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Author Topic: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pts-13 & 14  (Read 51171 times)

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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #60 on: December 07, 2015, 02:48:38 PM »

One more thing:

For an instant QMB checkout of the GCI features they have been added to the QMB-CUP-Channel set of missions.  Try it out from either side and prepared to be guided to your targets by the ground based radar operators - magic!  Be sure to check out the C&C-Readme and AIRPCC_readme attached.

I don´t get it to work. Do I have to activate sth?  :-[

Make sure you have Subtitles enabled in order to see the text messages.  Activate PAL'S MissionPRO - Try CUP-Channel RedScramble00.  This set contains GCIs in place on both sides.  You can also open each mission from QMB into FMB and see the GCI objects.  The same could be done for all CUP/JTW mission sets.

Please let us know when this is working for you.  Personally I love GCI, it always blows me away when the sim starts talking to me! (through the subtitled text)

This is how I have it:
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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #61 on: December 07, 2015, 03:24:42 PM »

Everything is working properly now! Every plane is there, checked some things out and... MAGNIFICENT!
Real nice job, SAS~Monty27.

Discovered just a very, tiny, small, weird thing in FMB. Object 2643 Vehicle Opel Blitz 6700A Medic W(inter) is looking weird... :-|
BTW, have some questions about these objects… Is it normal some of them are not usable? They are in the list, but cannot be seen. For instance, 1155 human 21 till 1175 human 41 is invisible. Some others, probably buildings, too. Something for the future?




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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #62 on: December 07, 2015, 03:39:22 PM »

Well I am amazed as normal, the P-40's are back and so are the Gladiators. Shame you had to cut out the other 190 V's...but hell, the V-18 was the ''Historical'' one and documented, thankyou for putting that in and keeping it there! I take it the V-18 is only for C.U.P?  :-|  :-X  ;D
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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #63 on: December 07, 2015, 03:45:45 PM »

Well I am amazed as normal, the P-40's are back and so are the Gladiators. Shame you had to cut out the other 190 V's...but hell, the V-18 was the ''Historical'' one and documented, thankyou for putting that in and keeping it there! I take it the V-18 is only for C.U.P?  :-|  :-X  ;D

Don't forget the French Postwar A5's and A8's, I was amazed to learn of these!  They are just below the Kangaroo in the planelist. 

Yep we test EVERYTHING, usually smashing the install in process, then keep what works!  Sometimes we fix things ourselves, CUP has fixed countless items in 412. 

I'm sorry about the duff test upload, the new link failed to overwrite the old properly.  That's the thing with CUP, the Modular design allows us to prise it apart, break it and put it back together. 

Each previous step is always backed up.  That's why we do the restore point from time to time.  Now we have all taken another step forward together.  8)

Everything is working properly now! Every plane is there, checked some things out and... MAGNIFICENT!
Real nice job, SAS~Monty27.

Discovered just a very, tiny, small, weird thing in FMB. Object 2643 Vehicle Opel Blitz 6700A Medic W(inter) is looking weird... :-|
BTW, have some questions about these objects… Is it normal some of them are not usable? They are in the list, but cannot be seen. For instance, 1155 human 21 till 1175 human 41 is invisible. Some others, probably buildings, too. Something for the future?



Hi Jenato

Yes this is weird but OK.  We have so many more objects that I think its OK to overlook the odd tiny anomaly.  However, we will fix them all in time.

The reason is that all CUP modules use the vast resource of the SAS-Modular Map Expansion (SAS-MME).  Often overlooked; SAS-MME makes almost every map ever made for Il2 available to the CUP Modules.  However, each CUP Module also has different object lists, more modern vehicles in the Jet Age, more horses in Dawn of Flight.

Despite vastly different STD folders for each module the Static.INI for each set must contain common references in order for the maps to load.  Any object or reference missing from any of the four Static.INI's, even a miss-spelling, may prevent a map from working and produce the 'Mission Save Bug'.  So therefore we have to try and keep a large number of Static.INI references common across all eras, even though they access different material.

All the maps work, loading and saving missions properly, and putting those Static.INIs together took months of testing!

Occassionally I come across a vehicle with the wrong skin - which is what you saw - and its easy to skip past.  There is plenty more in there.

Changing the Static.INI is a dangerous practice, and we do one object at time very carefully.  However, it is possible to correct the strange skins and I have been doing so, slowly and carefully.

You could help us:  During your travels through FMB, should you spot an anomaly, please note these details:

CUP Module: ie, #DOF/#JTW etc..
Object heading: ie, Objects/Stationary Armor etc...
Object Number: in the menu window.

There are very few anomalies left but they can be corrected in the Static.INI, with a bit of patience and testing.  With all due respect we advise caution with editing your Static.INI.  Of course, you are backed up from the last upgrade but if you pass on your observations to me, via PM, I would be most grateful and we can add them to the testing program.

eMeL, in particualr, went cross-eyed for months, loading maps, saving missions, noting mission save bug... , loading maps, saving missions, noting mission save bug... , loading maps, saving missions, noting mission save bug... , loading maps, saving missions, noting mission save bug...

With the success of CUP we are now lucky enough to actually have a few of the greatest Il2 map makers, like SAS~Farang65, working directly on the CUP SAS-MME.  So we are getting some professional help at last and have a lot more to look forward too, including some wonderful new maps.

