Hello guys, the two seater from what I read was a racer but retains the bombs of the single seat G just in
case it was armed, the cockpit bomb would most likely just be carried if there were two aboard
I am told up to about 270kg of bombs could be carried by some of the aircraft, other than that the only information
I had to go on regarding armament were images provided by Stalker from various sources.
The main limitation would be the bombs carried inside the cockpit, 16 kg I think was mentioned as a figure.
Here are the images provided by Stalker that helped considerably in placement of the external loads, they also
show some of the guns:

What I do not know is the type of bombs actually used or their exact weight, WWI is not actually
a period I have much information on so I rely on you guys to provide me with photographs and
specific information otherwise I just use what is to hand.
The types of bombs used are off other aircraft because I already know they work and will show
in each of my installs, DBW 1916, DBW 1.71 and TD 4.12 with SAS ModAct 5.30.
David has asked for Cooper bombs, those I could add but where? Same position as on the Nieuports?
How many?
Other versions can also be added but again specific information would help considerably.
For eg. If you want a Pfalz A1, is it single or two seat, guns and bombs or just bombs or just a gun, exact designation.
I think you get the idea, what I do not want to do is guess what you ask for or make a incorrect assumption, also
a photograph if possible.
Take care guys.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.