Mit der Bf 109W-2 übe ich noch, vieleicht klappt es ja bei mir noch.
Update: Blöden Flightmodel-Fehler entdeckt. Mit Hotfix 24 wird das erledigt sein.
Blumax Map anbei
Ah, wieder etwas gelernt!

Ich habe den Kurogane jetzt auf der Blumax Map auf der Basis spawnen lassen.
Kein Fehler bei feststellbar.
Haste mal 'ne Testmission o.ä., die bei Dir den Fehler triggert?
Irgendwelche anderen Einstellungen?
The F-72A Superbolt’s propeller rotation is reversed.
Thanks James, much appreciated. Will be fixed in HF 24.
I love reading of those tiny immersion killers. They're usually dead easy to fix.
No need to be precaucious when reporting errors.
Rest assured I'm not mad at anyone reporting issues, even if my "robust" responses might come across like it sometimes.
I'm just trying to give honest response, with no gongs and tinsel.
Incomplete reports get tagged as such.
Invalid ones anyway.
If I sense potential mod conflicts, I let you know.
If I can't reproduce an issue, I let you know.
If it's an underlying mod thing, out of UP's scope, I let you know.
Any valid report leading to a reproducible issue gets dealt with accordingly.
Besides that, any bug report is always welcome.
Ultrapack, quite like Stock IL-2, still has hundreds, if not thousands of glitches, bugs, issues, shortcomings.
It's important to name them once you stumble across one.
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