Thank you very much for the update Istvan, greatly appreciated, I will download and install soon.

Hello Walter, I agree with your sentiments, trouble is with most of the aircraft in the pack they do not readily fall into any particular catagory.
What the French might consider a scout, the Russians might use as a fighter and bomber, The English equally their own designations.
The pack I think uses four in the mother class, TypeFighter, TypeBomber, TypeScout and TypeSturmovik, probably not correct in most cases but
as they will almost certainly be used in many guises what do you do?
Game behaviour has also to be accounted for, in some designations the aircraft will not deviate from a course if attacked, I would for sure.
My work on the pack is done other than any bugs I am able to replicate and fix if someone points them out.
Anyone who would like the classes and FM files for these and anything else I have done to make improvements my ability does not allow are welcome to them, please send send me a PM as they will not be posted here in a thread but in the school.

Take care guys.
Hope you all have a very happy Christmas and New year, Pete.