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C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« on: December 06, 2015, 12:40:16 AM »

Community Universal Patch
CUP Module 04 The Jet Age Pt-09


We have to use the Restore Point Install method this time because this upgrade involves more than just adding new content, some things should be cleaned out and a little spring cleaning done...


Make sure you are up-to-date, to JTW-Part 08, from previously.

1) JSGME DISABLE everything prefixed #CUP and #JTW

2) In your Main Il2 directory rem out (rename with a -) your current #JTW to -#JTW.

3) UnZIP/UnRAR 'C.U.P. Module 04 The Jet Age Pt-09' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.

4) RE-ENABLE JSGME Options to taste.

5) Delete old -#JTW at your convenience.

6) Do it this way because of the new Command and Control 412!  We absolutely must remove unwanted obselete code and begin again with this super-clean #JTW mod folder.  In order to advance; ditch the entire old #JTW and use the new one provided.


The safest way, to be certain you have everything clean, is to de-activate all JSGME mod options before you rename (#JTW to -#JTW) and then add the new #JTW.

Next you can re-enable JSGME options starting with just eight general #CUP Options, then the others to taste.  If you have more options prefixed #CUP than the eight shown, I advise you to delete them from JSGMEMODS.

The rest, prefixed #DOF, #JTW, #WAW and #TGA refer to those individual modules and may be enabled in order to 'tune up' your setup.

You have a lot of choices available through JSGME now.  Please don't be afraid of or irritated by it.  These are options, extra cool stuff to try out and 'season to taste'.

In the case of the new #JTW Options we can swap cockpit types in and out for the F-80 Series and later Aero Series.  This is because the old F-80 cockpit is not the best option for the later jets but looks great with the appropriate aircraft.  Decide what you are going to fly and tune it up to your preference.



Quite a few people are installing their own stuff on top of CUP-The Jet Age, then breaking it and wondering how they messed up.  CUP exists to help players install mods and solve incompatabilities specifically for 412+. 

With 'Jet Age' mods the SAS_Engine MOD 2.7, with Western0221's patch, is PREREQUISITE for 412 and above.  SAS_Engine MOD comprises code for Flight Models, Weapons, Vectored Thrust and; most important of all (for Naval Aviators), Steam Powered Catapults and the ability to configure them.

Silly 'fixes' that ignore or break the SAS_Engine MOD are not helping anyone.

As Il2 ages and other developers give up, fade away or do something else, we have also decided to integrate some previously hard to get files alongside the latest Jet Age mods from the very best modders around the Il2 Community.


Please take a look at threads and post a thank you to those modders involved:  Links are included to make this easier, but you can also use search engines to find the various modders and see just what a complex community effort is involved in creating all of these aircraft and features. 

No man is an island - and no mod is an island either!

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19. V.3.1: Vega's upgrade now is standard S331541
With working radar and FM upgrades by 4S_Vega.  Now with default numbers added by Ranwers.

F-105 Thunderchief by Ranwers
An absolute instant classic from Ranwers, both versions of this aircraft are among the finest examples of ANY sim!  Our good friend Vega has also re-worked some important aspects of the FM and loadouts.

F-4 Phantom II - Version 2.0 4S_Vega
A very good FM and functional upgrade from S4_Vega.

F-80 Shooting Stars - Unified pack 4S_Vega
Despite his sometimes apparent scepticism of CUP; Vega has done a great deal for it!  His unified mods and upgrades are a big feature of JTW Pt-09.  Maybe we should talk more, love your work Vega!

Grumman F9F Pack Ver. 1.1 2015.10.20 4S_Vega
Another great overhaul brings improvements, new features and several new variants to the Panther/Cougar family.  4S_Vega has included new FM fixes and the latest 3D for these aircraft.  Of particular note: Vega has implimented closed-canopy flight models for naval operation with these aircraft, an excellent step forward in realism.

F84 upgrade 23.05.2015 4S_Vega + F-84F Thunderstreak Bison_M
It really is Christmas with the F-84G series upgrades and the F-84F Thunderstreak joining the CUP Flightline!

