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Author Topic: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)  (Read 110427 times)

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #972 on: November 22, 2023, 03:06:11 PM »

Sometimes, touching your arrestor hook to the ground or a carrier deck will cause your plane to freeze. This seems to be caused by a missing or incorrect 3do/effects/fireworks/04_sparks.eff.

Fix: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z4bkxrycoivr10b/UPFIX_04_Sparks.zip/file
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #973 on: December 20, 2023, 06:48:44 AM »

With screenshot props enabled, the Ju-88C-6's props are moved forward

Right, so this doesn't happen with FL2070's props mod.

Mmmm myes pet froge (She/Her)


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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #974 on: December 20, 2023, 04:25:50 PM »

This is the Farman NC 223.4

When I am on the pilot's seat in the cockpit , all is good when I look forward and to the left side .
But when I look to the right side, some anomalies appears . Kind of random shapes , the shapes are various depending where  I am looking.



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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #975 on: January 14, 2024, 07:20:56 AM »

Hi hier mal einige fehler die ich gefunden habe.
Gruß ede99

Douglas A-1H Skyraider, 1962                                                      VISIER  auf  Flugzeugträger
Aichi D1A1+2 Susie, 1935                                                                                   KOPFSTAND 
1x Mk 13 Torpedo (late)                                                    mit div. Flugzeugen nicht zu Fliegen
Yokosuka D4Y3S Judy, 1945                                                         VISIER schräge Musik fehlt
Yokosuka D4Y2S Judy, 1944                                                         VISIER schräge Musik fehlt
Kurogane Type-95, 1936                                                                                      schwarzes Bild
Messerschmitt Bf 109 W-2, 1943                           Nach einschalten MW50 Motor geht kaputt
Cant Z.506B, 1939                                                                                           Mg Schütze Seite
Cant Z.506B, 1939                     keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen und keine Fracht abwerfen
Dornier Do-18, 1936                                                              keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
Vickers Vildebeest (Hispano), 1932                                      keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
Mitsubishi Ki-67-I Peggy, 1944                             Igo-1-A guided Bomb Steuerung geht nicht
Piaggio P.108B, 1942                                                             keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
Seversky A8V-1 Dick, 1940                                                   keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-13 Sea Wulf, 1945      MG 151/20 geht nicht + LTF5b heavy Torpedo
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Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V-18 Prototype                                 kein  VISIER



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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #976 on: January 14, 2024, 11:12:59 AM »

A few bugs found from today's Sunday session:
- Ca.133 ailerons are going backwards.
- Ca.133 ailerons are going backwards.
- Ca.133 ailerons are going backwards.
- Ca.133 ailerons are going backwards.
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #977 on: January 16, 2024, 01:54:33 PM »

Cockpit bug.

I experienced it years ago somewhere online. I don't remember the solution (if there is any).
Couldn't find anything using the "search" function.

It happens when I test my mission in UP 3.4 multiplayer - and only after some time has passed, 20-30 min or so.
Not every cockpit is affected. Observed in following a/c: Il-2, Pe-39, Me 262, FW 189, Il-4, B-25, La-5FN, A-20G, Yak-1B.
Not affected in the same mission: FW 190, Me 109, U-2.

I appreciate any advice.

It can be an annoying change of shade as in Me 262 out of gunsight view...

Or so ugly as in Il-2, making the flight impossible...

And in a gunner cockpit as well...

I wonder if the video card settings are guilty.
Mine is GTX 1060 3GB and Il-2 settings are:
Anisotropic filtering  16x
Antialiasing - Mode  Override any application setting
Antialiasing - Setting  8x
Antialiasing - Transparency  2x (supersample)
Power management  Max performance
Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias  Clamp
Texture filtering  - Quality  Quality
Texture filtering  - Trilinear optimisation  On
Threaded optimisation  Auto
Vertical sync  Fast
Other settings are "global".

(Can't make it in the postbin.com due to the size).


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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #978 on: January 18, 2024, 02:23:51 PM »

Regarding my previous post.

I played the same mission again and didn't encounter that cockpit bug at any time, even at the mission's end when it appeared early. No changes to the game were made.

I strongly suspect that my hardware causes the bug and it is not related to Ultrapack.

Moderators, please feel free to move my previous post to another topic.


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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #979 on: January 18, 2024, 02:32:38 PM »

The double-cockpit is a known issue, but the cause has completely evaded detection so far. It seems to appear after playing the game for some time, and restarting the game always fixes it (until it re-appears).

One of these days, hopefully, a lucky fellow will notice some commonality between occurrences of this nasty little glitch, and it'll be solved, but until then, the game must be restarted whenever it appears.
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #980 on: January 22, 2024, 09:43:35 AM »

I found a Bug on Ar-234B-1 Recon Cockpit. No Logs Were Found but Photos Taken

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My Greatest and Best Regards KT503


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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #981 on: January 28, 2024, 06:48:57 PM »

The flight model of the P-26 has flaps, despite the P-26 not having flaps.
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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #982 on: January 30, 2024, 08:47:48 AM »

Turns out I used the old version of the Ta-183 cockpit code... oops. Here's that same fix, except now using the AnglesFork class as it should
Added to HF 24, tested OK, thanks a lot!

