Now I've re-installed UP2.01, this time from a new download from Mission4Today.
I've also tested to load the Campaign mission with and without the patch for 352nd and Cannon's Channel Maps for UP2.01 only (ChannelMapsUpdateV2.exe).
And I have tested with and without some files Greybeard was kind to send me (02_WestFront39-45_maps&352CrossChannel.7z).
Still the same problem.
I've also tested to Load Channel maps in FMB with and without the files mentioned earlier:
Channel 1940 beta (Can) which loads Ok.
Channel 1940-41 (Can) which gives the Landscape loading error (The end of the log.lst file posted below).
Channel Winter 1940-41 (Can) which gives the Landscape loading error.
[21:35:57] WARNING: Texture 'MAPS/CAN_EnglishChannel/map_R.tga' - has non power of 2 dimensions (864 x 836)
[21:35:57] INTERNAL ERROR: LoadTextureFromTga('MAPS/CAN_EnglishChannel/map_R.tga')
[21:35:57] WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARNING: Error: 'WARN'
[21:35:57] WARNING: TLandscape::LoadMap('CAN_EnglishChannel/1940load.ini') - errors in loading
[21:35:57] World.land().LoadMap() error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Landscape 'CAN_EnglishChannel/1940load.ini' loading error
[13.10.2015 21:36:04] -------------- END log session -------------
Any ideas what might be wrong and how to correct it?
Thanks for any help!