago.
It's a bit of a mystery to me how this could have happened to you, as in code we can see that actually repairing the prop happens before the engine itself gets restored:
Code: [Select]
            // Repair also the prop, in case it was damaged
            ac.hierMesh().chunkVisible(Aircraft.Props[this.engineId][0], true);
            ac.hierMesh().chunkVisible(Aircraft.Props[this.engineId][1], false);
            ac.hierMesh().chunkVisible(Aircraft.Props[this.engineId][2], false);

            // Reset oldProp array to all zeros
            for (int i = 0; i < ac.oldProp.length; i++)
                ac.oldProp[i] = 0;

            // System.out.println("ZutiTimer_RepairEngine prop control: " + motor.isHasControlProp());

            if (this.motorBkp != null) ZutiSupportMethods_FM.restoreMotor(motor, this.motorBkp);

This means you should - in theory - never be able to get a proper engine back without a proper prop.
In summary, in order to understand how you got there, we'd need the corresponding logfile.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #341 on: August 26, 2022, 12:01:00 PM »

Please don't fix it, it's been such a great bug from Day 1 of SAS UP3 server that it's almost a golden memory.  ::(
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #342 on: August 26, 2022, 12:09:17 PM »

Is there a reliable way to reproduce the issue?
So far I've tried to damage the prop in a low pass, land, RRR, and then... The prop got repaired.
Every single time.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #343 on: August 26, 2022, 12:20:12 PM »

Is there a reliable way to reproduce the issue?
So far I've tried to damage the prop in a low pass, land, RRR, and then... The prop got repaired.
Every single time.

I'll hop back into IL-2 and give this a test and give you logs, last I checked with 3.4 Cassie it even worked, will let you know if it's repeatable, at least it used to be on Online play...
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #344 on: August 27, 2022, 02:13:05 AM »

No need to anymore. Found the reason. There was an edge case where you could damage your prop, which would stop the engine, then repair it all, and then manage to damage the prop without getting the engine stopped again (most notably when the prop was standing still while being damaged, but that's just for reproduction sake of things).
The reason behind was an "Operate" flag issue in the AircraftState class, which has been sorted now.

You can fly with a broken prop by using RRR to repair your engine after you smashed your prop, then smashing your prop again, which won't damage your engine

...will be fixed in Patch 1.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #345 on: August 28, 2022, 05:43:49 AM »

preliminary readme for Patch 1:
Code: [Select]
New Airplanes:

Ar-234B-1                Arado Ar 234 B-1 Recon, 1944
Ar-234B-3                Arado Ar 234 B-3 (AWACS), 1946
Ar-234C-2                Arado Ar 234 C-2, 1946
Bf-110H-4                Messerschmitt Bf 110 H-4, 1944
Do-335A-6                Dornier Do 335 A-6, 1945
F9F6_Cougar              Grumman F9F-6 Cougar, 1952
F9F8_Cougar              Grumman F9F-8 Cougar, 1954
F9F8T_Cougar             Grumman F9F-8T Cougar, 1956
Fw-190A-4FR              Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4 1.42 Ata, 1942
Fw-190A-5142ATA          Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-5 1.42 Ata, 1943
Fw-190A-5158ATA          Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-5 1.58 Ata, 1943
Fw-190A-6orig            Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-6*, 1943
Fw-190A-6R8              Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-6/R8, 1943
Fw-190A-8165ATA          Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8 1.65 Ata, 1944
Fw-190A-8R11             Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8/R11, 1944
Fw-190A-9165ATA          Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-9 1.65 Ata, 1944
Fw-190D-9early           Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-9 Early, 1944
Fw-190D-9orig            Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-9 1.7 Ata, 1944
Fw-190D-9L_orig          Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-9 1.8 Ata, 1945
Fw-190D-9R5              Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-9/R5, 1945
Fw-190D-14Proto          Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-14 Prototype, 1945
Fw-190D-14               Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-14, 1945
Fw-190F-8U1              Focke-Wulf Fw 190 F-8/U1, 1944
Fw-190F-8_Late           Focke-Wulf Fw 190 F-8, 1945
Fw-190F-9/PB             Focke-Wulf Fw 190 F-9/Pb Anti Tank, 1945
Fw-190A-4T               Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-4 Sea Wulf, 1942
Fw-190F-9T               Focke-Wulf Fw 190 F-9 Sea Wulf, 1944
Fw-190D-13T              Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-13 Sea Wulf, 1945
Ta-152B                  Focke-Wulf Ta 152 B, 1944
Ta-152C0                 Focke-Wulf Ta 152 C-0, 1943
Ta-152H-0                Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-0, 1944
Ta-152H-4                Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-4, 1945
Ta-152H-5                Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-5, 1945
Ta-152H-6                Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-6, 1946
Ta-152H-Jumo222          Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H/Jumo 222, 1946
Go-229A3NJ               Gotha Go 229 A-3 Night Fighter, 1946
Li-P13a                  Lippisch Projekt P.13a, 1945
Me-262C-1a               Messerschmitt Me 262 C-1a HS-I, 1945
Me-262C-3a               Messerschmitt Me 262 C-3a HS-IV, 1945
Me-262SB-1a              Messerschmitt Me 262 SB-1a, 1946
Me-262HG-IV              Messerschmitt Me 262 HG-IV, 1946
Me-262HG-V               Messerschmitt Me 262 HG-V, 1946
Me-262HG-Vb              Messerschmitt Me 262 HG-Vb, 1946
Me-262-TPF               Messerschmitt Me 262 TPF, 1946
Me-P1101                 Messerschmitt Me P.1101, 1945

