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Author Topic: F-4 Phantom II - Version 3.3 - 20181001  (Read 75460 times)

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F-4 Phantom II - Version 3.3 - 20181001
« on: November 21, 2015, 09:50:35 AM »

F-4 Phantom II Version 3.3

Ver 3.3 Features
- Java fixes for cruise speed
- Aerial rerfuel capability
- New RWR Propetries

Ver 3.2: FM fix

Ver. 3.1 Features
Java codes update
FM update

Ver. 3.0 Features
-Weapons convertion into western 2016gen style
-New AIM-9 missiles types;
-New conventional & nuke bombs;
-Small FM modifications
-better Radar text format
-IRST for F-4B
Inertial Navigation for all variants
Added variants F-4C, N, S;
Engine with less smoke for F-4N/S

Ver. 2.2 Features

1) New code for overheat, now you can reach continous top speed of mach 2.23/2370khp/1280knots, but you can push your plane near mach 2.4/2553khp/1378knots with the risk of engines damage, you can stay less more of 2 minutes above mach 2.2;

2) Increased a bit engine power at hight altitudes, max ceiling of 19000m/62335feet

3) Fix Landing behaviour;

4) Fix some loadout and external pylons wiew;

Ver. 2.1 Features

1) New loadouts with laser guided bombs for F-4D and F-4E;

2) More loadouts with MK20 Rockeye cluster bombs, deleted previous with CBU24;

3) Now latest variants, F-4E and J, have AIM-7M Sparrow and AIM-9L SideWinder missiles too, loadouts are marked with "80s";

4) New code for energy bleeding in turns;

5) Small FM fixes;

6) Bombs selection mod, you can select bomb type and drop mode, for loadouts with M118 drop this bomb first;

Ver. 2.0 Features

1) The FM was modelled using FM Debug Tools provided by benitomuso (PAL). This new tool allowed me a more accurate and fast modeling of stall and turns characteristics;

2) Another new feature, a new code for energy bleed in turns vs speed, now the energy loss in turns is more balanced along the spectrum of the speeds, for both standard or flaps configuration;

3)New advanced lift code, it simulate lift degradation when speed increase near transonic speeds and in supersonic flight;

4) Realistic engine acceleration time;

5) New advanced Engine code, it simulate afterburner & static thrust modifications when change altitudes;

6) Upgraded FM;

7) Now you can manage autopilot too, Keys are Misc_1, Misc_ 2 & Misc_3;

8 ) Radar text;

9) New ventral droptank;

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II[N 1] is a tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor aircraft/fighter-bomber originally developed for the United States Navy by McDonnell Aircraft.
It first entered service in 1960 with the U.S. Navy. Proving highly adaptable, it was also adopted by the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Air Force, and by the mid-1960s had become a major part of their respective air wings.

The Phantom is a large fighter with a top speed of over Mach 2.2. It can carry more than 18,000 pounds (8,400 kg) of weapons on nine external hardpoints, including air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, and various bombs. The F-4, like other interceptors of its time, was designed without an internal cannon. Later models incorporated an M61 Vulcan rotary cannon. Beginning in 1959, it set 15 world records for in-flight performance, including an absolute speed record, and an absolute altitude record.

During the Vietnam War, the F-4 was used extensively; it served as the principal air superiority fighter for both the Navy and Air Force, and became important in the ground-attack and aerial reconnaissance roles late in the war. The Phantom has the distinction of being the last U.S. fighter flown to attain ace status in the 20th century. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. Air Force had one pilot and two weapon systems officers (WSOs), and the US Navy had one pilot and one radar intercept officer (RIO) become aces by achieving five aerial kills against enemy fighter Aircraft

Early in production, the radar was upgraded to a larger Westinghouse AN/APQ-72, necessitating the bulbous nose, and the canopy was reworked to improve visibility and make the rear cockpit less claustrophobic.[21] During its career the Phantom underwent many changes in the form of numerous variants developed.

VF-74 was the first operational U.S. Navy Phantom squadron in 1961
The USAF received Phantoms as the result of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's push to create a unified fighter for all branches of the military. After an F-4B won the "Operation Highspeed" fly-off against the Convair F-106 Delta Dart, the USAF borrowed two Naval F-4Bs, temporarily designating them F-110A "Spectre" in January 1962, and developed requirements for their own version. Unlike the navy's focus on interception, the USAF emphasized a fighter-bomber role. With McNamara's unification of designations on 18 September 1962, the Phantom became the F-4 with the naval version designated F-4B and USAF F-4C. The first air force Phantom flew on 27 May 1963, exceeding Mach 2 on its maiden flight.

