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Author Topic: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.  (Read 34319 times)

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Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« on: November 04, 2015, 06:24:29 AM »

Hello guys, some time ago I downloaded the Do215-4 made by Skvorez at AviaSkins and like him I experienced
difficulty with the cockpit and gun positions so tried to get it to work better, here is that attempt which has now
been further updated. ;)

Please give this a try in your installs and report back:

Link updated 1st November 2019, please remove the previous version and install this new folder.


Updated 31st October 2019 by Pete Shaw aka Mission_bug:

The engines have now been mapped to the same texture that the rest of the aircraft uses so everything can now use the same skin.

There are some areas on the engines that shine more so than other areas, I tried to reduce this by changing the mat values.

Besides the German default I have now added one for Hungary, each has default skins.

The template I made for the Do-17 has been adjusted to use the Do-215 engines which are now mapped to it.

Original slot:  Skvorez/Starling from AviaSkins.

Reworked engine nacelles:  Bison_M

Additional work:  Pete Shaw aka mission_bug, now has own cockpit folders and classes and new SSP.

Correction of java entries and hooks and new entries for the i18n folder: SAS~Epervier.

Other amendments:  Bison_M and YT-2

Bombsight fix for the D0-17ZV2:  Stefan SG 

The classes I used were decompiled from the original Do17 mod by Ranwers and the Do215 by Skovorez, there may have been further corrections to those original files by other authors. 

The new folders use those from the Do-217K_for409_v4.0m mod by Epervier and extracted Ju-88 folders from TD 4.12.

Appologies to anyone not mentioned your names will be added if they become known.


The Bombaimers position is usable but in my 4.12 with Modact the scale does not appear, this is not the fault of Stefan SG.

The late version is set up to use the same armament as the Do-17-2 but may need further adjustment to their hooks.

Add the folder 'Do-215B-4 V4 31st October 2019' into your #SAS folder.

Inside the #SAS folder find 'STD' then com/maddox/il2/objects to add the following to air.ini:

Do-215B         air.Do215B                        NOINFO  g01 SUMMER
Do-215BL        air.Do215BL                        NOINFO  g01 SUMMER

you can add the following entries if you wish, go com/maddox/i18n and add to plane and weapons files:

Do-215B             Dornier Do 215B-1/4, 1940
Do-215BL            Dornier Do 215B-1/4 Late, 1940/41

# Do-215B
Do-215B.default                         Default
Do-215B.24xSC50                         24x SC-50
Do-215B.4xSC250                         4x SC-250
Do-215B.2xSC500                         2x SC-500
Do-215B.1xSC1000                        1x SC-1000
Do-215B.none                            Empty

# Do-215B late
Do-215BL.default                        Default
Do-215BL.24xSC50                        24x SC-50
Do-215BL.4xSC250                        4x SC-250
Do-215BL.2xSC500                        2x SC-500
Do-215BL.1xSC1000                       1x SC-1000
Do-215BL.none                           Empty

Self Stationary Planes:

If you want to add the self stationary planes add the folder/folders of choice 'PS_Do215B_SSP' and 'PS_Do215BL_SSP' to your #SAS folder.

If you do not have one you will need to create a section in the stationary and technics files, go again to com/maddox/il2/objects to find both files at the bottom and add the following to their respective file, usually at the end of the existing stock stationary list:


Do215B       vehicles.planes.Do215BStatic$Do215B    2
Do215BL       vehicles.planes.Do215BLStatic$Do215BL    2

// Self Stationary planes

Description    Do215B
Icon           Plane
Class          air.Do215B
PanzerBodyFront      0.008

Description    Do215BL
Icon           Plane
Class          air.Do215BL
PanzerBodyFront      0.008

Skin folder names:


PaintSchemes folder with test skins included in download.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.  November 2019. ;D



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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2015, 08:50:41 AM »

Thank you very much !