Due to other cockpit upgrades flying this aircraft yourself requires that you use JSGME to either:

'#JTW-COCKPIT Reset F-80s', for the default F-80 Placeholder, or
'#JTW-COCKPIT F-84F' for the new A-4 Style Placeholder

F-82E Twin Mustang Checkyersix
The iconic Twin Mustang made by CY6, many years ago now, was introduced for Korean War scenarios.  This aircraft has been upgraded with the latest weapon sets from SAS weapons resources and enjoys a comprehensive loadout overhaul.

F-82F Twin Mustang Barnsey12
This mod is based on the original Checkyersix P-82 with an extensive 3D rework by Barnsey12.  Weapons classfiles are from SAS weapons resources.

F7F-3 Tigercat SAS Edition
The FSX ALPHSIM model begun by the FM Team and completed by the SAS Team.

US Marine Aviation Java Pack upgrade 23072015 SAS~S3
Several accumulated Loadout and Configuration Upgrades for the excellent F/A18 and AV8B.

Civil PBN Bison_M
Superb Nomad configured for Civilian ops.

Cockpit and 3DFX Upgrades from around the Il2 web:
F-104: Along with the 3DFX Upgrades and Insignia patch the F104 cockpit now looks the right shape and works beautifully.  The cockpit was made by the Frecce Tricolori Virtuali for the MB-339.  The sound is much improved too, although it tends to drop away at anything over 106% power.  So keep the power range realistic and you will have no issues.

Sure, the F-104 is still a franken plane but try some of these amazing skins made for it by Stefano.
F-104A package skins

Alongside the new cockpit we also have the aircraft it was made for; the MB-339 PAN by Marez and the Frecce Tricolori Virtuali; the Italian Il2 based Online Formation Flight Group.  Their MB-339 is an excellent model, if a little old in Il2 terms these days, that makes a fine trainer as well as an aerobatic display aircraft.  I hope that its inclusion in CUP will help to preserve the model and enable it to be developed further.

The Frecce Tricolori Virtuali analogue cockpit also fits the Albatros family very well indeed!  They all get the treatment.


Beech Baron G55/G58 Skipper
Skipper's Beech Baron, with cockpit by Greif11 and skin by fresco23, is going to be sensational!  Currently still very much a WIP, the internals are not yet fully mapped and there is an issue with the pilot's head position when changing to outside views: Go from inside to outside from a central looking ahead attitude, otherwise the head is dislocated.  Obviously a few minor things to tidy up and we shall keep track of the development thread.  However, this Baron already looks great in the scenery, the AI can fly it and so can you.

Takes off and lands like a Horten (with airbrake engaged).  This is such a fun mod well overdue for inclusion in the Jet Age!

CY6_Infantry MOD CY6
This excellent, but quite old mod, enhances Command and Control (also by CY6) 412 compatibility.  It will be added to all CUP Modules as they are upgraded.

AD4 Skyraider Wing Texture
Improved shading and textures, for the Spad, now built into JTW38.SFS.  From JSGMEMODS folder: #JTW-ALT-AD4 Wing Texture may now be de-activated and deleted.

Improved Static.INI
Better organised into sections.  The ultimate goal is a fully illustrated catalogue of each object and number.


Resident guru Bison_M has fixed a bunch of helos and added some new ones.  The equally enigmatic genius; Mission_BUG has also provided new stationary models.

Not only are these great aircraft to fly (I'm a confirmed rotorhead), they are also excellent 'scene builders' and 'targets of opportunity' in a modern battlefield setting.  Check out the threads and say; kudos!

Upgrade Cockpit Mi-8 Bison_M

Ka-50-2 & Ka-52 Hokum_B (Just for fun) Bison_M

Mi-8 Terminator ver. 29.10.15 Bison_M


Use JSGME to change the 'un-skinnable-TGA's, of the C-172 wheel spats and tail, to match your skins.



Keeping it all tidy here, the latest versions for fastjets, carrier functions and weaponry.

SAS Engine Mod v2.7 for 4.12.2m + Buttons 10.5 test

SAS Engine MOD 2.7 patch western 25/Oct./2015


Helicopters 2.0  benitomuso

Presenting an awesome new proper helo flight model for the Hind.  I do hope Pablo can do the Huey some time!  The CUP Hind also features a new default skin that can accept all national markings (thanks to Bison_M).  The main cargo doors are also working so you can simulate deployments by landing at a hot LZ and opening the troop doors.


