You need training Marco! Also some Key Mapping I suspect. Take a look at the USMC Hornet and Harrier missions under Single/UM/2015-Hornet_Training. I wrote these when learning the new keys and its all explained.
Here are shots taken a few minutes ago in my Jet Age, any excuse for a test, setup as a turkey-shoot for weapons testing. Note the weapon selection messages and status of the missile seeker: caged/un-caged/auto etc. This F4-E is packing SAHR AIM-7 Sparrows - lock and guide. Semi-Active-Homing-Radar Missiles, like Sparrows and Mavericks (for air to ground) will announce they are locked and ready with a 'Launch Authorised' audible message (I recognise this stern female voice from early days in LOMAC). Heat seekers will growl when un-caged and ready to lock. The tone will become a high warble when ready to fire. You have to be in a good position, or
'aspect', in order to prevent the enemy from dodging your shot. Don't fire missiles while turning too hard and G-loading the wings, for example, and don't allow the enemy to evade the shot.
If you are targetted the onboard RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) shows a coloured asterisk in Il2. Red for 'Holy Shit!' to Yellow for 'That was close!' (These are the correct technical terms, I talk to pilots!

) - at which point you break turn hard and pump chaff, for SAHR, or drop flares if a heater has you. I just pump everything and pull hard!

...So let's shoot some drones. Use your 'Lock Enemy Air Key' to make sure you have them and listen for 'Launch Authorised'. Its not easy to capture in a quick screenie but see how the AIM-7D actually drops off the rail before igniting and streaking away...

...the missiles are fired with the rockets key - Weapon-3 - but selection is hard-coded to 'Select missile Type' key...

...'Wheelbrakes' key becomes the seeker cage key when airborne...

...then we can try a 'heater' AIM-9D Sidewinder, rear aspect self guiding heat seeker...

...note the missile selection, need to map a key to that...

...AIM-9D ignites more quicky, jumps off the rail and guides immediately. That's why the smoke trail passes over the wing at this point...

...and you can follow the trail and watch it guide in...

...then we can open up with the Internal cannon and SUU Gunpods...

...I didn't use any extra effects packages here because I test with a clean setup...

Do the test missions and re-map your keys. These weapon systems are quite astonishing and the degree of sophistication now available in Il2 mods has to be seen to be believed. My favourite? - CCIP (look it up and try it with an F/A18 or F16).
The HUD MODES (not yet in the Phantom but developed for the F/A18 and others) and weapons coding, like the canopy code, engines and steam catapults (no Navy jet operations without these), all owe their genesis to mods and code developed here at SAS. These features are slowly finding their way into all Il2 jet type mods because SAS freely share unique code advances and do not practice restrictive modding.
Back to Boot Camp for you Marco - Go find those Hornet missions and get training!