 ;) Little fix for readme :

# Do-215B
Do-215B.default                         Default
Do-215B.24xSC50                         24x SC-50
Do-215B.4xSC250                         4x SC-250
Do-215B.2xSC500                         2x SC-500
Do-215B.1xSC1000                        1x SC-1000
Do-215B.none                            Empty

# Do-215B late
Do-215BL.default                        Default
Do-215BL.24xSC50                        24x SC-50
Do-215BL.4xSC250                        4x SC-250
Do-215BL.2xSC500                        2x SC-500
Do-215BL.1xSC1000                       1x SC-1000
Do-215BL.none                           Empty
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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2015, 09:17:27 AM »

Many THX to all involved ...!  ;)

Nice Daimler Benz engines addition ...  :P


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2015, 10:22:01 AM »

Thanhs Pete


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2015, 10:27:25 AM »

Little fix for Engines smoke :

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.00500989 -3.159 -0.02785
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.00500989 -2.23551 0.51606
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.21396 -1.91096 -0.7282
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.20061 -1.91096 -0.7282
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.00116014 -1.01916 -0.74922
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0.38066 -1.5075 0.56887
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.2948 -1.5075 0.61706
0.122788 0.707107 0.696364 -0.122788 0.707107 -0.696364 -0.984808 0 0.173648           0.55626 -2.10397  0.05971
-0.183013 0.707107 -0.683013 0.183013 0.707107 0.683013 0.965926 0 -0.258819          -0.53924 -2.11985 -0.21059
-0.183013 0.644888 -0.742042 0.183013 0.763944 0.618785 0.965926 -0.0225578 -0.257834 -0.53924 -1.94657 -0.22204
0.122788 0.575442 0.808573 -0.122788 0.817287 -0.562997 -0.984808 -0.0301538 0.17101   0.55626 -1.9307   0.04736
-0.183013 0.506236 -0.842752 0.183013 0.859789 0.476727 0.965926 -0.0669873 -0.25     -0.53924 -1.77679 -0.22204
0.122788 0.464979 0.876765 -0.122788 0.88378 -0.451503 -0.984808 -0.0522173 0.165611   0.55626 -1.76092  0.04908
-0.183013 0.498863 -0.847138 0.183013 0.863917 0.469206 0.965926 -0.0691665 -0.249406 -0.53924 -1.59029 -0.22376
0.122788 0.510228 0.851229 -0.122788 0.858939 -0.497138 -0.984808 -0.043478 0.168117   0.55626 -1.57442  0.04222
-0.183012 0.491451 -0.851459 0.183013 0.867978 0.461649 0.965926 -0.0713405 -0.248793 -0.53924 -1.40404 -0.23404
0.122788 0.426292 0.896213 -0.122788 0.902634 -0.412524 -0.984808 -0.0593912 0.163176  0.55626 -1.38816  0.06994
-0.183013 0.498863 -0.847138 0.183013 0.863917 0.469206 0.965926 -0.0691665 -0.249406 -0.53924 -1.21802 -0.23918
0.122788 0.378804 0.917295 -0.122788 0.922986 -0.364718 -0.984808 -0.0678497 0.159844  0.55626 -1.20214  0.09948
2.5E-07 1 0 -1 2.5E-07 0 0 0 1 0.55622 -2.10387 -0.05698
2.5E-07 1 0 -1 2.5E-07 0 0 0 1 -0.54053 -2.11885 -0.21052
2.5E-07 1 0 -1 2.5E-07 0 0 0 1 -0.12028 -1.61376 0.37468

