Metatron as kindly agree to help me out with a Nationalist skin-hack for this aircraft. So, ok, it is a spurious type, but it actually fills a gap, in that it gives us a seaplane fighter.
What I need is a skin that looks
something like this:
I think it's some kind of light grey overall (+white rudder), and then Nationalist markings on top of that. Nothing fancy.
The planes in the photo is a Macchi 41, a fighter seaplane type used by the Italians in the Baleares, which was a Nationalist stronghold during the Civil War, a sort of unsinkable aircraft carrier, from which nationalist air units (mainly Italian, flying in Italian aircraft) attacked cities and ports on the mainland and tried to disrupt the republican shipping.
As you've guessed I want this skin as I have started working on another SCW campaign, this time for the Republican side, and using Agraciers "Baleares" map. And as the Savoia will only be an AI opponent, schwoshing by, I think that it is acceptable to use this aircraft.
Metratron: thanks in advance!