Again the Modular design helps us out here - new maps and improved Static.INIs will be added to all modules via the next SAS-MME upgrade. Future upgrades of individual modules will also contain the relevant improvements.  From the user end - just throw it in!




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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #64 on: December 07, 2015, 04:14:25 PM »

Monty without question this gives our blessed old sim more life, Your's and everyone else involved in the project has stunned us all and with us all moving together, things can only get better! One little request though and I am surprised you guys left it out of WAW or JTW, the Bearcat...will she make an appearance?
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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #65 on: December 07, 2015, 04:54:31 PM »

Monty without question this gives our blessed old sim more life, Your's and everyone else involved in the project has stunned us all and with us all moving together, things can only get better! One little request though and I am surprised you guys left it out of WAW or JTW, the Bearcat...will she make an appearance?

Gerd's Bearcat is beautiful and we had it in earlier versions.  Its on the list...

Funny enough I already have a couple of Bearcats.  Although Kingsley has got a bloody liger!



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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #66 on: December 07, 2015, 05:03:33 PM »

One more thing:

For an instant QMB checkout of the GCI features they have been added to the QMB-CUP-Channel set of missions.  Try it out from either side and prepared to be guided to your targets by the ground based radar operators - magic!  Be sure to check out the C&C-Readme and AIRPCC_readme attached.

I don´t get it to work. Do I have to activate sth?  :-[

Make sure you have Subtitles enabled in order to see the text messages.  Activate PAL'S MissionPRO - Try CUP-Channel RedScramble00.  This set contains GCIs in place on both sides.  You can also open each mission from QMB into FMB and see the GCI objects.  The same could be done for all CUP/JTW mission sets.

Please let us know when this is working for you.  Personally I love GCI, it always blows me away when the sim starts talking to me! (through the subtitled text)

Monty, it´s working now on the QMB RedScramble00 as you said. I love it!!!  :) :-* It´s now so helpful to get to the bandits.
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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #67 on: December 07, 2015, 05:10:07 PM »

One more thing:

For an instant QMB checkout of the GCI features they have been added to the QMB-CUP-Channel set of missions.  Try it out from either side and prepared to be guided to your targets by the ground based radar operators - magic!  Be sure to check out the C&C-Readme and AIRPCC_readme attached.

I don´t get it to work. Do I have to activate sth?  :-[

Make sure you have Subtitles enabled in order to see the text messages.  Activate PAL'S MissionPRO - Try CUP-Channel RedScramble00.  This set contains GCIs in place on both sides.  You can also open each mission from QMB into FMB and see the GCI objects.  The same could be done for all CUP/JTW mission sets.

Please let us know when this is working for you.  Personally I love GCI, it always blows me away when the sim starts talking to me! (through the subtitled text)

Monty, it´s working now on the QMB RedScramble00 as you said. I love it!!!  :) :-* It´s now so helpful to get to the bandits.

I thinks its perfectly appropriate to exclaim "Bloody Marvelous!".  I would like to impliment these features across the entire CUP QMBPRO set now that we have a good working Command and Control in 412 CUP!


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #68 on: December 07, 2015, 05:37:52 PM »

One more thing:

For an instant QMB checkout of the GCI features they have been added to the QMB-CUP-Channel set of missions.  Try it out from either side and prepared to be guided to your targets by the ground based radar operators - magic!  Be sure to check out the C&C-Readme and AIRPCC_readme attached.

I don´t get it to work. Do I have to activate sth?  :-[

Make sure you have Subtitles enabled in order to see the text messages.  Activate PAL'S MissionPRO - Try CUP-Channel RedScramble00.  This set contains GCIs in place on both sides.  You can also open each mission from QMB into FMB and see the GCI objects.  The same could be done for all CUP/JTW mission sets.

Please let us know when this is working for you.  Personally I love GCI, it always blows me away when the sim starts talking to me! (through the subtitled text)

Monty, it´s working now on the QMB RedScramble00 as you said. I love it!!!  :) :-* It´s now so helpful to get to the bandits.

I thinks its perfectly appropriate to exclaim "Bloody Marvelous!".  I would like to impliment these features across the entire CUP QMBPRO set now that we have a good working Command and Control in 412 CUP!

Please do! It´s a lot of fun. I´m already too late for bed!  o_O Got caught in the frenzy combat!
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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #69 on: December 07, 2015, 07:41:13 PM »

This is awesome, and I love how you categorized the C&C. Simply AMAZING
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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #70 on: December 07, 2015, 08:14:29 PM »

This is awesome, and I love how you categorized the C&C. Simply AMAZING

Sputnikshock's project, but he's been busy lately and I haven't spoken with him for a while.  He did a great job with C&C.


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Re: C.U.P.- Module 03 - World at War Pt-13
« Reply #71 on: December 07, 2015, 09:24:17 PM »

Funny enough I already have a couple of Bearcats.  Although Kingsley has got a bloody liger!

Simon Now there is a pair of babies how cute fits on laps a lot easier than mine yup she thinks she is a lap cat. Now I am going to need a baby sitter for 2 weeks would you and your wife/boss like to baby sit my little cat.
Great job on all the modules
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