Engine2_D0.msh (the smoke output is reversed)
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.02785 0.00498986 3.159
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0.51606 0.00498986 2.23551
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.7282 0.21394 1.91096
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.7282 -0.20061 1.91096
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -0.74922 -0.00116014 1.01916
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0.56887 0.38064 1.5075
0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0.61706 -0.29481 1.5075
-0.683013 0.183013 -0.707107 0.683013 -0.183013 -0.707107 -0.258819 -0.965926 0          -0.25971 -0.53827 2.10397
0.696364 -0.122788 -0.707107 -0.696364 0.122788 -0.707107 0.173648 0.984808 0             0.01059  0.55723 2.11985
0.808573 -0.122788 -0.575442 -0.562997 0.122788 -0.817287 0.17101 0.984808 0.0301537      0.02204  0.55723 1.94657
-0.742042 0.183013 -0.644888 0.618785 -0.183013 -0.763945 -0.257834 -0.965926 0.0225577  -0.24736 -0.53827 1.9307
0.876765 -0.122788 -0.464979 -0.451503 0.122788 -0.88378 0.165611 0.984808 0.0522173      0.02204  0.55723 1.77679
-0.842752 0.183013 -0.506236 0.476727 -0.183013 -0.859789 -0.25 -0.965926 0.0669873      -0.24908 -0.53827 1.76092
0.851229 -0.122788 -0.510228 -0.497138 0.122788 -0.858939 0.168117 0.984808 0.043478      0.02376  0.55723 1.59029
-0.847138 0.183013 -0.498863 0.469206 -0.183013 -0.863917 -0.249406 -0.965926 0.0691665  -0.24222 -0.53827 1.57442
0.896213 -0.122788 -0.426293 -0.412524 0.122788 -0.902634 0.163176 0.984808 0.0593913     0.05404  0.55723 1.40404
-0.851459 0.183012 -0.491451 0.461649 -0.183013 -0.867978 -0.248793 -0.965926 0.0713403  -0.21994 -0.53827 1.38816
0.917295 -0.122788 -0.378804 -0.364718 0.122788 -0.922986 0.159844 0.984808 0.0678497     0.08918  0.55723 1.21802
-0.847138 0.183013 -0.498863 0.469206 -0.183013 -0.863917 -0.249406 -0.965926 0.0691665  -0.21948 -0.53827 1.20214
0 -2.5E-07 -1 0 1 -2.5E-07 1 0 0 -0.05698 -0.53824 2.10387
0 -2.5E-07 -1 0 1 -2.5E-07 1 0 0 -0.21052 0.55852 2.11885
0 -2.5E-07 -1 0 1 -2.5E-07 1 0 0 0.37468 -0.16512 1.61376

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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 10:59:55 AM »

Just when you thought that "Well, I guess that this wonderful array of aircraft of IL-2 is pretty well rounded off" a new gem appears. Like this one!

Pete - many thanks to you, and to skvorez and to all involved!  ;D
Oleksii Tsykhaniuk & Ihor Prokopiuk May 29 2023


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2015, 11:07:16 AM »

Thank you very much !

 ;) Little fix for readme :

Little fix for Engines smoke :

Thank you very much for those Gabriel, greatly appreciated, this aircraft does still need some tweaking. 8)

Many THX to all involved ...!  ;)

Nice Daimler Benz engines addition ...  :P

From what I can tell the engines actually come from the Bf 110 although I could be wrong on that and Skvorez may have made the 3d. ;)

Thanhs Pete

Glad you like it urmel . ;)

Just when you thought that "Well, I guess that this wonderful array of aircraft of IL-2 is pretty well rounded off" a new gem appears. Like this one!

Pete - many thanks to you, and to skvorez and to all involved!  ;D

More material for your campaigns Peter, cannot have you getting bored can we. :)

I have no idea why the second nose gun will not show up as the entries were not changed from the original classes, strange thing is though I actually pointed the java from the gondola to it and it worked although the gun fired rearwards. o_O

The Bomb aimer scale also does not show in my 4.12 install with this and other aircraft. :(

Guess I messed something up in the process. :-[

Anyway, hopefully it will be of use to early war campaigns and maybe a few what ifs.

Take care guys.

Wishing you all  the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2015, 11:35:38 AM »

cheers, Pete, much appreciated, mate :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2015, 11:48:11 AM »

cheers, Pete, much appreciated, mate :D

Your welcome mate. ;)

The engine fix from Gabriel was just the trick. 8)

I also figured out what was the issue with the exhaust colouring on the second aircraft.