New Features & Bugfixes by SAS~Loku:

He-162 C/D Nose Gear Fix
List of changes:
ANF-113  cog
B239  fix for gear meshes
CAC_Boomerang cog, adjusted fm: speed to low on the deck and on alt, decrased SpinCxLoss a bit, so it wont spin like crazy
D3A cog
Electras cog, Electra14s new slot for Japan, they produced them under license, usefull for missions
G10N1 cog, visibilty sphere
Hudsons cog
Ki-15 cog
Ki-43 cog, fm adjust:SpinCxLoss decreased a bit, java: parent class fix for fuel tanks, code borrowed from A6M, pilot bail out when on fire now
Ki-51 cog
LN-411 cog, fm adjust
MB-174 cog, visibilty sphere
N1K  new reticle, old is blurry and dark
NC-223 cog, visibilty sphere
Pe-8 cog, fm adjust
Potez-63X cog
RWD-14 new cockpits and default skins
VulteeV-1 cog
Yer-2 cog, visibilty sphere
VulteeVengeance 3D update for external model, cog, smoothed meshes, adjusted ailerons, airbrakes, fixed bay doors, redone landing gear, redone internal damage model, edited java, hitboxes made from scratch, they match the shape of the plane, few shadow meshes fixed, adjusted clips and hooks, adjusted fm: speed to low on deck and alt, edited cod file:MGunBrowning303t replaced with MGunBrowning303k for shells dump effect
A1N cog, FM:speed*
A2N  cog, FM:speed*
A4N1  cog, FM:speed*, smoothed meshes, adjust clips/hooks, new skin
B4Y1 cog, FM:speed*, adjusted clips/hooks
B7A1 cog, java fix for gear
D1A cog, FM:speed*
E7K cog
G3M2 visibilty/collision sphere, new default skins
Me-323, Gear clips adjusted so plane no longer float over the ground, FM: gear height adjust for static, add new cockpit (removed cargo bay, only pilot/coopilot wiev) based on Ranwers Me323 pit mod
TBF/M cog, pits positions
*All those Japanese planes were to fast at sea level and could reach almost 400 km/h at the deck wich is a waaayyyy too much compare to real data ~200/240/280 km/h, i have adjusted CxMin and engine power to match +/- 10km/h real data for sea level 0m and alt 3000m speed, some of them had wrong values for surfaces areas
Most of floatplanes FMs height/pitch values been adjusted so they no longer float over water surface, some of them very badly (antigravity :) ) pics attached for comparsion
N1K1 Kyofu (Rex), new 3D (engine, fuselage, tail, wings (inner parts), floats, no overlays: markngs on the skin only
Java:add code for Cowlflaps
FM:adjusted speed (current FM from stock N1K1-J make it fly to fast, no drag from floats)

New Features & Bugfixes by SAS~Storebror:
WYSIWYG Arming Editor
F8F-2 bearcat loadout drop tank fixed
P-47D-22 loadouts fixed (and a couple of others with it)
Bugs with HUD notifications, HUD log moved to lower right corner
High Engine RPM net replication (Meteors for instance) fixed
Typhoon Mk.IB's prop fixed
broken prop RRR issue fixed - you can no longer fly with a broken prop after RRR and engine gets damaged accordingly now

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #346 on: August 28, 2022, 12:08:07 PM »

Thanks mike. I cant wait to forward on this. Probably September I guess.

Best Regards KT503.

PS. There is a Lots of issues needs to finalise .
My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #347 on: August 28, 2022, 01:10:09 PM »

Don't forget the DB601 engine presets!
On average, the average average averages, averagely, the average average of all averages.
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