Here's a fix for both mentioned issues, using the latest updated Me 262 cockpit code with the AnglesFork class used for the compass: DOWNLOAD
Added to HF 24, tested OK, thanks a lot!

The Bf 110 F-2 has misaligned Wfr. Gr. 21s:
Fix: https://www.mediafire.com/file/r4w91e2v6l1twtx/Bf+110F+WfrGr21+Fix.zip/file
Added to HF 24, tested OK, thanks a lot!

Ki-32 and Fw-189 fixes are in HF 24 as well, as noted earlier.

Right, so this doesn't happen with FL2070's props mod.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

Farman NC 223.4
When I am on the pilot's seat in the cockpit , all is good when I look forward and to the left side .
But when I look to the right side, some anomalies appears . Kind of random shapes , the shapes are various depending where  I am looking.
Fixed (partly).
The Farman 223s use a stand-in cockpit where the cockpit 3D doesn't really match the corresponding fuselage section, hence there will always be shortcomings.
With HF24, the "anomalies" as reported should be gone, but you will in turn get invisible parts (e.g. engine struts towards fuselage, left wing root, aft fuselage top cover on the 223.3) when you turn your head far enough.

Cockpit bug.

I experienced it years ago somewhere online. I don't remember the solution (if there is any).
Couldn't find anything using the "search" function.

It happens when I test my mission in UP 3.4 multiplayer - and only after some time has passed, 20-30 min or so.
Not every cockpit is affected. Observed in following a/c: Il-2, Pe-39, Me 262, FW 189, Il-4, B-25, La-5FN, A-20G, Yak-1B.
Not affected in the same mission: FW 190, Me 109, U-2.

I appreciate any advice.
As FL mentioned, this is a long standing issue.
I have witnessed it myself two times lately and based on my own experience, tried to investigate the Java Code parts further.
HF 24 will contain some mitigation code for this issue.
Whether it really tackles the cause for it will have to be seen in future, as - like you have found out yourself already - the issue itself cannot be reproduced easily.

I found a Bug on Ar-234B-1 Recon Cockpit. No Logs Were Found but Photos Taken
Can't reproduce the issue.
Either you forgot to tell me some relevant things to do in order to get to the same situation which you have depicted here, or you might be using conflicting mods.
Anyone else being able to see what KT showed? If so: How to reproduce this?

Ca.133 ailerons are going backwards.
Fixed in HF24

Douglas A-1H Skyraider, 1962                                                      VISIER  auf  Flugzeugträger
Fixed in HF 24. This is a general Convergence setting issue on planes with wing mounted guns where the guns reside in the folding area of foldable wings. Funny bug.

1x Mk 13 Torpedo (late)                                                    mit div. Flugzeugen nicht zu Fliegen
Which "div." airplanes? A list of affected planes would really be appreciated.

Mitsubishi Ki-67-I Peggy, 1944                             Igo-1-A guided Bomb Steuerung geht nicht
Can't reproduce. Anyone else?

Focke-Wulf Fw 190 V-18 Prototype                                 kein  VISIER 
Not a bug but a feature.

Cant Z.506B, 1939                                                                                           Mg Schütze Seite
Cant Z.506B, 1939                     keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen und keine Fracht abwerfen
Dornier Do-18, 1936                                                              keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
Vickers Vildebeest (Hispano), 1932                                      keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
Piaggio P.108B, 1942                                                             keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
Seversky A8V-1 Dick, 1940                                                   keine Mg Schützen zum bedienen
That's life. Ask the modders who created these planes. Once they implement the missing parts, we may import them into UP3.

Aichi D1A1+2 Susie, 1935                                                                                   KOPFSTAND
Yokosuka D4Y3S Judy, 1945                                                         VISIER schräge Musik fehlt
Yokosuka D4Y2S Judy, 1944                                                         VISIER schräge Musik fehlt
Kurogane Type-95, 1936                                                                                      schwarzes Bild
Messerschmitt Bf 109 W-2, 1943                           Nach einschalten MW50 Motor geht kaputt
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-13 Sea Wulf, 1945      MG 151/20 geht nicht + LTF5b heavy Torpedo
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Matter of later checks.

The flight model of the P-26 has flaps, despite the P-26 not having flaps.
And with it, erroneous wing area for the D.510 series have been fixed (the modder who created this FM apparently didn't understand how the wing area is specified in IL-2's flight model).

Other than that, Hotfix 24 will feature significantly toned down "homing" X-4/X-7 series missiles

Currently I'm working on fixing Vasya's crappy J7W series flight models (holy cow, what a mess and what a brainfart... the J7W3 goes supersonic on deck, climbs 60m/s and has a turn time of 16 seconds at Mach 1).
Then the B-36 flap lift needs some tone down, will touch that later as well.

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Re: Ultrapack bug report thread (all versions)
« Reply #983 on: January 30, 2024, 09:20:22 AM »

Wow !
Thanks !
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