I did not get any idea of the exhaust thing, they are the same as before the "fix".
Hello Barber I might have misunderstood what Gabriel was fixing there, the whole hook section deals with many things, exhaust smoke is one as are smoke trails from weapon hits etc.

@ Pete,
Please try these little fix for Java code... 
Fix for weaponTriggersRegister and weaponHooksRegister.
This fix work fine in my 409.
Thank you very much gabriel, greatly appreciated, I will add them to the java.

Glad to know this bird is working for the 4.09 rebels.

One less for you to convert although it might take you as long to clear up the mess I made.

works in 4.12. Just some flashing in the cockpit. didnt look into readme. flashing is a bright lihgt or flickering near the controls.
Hello dsawan, glad it works for you, unfortunately I do not know what the problem is with flashing as this is not present in my install.

They works also in C.U.P, but I not yet fully tested them,
Many thanks to all involved,
Best regards,
Good to know it works also in another install.
I do not actually add anything to my CUP I leave that to Simon and the gang, hopefully this will also find its way into one of their updates eventually.

Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.