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Author Topic: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.  (Read 34315 times)

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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2019, 08:11:01 AM »

I didn't know that, Thank you for your explanation. 8)

Best regards,



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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2019, 05:55:35 AM »

Hello Piotrek, if you make and add a Hungarian skin into the summer/winter/ folder of your skin mod that will give the aircraft the default skin and it will replace what is currently there but you will then need to accept that for German and all other nationalities that will show for all unless as western mentions the change is made in the aircraft classfiles.

Actually Hungarian as the default might not be a bad idea because this particular type I think was more used by them than any other nation at the time.

It is so long ago that I worked on this that I no longer have the java I used and to be honest I do so little with java these days that I have most likely forgot how to make the necessary changes anyway.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2019, 10:33:43 AM »

Hello Pete,
Please don't worry about it, it's not that important, this mod works great without default skins ;D,
most likely you have a lot of open projects that get your attention right now,
By the way, I consider the Do-215B to be one of the best implemented projects 8), as an ordinary player I would of course like to make a few more changes :P, e.g.:

Such an addition (fuel tank?) even if it's a fictional.

Nevertheless, I'm very happy with what we have in the game and that's still a lot.

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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2019, 12:34:08 PM »

Hello Piotrek1, I took a look in the mod today and realised the engines from a Bf-110 I think really need to be mapped to the Do-17 skin as they are picking up the
original skin they were made for. :o

Re-mapping those items is something I could take a look at so at least any skins that are applied match up to everything on the model. I will have a think about it, and while I am focused I will just take a look and make sure if my java files for this are still about or not. ;)

The fuel tank could be borrowed from something else in game I suppose, even so there would have to be java changes to add the pylon and tank as well as adding hooks for the new items, not sure about that, these things have a habit of spiraling out of control when you start tinkering and I am supposed to be retired from all this mad stuff. :D

There are many projects I intended to have a go at still on the to do list so do not hold your breath waiting. :P

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2019, 01:12:25 PM »

Hello Pete, Thank you for your response, and although your response shows that you are very busy,  your work is very much appreciated by me, so I would be very grateful for any update related to Do-215B (engines, fuel tank, etc.) of course if it did not interfere with your others projects.

Forgive me for my spelling mistakes and my English.

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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #41 on: October 25, 2019, 12:32:52 PM »

And I still dream of old versions of the "flying pencil" Do-17: E, F, L, M - old Luftwaffe from the beginning of the war and war in Spain and export K - defender of Yugsławia in April 1941 ... Maybe I'll wait ...


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #42 on: October 25, 2019, 12:33:56 PM »

Hello Pete, Thank you for your response, and although your response shows that you are very busy,  your work is very much appreciated by me, so I would be very grateful for any update related to Do-215B (engines, fuel tank, etc.) of course if it did not interfere with your others projects.

Hello Piotrek1, It is not that I am busy or that this would interfere with other projects, I have been struggling with health issues for years that limit how much time
I can spend doing anything, including those things I most like. ;)

I need to choose carefully just what I work on these days which is why I officially abandoned modding as such to concentrate what little time I can spare doing
3d, or at least trying to. :D

Anyway, I should have done this back at the release but was unsure how to so it was left, you reminded me it was still on the to do list.

Engine 1 mapped, what a pain but done all the same:

There were some odd mapping issues due to the fact that originally this was based on the Dornier 217 and Ranwers made things fit to give
us the Do-17, they have now been identified so just a case now of managing what little space is still available so I can add both of the
Bf-110 engines.

It might end up looking a bit rough around the edges, however, if all can be painted on one skin then all is good. :o

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #43 on: October 25, 2019, 01:16:13 PM »

Hello, Pete,
Forgive me, you did mention your health problems, I just forgot about it :-[
and back to the engine mapping I can't wait for the final result.

With all my heart I wish you back to health.

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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2019, 06:24:58 AM »

No problem Piotrek, all is good. ;)

I have mapped the second of the 110 engines used for this to my Do-17 template:

There is also a mesh at the front that turns out to be a prop cone from something, seems to be to blend the shape somehow,
so I cloned it and made a second as at the moment one is used both sides, the mapping for both is now also added to my
template so they can each be painted to match the respective engine:

In hindsight it might have been better to make completely new engines, however, I will stick with what I have for now
and see how it all looks once I paint things as it is keeping me out of mischief and after all does give me some practice
as well as the opportunity to see what might be the best way with other projects.

I now need to make some lines and such as well as sort out where the paint needs to go, I have some images for the Hungarian
and Swedish schemes so stay tuned we will see what turns out. :D

Take care.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2019, 06:50:45 AM »

Hello Pete,
Well done 8), I am very happy that you want to finish your project, I'm sure it will look much better now after the amendments.

Best regards,


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2019, 09:11:17 AM »

Sorry for disturb but the LINK DON´T WORK  :( :( :(



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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #47 on: October 27, 2019, 04:26:37 AM »

Sorry for disturb but the LINK DON´T WORK  :( :( :(


Strange that scheear, I tried it myself and all I get is it is generating a new download key, it is my account so the link should still be active as
I have never removed it. o_O

Maybe Mediafire is having technical issues and it will be okay in a few days, not sure what is wrong.

Once I finish the update I am working on I will renew the link, not much point at the moment packing everything up and giving you a new link
just to replace that in a week or so. ;)

Anyway, paint is now on the newly mapped nacelles:

I need to do some adjustments to get things aligned and add the second upper colour, then try and do some
lines, there is also a issue with the nacelles being too shinny, I turned down the mat values and it helped but
I need to investigate further.

The spinner encroaches on the nacelle slightly, I might have to add a small ring around the front of the prop
cone that is the front of the nacelle to blend with the prop colour.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.
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