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Author Topic: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack - Version 1.1 20170801  (Read 27979 times)

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F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack - Version 1.1 20170801
« on: October 16, 2015, 08:21:27 AM »

Unified pack for F-80 Shooting stars and related developments - Version 1.1

Version 1.1 features
-Loadouts now are based on dreamk weapons pack
-new FM & some java code fix
-fixed TypeNoOpenCanopy bug
-fixed printCompassHeading bug


The Shooting Star began to enter service in late 1944 with 12 pre-production YP-80As, one of which was destroyed in the accident in which Burcham was killed. A 13th YP-80A was modified to the sole F-14 photo reconnaissance model and lost in a December crash.

Four were sent to Europe for operational testing (demonstration, familiarization and possible interception roles), two to England and two to the 1st Fighter Group at Lesina Airfield, Italy, but when test pilot Major Frederic Borsodi was killed in a crash caused by an engine fire on 28 January 1945,[7] demonstrating YP-80A 44-83026 at RAF Burtonwood, the YP-80A was temporarily grounded.[8]

Between January and March 1945 however, two American pre-production Lockheed YP-80A Shooting Star fighter jets did see limited service in Italy with the USAAF, possibly tasked with intercepting German Arado Ar 234 reconnaissance jet aircraft.[9] Because of delays in delivery of production aircraft, the Shooting Star saw no actual combat during the conflict.[10]

The initial production order was for 344 P-80As after USAAF acceptance in February 1945. A total of 83 P-80s had been delivered by the end of July 1945 and 45 assigned to the 412th Fighter Group (later redesignated the 1st Fighter Group) at Muroc Army Air Field. After the war, production continued, although wartime plans for 5,000 were quickly reduced to 2,000 at a little under $100,000 a copy. A total of 1,714 single-seat F-80A, F-80B, F-80C and RF-80s were manufactured by the end of production in 1950, of which 927 were F-80Cs (including 129 operational F-80As upgraded to F-80C-11-LO standards). However, the two-seat TF-80C, first flown on 22 March 1948, became the basis for the T-33 trainer, of which 6,557 were produced.

On 27 January 1946, Colonel William H. Councill flew a P-80 nonstop across the U.S. to make the first transcontinental jet flight.[11] He completed the 2,457 miles (3,954 km) run between Long Beach and New York in 4 hours, 13 minutes 26 seconds at an average speed of 584 mph (940 km/h) to set a Fédération Aéronautique Internationale record. The P-80B prototype, modified as a racer and designated P-80R,[12] was piloted by Colonel Albert Boyd to a world air speed record of 623.73 mph (1,004.2 km/h) on 19 June 1947.[13]

The P-80C began production in 1948; on 11 June, now part of the USAF, the P-80C was officially redesignated the F-80C.

 The USAF Strategic Air Command had F-80 Shooting Stars in service from 1946 through 1948 with the 1st and 56th Fighter Groups. The first P-80s to serve in Europe joined the 55th Fighter Group (later redesignated the 31st FG) at Giebelstadt, Germany, in 1946, remaining 18 months. When the Soviet Union blockaded Berlin, a squadron of the 56th FG led by Colonel David C. Schilling made the first west-to-east Atlantic crossing by single-engined jets in July, flying to Germany for 45 days in Operation Fox Able I.[citation needed][N 1] Replaced by the newly F-80-equipped 36th Fighter Group at Fürstenfeldbruck, the 56th FG conducted Fox Able II in May 1949. That same year F-80s first equipped the 51st Fighter Group, based in Japan.[citation needed]
The 4th (Langley Air Force Base, Virginia), 81st (Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico), and 57th (Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska) Fighter Groups all acquired F-80s in 1948, as did interceptor squadrons of the Air Defense Command.[citation needed] The first Air National Guard unit to fly the F-80C was the 196th FS of the California ANG in June 1947.[14]

The two-place T-33 proved suitable as an advanced trainer, and it has been used for such tasks as drone director and target towing. The U.S. Air Force began phasing the T-33 out of front line pilot training duties in the Air Training Command in the early 1960s as the Cessna T-37 Tweet and Northrop T-38 Talon aircraft began replacing it under the Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) program. The T-33 was used to train cadets from the Air Force Academy at Peterson Field (now Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs). The T-37 replaced the T-33 for Academy training in 1975. Similar replacement also occurred in the U.S. Navy with the TV-1 (also renamed T-33 in 1962) as more advanced aircraft such as the North American T-2 Buckeye and Douglas TA-4 Skyhawk II came on line. USAF and USN versions of the T-33 soldiered on into the 1970s and 1980s with USAF and USN as utility aircraft and proficiency trainers, with some of the former USN aircraft being expended as full scale aerial targets for air-to-air missile tests from naval aircraft and surface-to-air missile tests from naval vessels. Several T-33s were assigned to USAF McDonnell F-101 Voodoo, Convair F-102 Delta Dagger and Convair F-106 Delta Dart units, to include similarly equipped Air National Guard units, of the Aerospace Defense Command as proficiency trainers and practice "bogey" aircraft. Others later went to Tactical Air Command and TAC-gained Air National Guard F-106 and McDonnell-Douglas F-4 Phantom II units in a similar role until they were finally retired, with the last being an NT-33 variant retired in April 1997.