Building on S4_Vega's excellent overhaul: - we now have several new cockpit choices, setups and avionics suites for our Aeros:

L-39C Albatros - Basic Trainer and Aerobatic aircraft - New Analogue Cockpit (Superb feel with Red Arrows or Brietling Teams)

This aircraft can be launched with one or two pilots, depending on the loadout screen, and a JSGME Option allows you to remove all pylons for a clean Aerobatic Display presentation.

L-139C Albatros - 2-Seat Light Strike Fighter - New Analogue Cockpit with a large variety of ordnance.
L-139Z Observer - 2-Seat Light Strike Fighter - New Analogue Cockpit with Observer Sight and Fall-Line (Pinpoint Accuracy)
L-159A Alca - Single Seat Strike Fighter - Fully digital avionics suite (like the F-16)

L-159F and L-159G Single Seat Strike Fighters - New Analogue Cockpit (Perfect 80s ambience)


Checkyersix's previous suite of FMB Functions was largely broken by the TD-412 patch - We can only assume that TD members didn't play Il2 to this level; because so many previous DBW flyers find it hard to do without!

Sputnikshock, who worked with CY6 on Command and Control, identified the offending 412 code conflict and re-designed many of the features.  We tested this several months ago and then it went into suspended animation for a time.

I continued to test the new objects and classfiles, for new campaigns and conversions, finding most items worked well and there are ways around the ones that do not.  ie; With proper use of 412 FMB we actually have most of the functions back as before and some of the previous ideas are also workable through FMB mission design.

Accordingly: We are going to release what we have so that we can also upgrade many other campaigns, such as those by Poltava, that used the old Command and Control.  This is still Sputnikshock's project and all credit is due to him.  In the event we have further updates from him they will also be integrated into CUP.

My new Korean campaigns demonstrate the use of these features and, of course, everyone will be encouraged to take my missions apart and see how they go together.

Many campaigns are coming, old ones will be fixed.  So that you can get into the new functions right now, and practice using the the systems, we are including a Demo Package - snipped from a number of WIP Campaigns.  These will be found under Single Missions - No Nation - because it is used as a general testing area.  Be sure to check out the C&C-Readme and AIRPCC_readme attached.


Introducing two new Skyhawk models to CUP: These examples technically represent many Skyhawk models, from C/E/F to the M.  They are labelled as A-4 Skyhawk Early and A-4 Skyhawk Late.

Based on the 3D Model by Ben Harber, aka "Mid7night", from the x-plane.org forums - and imported to Il2 by Barnsey12 - the mods have been further improved with the SAS Weapon classfiles, by Ranwers, and integrated into the CUP framework.

Barnsey12, CWATSON and TON414 did some great work to import this model, further polish the 3D for Il2 and install a placeholder cockpit based on the exisitng P-80.

To further improve the mod; it is important to understand the full function and code requirements of Il2 Mods-412 and upwards.  Any 'no-open canopy fix', is NOT a solution in 412 as it breaks the Steam Powered Catapults on all boats.  Its no good closing the canopy if we can't then launch the aircraft from the carrier!

'No-Open Canopy' is old code, pre-412, that is incompatible with the universally accepted SAS_Engine MOD.  The correct solution these days is a new flight model.  Until then the Skyhawk, a dedicated Naval aircraft, was not modelled properly for carrier operations! 

This is an all-new Skyhawk set; with new classfiles and navy carrier-capable flight model.  Now, thanks to SAS~Benitomuso, we have Skyhawks that operate from Steam Powered Catapults, within the configurable 412 environment, and keep their canopies closed during flight.


Currently we don't have a gunsight pipper in the MB339 style cockpit.  With modern missiles this is not much of an issue really and tracer rounds easily pinpoint your MG/cannon shots too.  However, in time I would like to see an avionics upgrade across the whole P-80 Series Cockpits when used for modern aircraft.

