Community Universal Patch
CUP Module 02 Dawn of Flight Pt-10
RESTORE POINT INSTALLWe have to use the Restore Point Install method this time because this upgrade involves more than just adding new content, some things should be cleaned out and a little spring cleaning done...
Make sure you are up-to-date, to DOF-Part 09, from previously.
1) JSGME DISABLE everything prefixed #CUP and #DOF
2) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #DOF to -#DOF.
3) UnZIP/UnRAR 'CUP Module 02 Dawn of Flight Pt-10' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.
4) ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.
5) Delete old -#DOF at your convenience.
INSTALL AND JSGMEThe safest way, to be certain you have everything clean, is to de-activate all JSGME mod options before you rename (#DOF to -#DOF) and then add the new #DOF.
Next you can re-enable JSGME options starting with just eight general #CUP Options, then the others to taste. If you have more options prefixed #CUP than the eight shown, I advise you to delete them from JSGMEMODS.
The rest, prefixed #DOF, #JTW, #WAW and #TGA refer to those individual modules and may be enabled in order to 'tune up' your setup.
You have a lot of choices available through JSGME now. Please don't be afraid of or irritated by it. These are options, extra cool stuff to try out and 'season to taste'.
Morane Saulnier G/H/L/LA gio963tto
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,49180.0.htmlNieuport update versions 4 to 27 Mission_bug
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48769.0.htmlThis modest looking upgrade, with two re-compiled DOF22.SFS and DOF23.SFS (albeit quite a large ones) and a small classfiles package adds a shedload of static aircraft for 412 FMB Mission Builders. There is also a huge 3D upgrade for the Nieuport and Morane Saulnier families plus much improved cockpit textures. These aircraft really look the part inside and out.
Cavalry units WWI by Stephen1918 Mission_bug
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47396.0.htmlCossack cavalry pack for IL-2 Mission_bug
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,47896.0.htmlWe also have an incredible cavalry addon for the ground action. These guys are going to be retro fitted to my earlier campaigns as well as filling out later ones too. So much stuff to play with in FMB now!
Who is responsible? - The usual suspects - Threads and Links are shown above:
Stephen1918 (from CombatAce)
As a champion of CUP and the 412 FMB I am delighted to be able to say that Dawn of Flight really has reached a level comparable with the previous DBW1916. In my opinion it has even gone beyond the older version now. I take no personal credit for this. The original DBW1916 Team put together 99% of this stuff; tested it and skinned it long before I got my hands anywhere near it! Please see the CUP Manual for a closer look at this marvelous group.
Converting to 412 is worthwhile because of the enhanced FMB mission builder facilities, and because this greatly updated version of the venerable Il2 simulator is likely to have a longer lifespan than older, less functional, versions.
Those still flying DBW1916 in 410 need only to patch their sim to 412 and throw in the CUP Modules to see all the possibilities of the later code.
Of course there are many reasons and opinions, this is just my take: - But nowadays CUP really can put its money where its mouth is!
Community Universal Patch
CUP Module 02 Dawn of Flight Pt-10https://www.mediafire.com/?ountbeh6gshow3a