The engine seems to be a little bit too much bubbled (maybe) and the spinner needs some work. 
Hello Wa99el, the engine issue has already been mentioned earlier, as I pointed out then this is not my 3d work but a attempt by Bison_M to try and replicate the particular aircraft using existing game aircraft parts, that is why we call it a franken around here as the alterations do not use specially made 3d but use the hier to attach and alter things to size and shape and produce something close, at least we hope so.

Previously the engine needed a separate targa file to paint it which made normal skin work a problem so that is what I have attempted to overcome while leaving the model as Alex put it together.
I did consider actually making the engines, however, that would have entailed looking at alterations to the wing also and possibly other parts as well so the project could have got to a stage where I might have ended up trying to make the complete aircraft.

I am sure someone will import one from another game soon such as WT, meanwhile we can use this with my latest alterations.

Take care.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.