The USN operated the F4H-1 (re-designated F-4A in 1962) with J79-GE-2 and -2A engines of 16,100 lbf (71.62 kN) thrust and later builds receiving -8 engines. A total of 45 F-4As were built and none saw combat and most ended up as test or training aircraft. The USN and USMC received the first definitive Phantom, the F-4B which was equipped with the Westinghouse APQ-72 radar (pulse only), a Texas Instruments AAA-4 Infra-red search and track pod under the nose, an AN/AJB-3 bombing system and powered by J79-GE-8,-8A and -8B engines of 10,900 lbf (48.5 kN) dry and 16,950 lbf (75.4 kN) afterburner (reheat) with the first flight on 25 March 1961. 649 F-4Bs were built with deliveries beginning in 1961 and VF-121 Pacemakers receiving the first examples at NAS Miramar.

The F-4J had improved air-to-air and ground-attack capability; deliveries begun in 1966 and ended in 1972 with 522 built. It was equipped with J79-GE-10 engines with 17,844 lbf (79.374 kN) thrust, the Westinghouse AN/AWG-10 Fire Control System (making the F-4J the first fighter in the world with operational look-down/shoot-down capability), a new integrated missile control system and the AN/AJB-7 bombing system for expanded ground attack capability.The F-4J also introduced the Sidewinder Expanded Acquisition Mode, or SEAM, which permitted off-boresight targeting of enemy aircraft by slaving the AIM-9 Sidewinder's infra-red seeker head to the radar.

Phantom II production ended in the United States in 1979 after 5,195 had been built (5,057 by McDonnell Douglas and 138 in Japan by Mitsubishi). Of these, 2,874 went to the USAF, 1,264 to the Navy and Marine Corps, and the rest to foreign customers.[2] The last U.S.-built F-4 went to South Korea, while the last F-4 built was an F-4EJ built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan and delivered on 20 May 1981.[31] As of 2008, 631 Phantoms were in service worldwide, while the Phantom also remains in use as a target drone operated by the U.S. military.

In air combat, the Phantom's greatest advantage was its thrust, which permitted a skilled pilot to engage and disengage from the fight at will.
The massive aircraft, designed to fire radar-guided missiles from beyond visual range, lacked the agility of its Soviet opponents and was subject to adverse yaw during hard maneuvering. Although thus subject to irrecoverable spins during aileron rolls, pilots reported the aircraft to be very communicative and easy to fly on the edge of its performance envelope. In 1972, the F-4E model was upgraded with leading edge slats on the wing, greatly improving high angle of attack maneuverability at the expense of top speed.

 The J79 engines produced noticeable amounts of black smoke (at mid-throttle/cruise settings), a severe disadvantage in that the enemy could spot the aircraft. This was solved on the F-4S fitted with the ?10A engine variant which used a smokeless combustor.

The F-4's biggest weakness, as it was initially designed, was its lack of an internal cannon. For a brief period, doctrine held that turning combat would be impossible at supersonic speeds and little effort was made to teach pilots air combat maneuvering. In reality, engagements quickly became subsonic, as pilots would slow down in an effort to get behind their adversaries. Furthermore, the relatively new heat-seeking and radar-guided missiles at the time were frequently reported as unreliable and pilots had to use multiple shots (also known as ripple-firing), just to hit one enemy fighter. To compound the problem, rules of engagement in Vietnam precluded long-range missile attacks in most instances, as visual identification was normally required. Many pilots found themselves on the tail of an enemy aircraft but too close to fire short-range Falcons or Sidewinders. Although by 1965 USAF F-4Cs began carrying SUU-16 external gunpods containing a 20 mm (.79 in) M61A1 Vulcan Gatling cannon, USAF cockpits were not equipped with lead-computing gunsights until the introduction of the SUU-23, virtually assuring a miss in a maneuvering fight. Some Marine Corps aircraft carried two pods for strafing. In addition to the loss of performance due to drag, combat showed the externally mounted cannon to be inaccurate unless frequently boresighted, yet far more cost-effective than missiles. The lack of a cannon was finally addressed by adding an internally mounted 20 mm (.79 in) M61A1 Vulcan on the F-4E.