I will add these to a new update but will give it a few days so any other bug reports can be looked at. :D

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2015, 12:46:25 PM »

Hi Mission bug

Thank you very much for these planes. They work ok in my 412.2+Mod530+A1 530.
There are the issues you mentioned but otherwise they work ok.
I did not get any idea of the exhaust thing, they are the same as before the "fix".



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Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2015, 01:11:01 PM »

@ Pete,

Please try these little fix for Java code...  ;)
Fix for weaponTriggersRegister and weaponHooksRegister.

Do215B Class
Code: [Select]
Aircraft.weaponTriggersRegister(class1, new int[] { 10, 11, 12,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 });
Aircraft.weaponHooksRegister(class1, new String[] { "_MGUN01",
"_MGUN02", "_MGUN03",
"_BombSpawn01", "_BombSpawn02", "_BombSpawn03", "_BombSpawn04",
"_BombSpawn06", "_BombSpawn07", "_BombSpawn08", "_BombSpawn09",
"_BombSpawn10", "_BombSpawn05" });
try {
ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsList", arraylist);
HashMapInt hashmapint = new HashMapInt();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsMap", hashmapint);
byte byte0 = 13;
String s = "default";
Aircraft._WeaponSlot a_lweaponslot[] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = null;
a_lweaponslot[4] = null;
a_lweaponslot[5] = null;
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "24xSC50";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "4xSC250";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "2xSC500";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[5] = null;
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "1xSC1000";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[3] = null;
a_lweaponslot[4] = null;
a_lweaponslot[5] = null;
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC1000", 1);
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "none";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < byte0; i++)
a_lweaponslot[i] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
} catch (Exception exception) {

Do215BL Class
Code: [Select]
Aircraft.weaponTriggersRegister(class1, new int[] { 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 });
Aircraft.weaponHooksRegister(class1, new String[] { "_MGUN01",
"_MGUN02", "_MGUN03", "_MGUN04", "_MGUN05", "_MGUN06",
"_BombSpawn01", "_BombSpawn02", "_BombSpawn03", "_BombSpawn04",
"_BombSpawn06", "_BombSpawn07", "_BombSpawn08", "_BombSpawn09",
"_BombSpawn10", "_BombSpawn05" });
try {
ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsList", arraylist);
HashMapInt hashmapint = new HashMapInt();
Property.set(class1, "weaponsMap", hashmapint);
byte byte0 = 16;
String s = "default";
Aircraft._WeaponSlot a_lweaponslot[] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "24xSC50";
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[8] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[9] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC50", 6);
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "4xSC250";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[8] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[9] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC250", 1);
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "2xSC500";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[7] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC500", 1);
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = null;
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "1xSC1000";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(10, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[1] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(11, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[2] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(12, "MGunMG15t", 1000);
a_lweaponslot[3] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(13, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[4] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(14, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[5] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(15, "MGunMG15t", 500);
a_lweaponslot[6] = null;
a_lweaponslot[7] = null;
a_lweaponslot[8] = null;
a_lweaponslot[9] = null;
a_lweaponslot[10] = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot(3, "BombGunSC1000", 1);
a_lweaponslot[11] = null;
a_lweaponslot[12] = null;
a_lweaponslot[13] = null;
a_lweaponslot[14] = null;
a_lweaponslot[15] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
s = "none";
a_lweaponslot = new Aircraft._WeaponSlot[byte0];
a_lweaponslot[0] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < byte0; i++)
a_lweaponslot[i] = null;

hashmapint.put(Finger.Int(s), a_lweaponslot);
} catch (Exception exception) {

This fix work fine in my 409.
If your results do not live up to your expectations, tell yourself that the great oak was once an acorn too. - Lao Zi -


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  • Posts: 1584
Re: Do215-4 from AviaSkins.
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2015, 01:44:34 PM »

works in 4.12. Just some flashing in the cockpit. didnt look into readme. flashing is a bright lihgt or flickering near the controls.
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