Some T-33s retained two machine guns for gunnery training, and in some countries, the T-33 was even employed as a combat aircraft: the Cuban Air Force used them during the Bay of Pigs Invasion, scoring several kills. The RT-33A version, reconnaissance aircraft produced primarily for use by foreign countries, had a camera installed in the nose and additional equipment in the rear cockpit. T-33s continued to fly as currency trainers, drone towing, combat and tactical simulation training, "hack" aircraft, electronic countermeasures and warfare training and test platforms right into the 1980s.
The T-33 has served with over 30 nations, and continues to operate as a trainer in smaller air forces. Canadair built 656 T-33s on licence for service in the RCAF—Canadian Forces as the CT-133 Silver Star while Kawasaki manufactured 210 in Japan. Other operators included Brazil, Turkey and Thailand which used the T-33 extensively.
In the 1980s, an attempt was made to modify and modernize the T-33 as the Boeing Skyfox, but a lack of orders led to the cancellation of the project. About 70% of the T-33's airframe was retained in the Skyfox, but it was powered by two Garrett AiResearch TFE731-3A turbofan engines.
In the late 1990s, 18 T-33 Mk-III and T-33 SF-SC from the Bolivian Air Force went to Canada to be modernized at Kelowna Flightcraft. New avionics were installed, and detailed inspection and renewal of the fuselage and wings were performed. Most of the aircraft returned in early 2001 and remain operational.

The Lockheed F-94 Starfire was a first-generation jet aircraft of the United States Air Force.

 It was developed from the twin-seat Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star in the late 1940s as an all-weather, day/night interceptor. The aircraft reached operational service in May 1950 with Air Defense Command, replacing the propeller-driven North American F-82 Twin Mustang in the all-weather interceptor role.
The F-94 was the first operational USAF fighter equipped with an afterburner and was the first jet-powered all-weather fighter to enter combat during the Korean War in January 1953. It had a relatively brief operational life, being replaced in the mid-1950s by the Northrop F-89 Scorpion and North American F-86D Sabre interceptor aircraft. The last aircraft left active-duty service in 1958; Air National Guard service in 1959.


1) The FM was modelled using FM Debug Tools provided by benitomuso (PAL). This new tool allowed me a more accurate and fast modeling of stall and turns characteristics;

2) New advanced lift code, it simulate lift degradation when speed increase near transonic speeds and in supersonic flight (only when dive);

3) New advanced Engine code, it simulate thrust modifications when change altitudes;

4) Upgraded FM;

5) Fixed fuel consumption parameters, range now is realistic;

6) New loadouts for F-94 and T-33;

7) also the fantasy variant have modified FM;

8 ) The F-94 Starfire have the text radar info; 



F-80A        air.F_80A 1                           NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER
F-80C        air.F_80C 1                           NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER
T-33            air.T_33 1                                   usa01 SUMMER       
RF-80A            air.RF_80A 1                          NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER
F-94B                air.F94B 1                         NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER
F-80N                air.F_80N 1                         NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER


F-80A                F-80A Shooting Star, 1945
RF-80A                RF-80A Shooting Star, 1947
F-80C                F-80C Shooting Star, 1948
T-33                T-33A Shooting Star, 1949
F-94B                F-94B Starfire, 1950
F-80N                F80N Sea Star, 1946