Although there are in IL2 the F-16s and F-18s, the Phantom remains the faster plane in game, with better ceiling and with better supersonic acceleration.

You can reach more than mach 2.2, fly level at 18000m and make a zoomclimb till 27/28000m after a good run.

At low speeds it is unwieldy and dangerous engage the Mig-21s , which could outturn you easily (expecially F-4B and D), but you can overcome them in turn at high speed , where you'll also have a better energy conservation.

The F-4E is generally better in dogfight compared to the second generation of the Fishbed , but must be careful to MiG-21bis, that have close subsonical performances.

This plane is excellent in Boom & Zoom tactics, if you use barrel roll and High yo yo and you will have excellent chance of wins against all vintage Jets.

Obviously your Sparrows and your radar give you a big advantage against them, before that dogfight start.

The Phantom is also an excellent ground attack Aircraft, versatile and with a large load.

This mod have all western221 upgrades of 1.31 and 1.4 versions



LC_Crafts: original external 3D model
OC-Tiger: Skins and template
Wasted: Java class, cockpit texture, skins, ordinaces, FM, sound
Ton414: Cockpit texture
cromhunt: Cockpit texture
Mario71:Java class
Batbomb: Skins and template
Western: new weapons
Vega: FM and Java
The_Alaska_Man and 51sfts_FC for extensive researches and testing

Thanks Beowolff, Checkyersix, Rock, F22-Raptor-2006, Anto, US_Grant and Deutschmark for support

Benitomuso: FM debug tools

SAS_S3: version 1.0

Western221: version 1.31 and 1.4

Vega: all versions from 2.0


To simulate medium altitude bombing mission of F-4C/D/E in Vietnam War i advice to install INERTIAL BOMBING SYSTEM

You need to install original C&C mod by CY6!!

put the object into your mission where you want to drop bombs and it will works for your F-4

OBOE: simulate inertial bombing sistem it guide you to target and tell you when drop bombs in level flight or in a small dive

i advice to use it with aimpoint object from CY6, so you can attack in formation with your AI

add to stationary.ini

OBOE(F-4)                        vehicles.stationary.CandCJET$OBOE_F4Unit 2

download here!!


Version 2.0 add Radar text mod, AN/APQ 109 for F-4B/D/J, AN/APQ 120 for F-4E, last one have worse radar performances cause smaller antenna, but you can discover an enemy fighter at 60 km

Your WSO will tell you enemy position!

F-4B air.F_4B 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4C air.F_4C 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4D air.F_4D 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4E air.F_4E 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4J air.F_4J 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4N air.F_4N 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
F-4S air.F_4S 2 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER

F-4B F-4B Phantom II, 1960
F-4C F-4C Phantom II, 1961
F-4D F-4D Phantom II, 1966
F-4E F-4E Phantom II, 1967
F-4J F-4J Phantom II, 1967
F-4N F-4N Phantom II, 1973
F-4S F-4S Phantom II, 1978





SAS Engine MOD 2.7.1 western Full-pack






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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2015, 10:02:53 AM »

Very nice indeed, thank you!
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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2015, 01:55:26 PM »

Thanks Vega


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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2015, 07:17:49 PM »

Thanks F.!

Will try today noon.


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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2015, 03:01:48 AM »

This mod have all western221 upgrades of 1.31 and 1.4 versions
But how about this?
... for a ver1.41 patch see reply #216.

3D update on 02nd/Nov./2015
These updates are included in version 2.0?


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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2015, 06:31:29 AM »



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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2015, 06:49:36 AM »

Thank you for your hard work :)


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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2015, 07:07:15 AM »

Many thanks Vega!  ;)
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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2015, 08:19:05 AM »

Phantastic! Thank you.


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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2015, 10:22:06 AM »

The new FM and loadouts are is nice, but how can I disable or remove the radar text? Which font does it use, even a smaller font would be better, or moved to the bottom corner of the HUD..


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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2015, 11:10:53 AM »

you cannot disable it


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Re: F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2015, 01:31:24 PM »

Thank you very much works well in 4.13
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