#JTW-COCKPIT Hind - The Mi-24V Hind Cockpit is still WIP and yes, we all know about the green artifact at your right shoulder.  The JSGME Option will at least clean up your forward view and is fine for normal flight.

Helicopter AI - As the human helo FMs improve the AI finds it harder to cope.  Please use the dedicated AI Helos to accompany you.  Attack helicopter missions are usually single ship anyway, or co-ordinated independent single flights.

Read this, its not too difiicult and I do at least use punctuation and pictures:  Therefore, if you post an issue already covered in the readme or first post you may expect (friendly) derision!  We know a lot of Navy pilots all over the world; any one of whom will come to your house and throw a can of paint over you.  Its kind of a tradition when FNGs do something silly...

We have been here before, and I'm sure new loadouts and tweaks will be forthcoming.  Meanwhile the functionality of these jets, alongside the newest Command and Control, provides what - I am surprised to conclude these days - is STILL the best fast-jet simulator overall.  Taking into account the sheer breadth of available content and how good it all looks and the un-rivalled access to mission creation from the most incredible tool of its kind - 412 FMB!

Finally huge thanks especially to SAS~Benitomuso, co-founder of CUP, and 4S_Vega, responsible for so many changes and addons to CUP, and Ranwers, where would we be without you?

Also eMeL and RDDR, the main Hangar-19 test crew who Upload/Download, bug hunt and test for so many hours, days on end, then talk on Skype into the early hours day and night. 

It takes a special kind of nut!

(RDDR has recently moved house and his PC is not yet up again.  However, he has also followed and OK'd this release.)



Community Universal Patch
CUP Module 04 The Jet Age Pt-09




This small Upgrade will eventually become part of JTW Part-10 but its worth getting right now if you use other CUP Modules.  The new JTW37.SFS and VCL14/15.SFS SFS_MAPS Place-holders will ensure that the new Vietnam era vehicles do not over-ride existing WWII vehicle slots and avoid interfering with #WAW!

UnZIP/UnRAR 'C.U.P. Module 04 The Jet Age Pt-09B' direct to your Il2 Main Directory and allow overwrite.


Community Universal Patch
CUP Module 04 The Jet Age Pt-09B






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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 01:08:43 AM »

Congrats mate! Beautiful work as always. Skyhawk updated, very smooth looking! Thunderstreaks, Thunderchief's. Lovely stuff. Thanks for the hard work and for sharing with us.

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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2015, 01:18:53 AM »

All I can say is ...WOW!   Amazing work putting this all together over the last few months. Simon, you are a saint!
Been playing a bit of DCS lately & while it sure is pretty, always seem to come back to IL2. Mainly because of the awesome modding community & people like yourself who make it all easily accessible. Big round of applause & thanks to all for the many hours of hard work and dedication  8)


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2015, 01:23:32 AM »

Great pack and a nice example of well coordinated teamwork efforts.
Congratulations, very well done.

Best regards - Mike
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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 02:20:38 AM »

Excellent job Simon & crew!!!! Many thanks for your continuing contribution, 8)


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2015, 02:23:18 AM »

superb additions all round, well done all! :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2015, 02:28:02 AM »

Well its another year on lads.   8) Another bush-fire season is upon us and its the anniversary of when Pablo named CUP!  What a year its been...


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2015, 03:14:57 AM »

Many thanks Monty& crew


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2015, 07:47:55 AM »

Not a bad job on all three modules just got in from a unfriendly visit to some scallywags and had a message that you did something good job. Now for your yearly burn out there would you prefer Kyoto beef or just plain hamburger.


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2015, 07:50:44 AM »

Hello mate!  What are you doing up so late?  My excuse is 40' tonight and the aircon has packed up!  Even so might give it a go and turn in...  :P


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2015, 07:59:26 AM »

Hello mate!  What are you doing up so late?  My excuse is 40' tonight and the aircon has packed up!  Even so might give it a go and turn in...  :P

Just relaxing after a visit I had to do to some alleged humans They do not like it when I visit. So your 40 of age It has been a while for me at that but a good age still young. Enjoying these new add ons you have cobbled together great work.


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 04 - The Jet Age Pt-09
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2015, 09:23:55 AM »

Big THANKS to all involved!
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