Original credits for F-80A/C/N/RF-80A
-1c Maddox & Oleg for the game and building blocks of mods
For RF80A, F80A & C, taken also as base of F-80N: Flatiken (wings, Loadout & Java) & Charlie Chap ( wing LOD, Cockpit & reliable engine).
-Karaya for teaching me the trick to compile those annoying K14 equiped cockpits.
-Ranwers for his "patented" wingfold method which I used this time (Sani & F22-raptor for explaining it to me!)
-Flakiten for the F-84 pack and his RATO meshes and classfile 5E11C664D312D3BE which I included to avoid requirement of F-84 mod, and Team Daidalos for a nice & simple code trick I used to associate RATO to individual loadouts, both in F80N and F80C.
-NonWonderDog for the corrected reticle mask which prevents reticle from showing in taxi view.
-Birdman for LOD fixes and a few hooks adjustments
-Whoever coded the F-86 classfiles for the ejection code that removes ejection-bail out while the plane is on the ground (nice!!)
-Sani & Josse from whose work I learned the trick to open canopy when plane is spawning on the ground.
-I don't know who did the API and MIX classfiles for Browning 50, but thanks a lot to them!
-Anto for the differential brake taxiing code, front wheel now is independent from rudder and only moves by inertia, ie you turn by making differential brake to left or right and then the wheel will simply follow the movement as in a shopping cart (you need Anto's hotkeys mod included in DBW)
-Crazyflack for tweaking the F-80N hier.him and implementing  the wing-fold & other goodies like opening canopy etc... Also for adding Gun_dump hooks to CF_D0 mesh (not perfectly oriented, but I'll improve that later)  for Hispano cannons, and ejection seat hook. Added & oriented both the mirror and the landing light.
-Red_Fox90 who kindly donated new Keel meshes and new pilot body & mask along with hier.him lines (I didn't use your helmet which is a bit too modern , I prefered the early helmet from F-84 which fits better the time period) . He also was kind enough to create the Fletcher tanks and Misawa Tanks used here (and saved me lots of work by providing hier.him lines). Fletcher tanks are the most used in export countries and Misawa tanks were widely used in Korea, quickly replacing the standard "water drop" 165gal tanks.
-whoever did the ejection seat mesh, I think it was Freddy
-Anto for doing serious debugging with the classes that weren't working as intended, he also fitted the external & internal view with ejection seat mesh, and did the initial conversion to cod format. A very BIG bunch of credit to him, without whom the pack would not work! He is the one that could achieve the merging of the pack.
-for the general "know-how" knowledge, SAS and UP!
-2 default skin options in F-80N are from wgvette and Korean default is from Topolova

Original credits for T-33 and F-94B
Java and classfiles by CWatson, S A S~Anto and S A S~Storebror
FM and references by S A S~JackS
New skins by _Harpia_Mafra55_
New 3D by Red_Fox90 and small modifications by Texx
LOD values by Birdman
Java & slot by Red_Fox90
Original 3D by 1C





SAS Engine MOD western Full-pack




Who wants can install pits from TOM2 &PA_Jeronimo

Base was crazyflak's Shooting Star mod.
PA_Jeronimo: 3D mesh smoothing!
Freddy: Original F-86 seat mesh and textures.  :-* Love the red one.
Unknown: Canopy reflection I used to modify colours.
NonWonderDog-reticles IIRC.
mfisch2004, maybe some files used here.
Me-Mirror repositioning and resizing after Rl shot(s).
Canopy colours inside.
Grouping of some textures.
Anyone I forgot!





This pack is standard in B.A.T.


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2015, 12:49:29 PM »

Many Thanks Vega


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2015, 04:08:29 PM »

Just installed them. Great work thanks Vega!


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2015, 12:50:36 AM »

Thanks for assembling(*) all those single mods to meaningful packs lately Vega, much appreciated.

(*) Not to mention all the work that went into fine tuning FMs, fixing bugs and interoperability issues etc.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2015, 06:03:46 AM »

Vega, simply... you rock man :)

Thanks for assembling(*) all those single mods to meaningful packs lately Vega, much appreciated.

(*) Not to mention all the work that went into fine tuning FMs, fixing bugs and interoperability issues etc.

Best regards - Mike

JetEra 4.0, maybe? Now that would be great...
public static void main (String[] args){}


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2015, 06:45:19 AM »

Vega, simply... you rock man :)

Thanks for assembling(*) all those single mods to meaningful packs lately Vega, much appreciated.

(*) Not to mention all the work that went into fine tuning FMs, fixing bugs and interoperability issues etc.

Best regards - Mike

JetEra 4.0, maybe? Now that would be great...

a lot of planes left yet  ;)


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2015, 10:15:52 AM »

Thank you. I posted much upgraded pits of the F-80 version in my cockpit thread long ago. Based on PA_Jeronimo's new meshes and my own additions and mirror work. ;)


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2015, 11:32:20 AM »

Just installed and got it working flawless!

Now our Korean Skies are among the most integrated!

Thanks for your stunning work mate!


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2015, 12:40:42 PM »

Thank you. I posted much upgraded pits of the F-80 version in my cockpit thread long ago. Based on PA_Jeronimo's new meshes and my own additions and mirror work. ;)

ah.....and why you don't tell me when i ask you about P-80s thread?

pls post link here, i will add ai first post


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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2015, 02:18:17 PM »

I told you. ;)

From this thread.




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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2015, 03:28:10 PM »

Well Done Vega!! :)

Bringing all this diverse stuff together is most welcome!



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Re: F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2015, 03:16:34 PM »

I like the F-80C FM's G limits.
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