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Author Topic: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)  (Read 10151 times)

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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2016, 10:04:23 AM »

Modified MiG_Alley campaign available here:



This is a reworked campaign for C.U.P. compatibility, originally designed for HSFX.

The campaign itself has not been significantly altered and mission parameters are as designed by the original author. I have included the HSFX campaign folder for comparison if so desired.

All credits go to Borstl_71 for the campaign (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=918), and the authors of all skins and modded aircraft included.

There is a video in the HSFX folder included in the download. I have not included it in the campaign folder as it does not play in CUP. Maybe someone can tune it.

IMPORTANT!! In JSGME, you must activate "DISABLE CUP SOUNDS". If you do not, your mission load screen will stall at 35-40%. CUP sounds does not like the Pratt & Whitney engines.

EDIT. Please refer to this link, which now fixes the piston engine aircraft not loading: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50088.0.html and drop it into your JSGME folder.

I hope you enjoy my efforts. I will happily accept any positive criticism, it all helps with the learning curve and a better product next time.

And some screenies:

Best Regards,



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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2016, 10:23:33 AM »

lolz, the cricket's been tragic of late, at least as far as the Proteas go...
well done to England, though! :D
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2016, 07:13:16 AM »

Just a small update for anyone that has already downloaded the MiG_Alley upgrade campaign.

In JSGME deselect "DISABLE CUP SOUNDS" and delete folder from your JSGME folder.

Replace with this: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50088.0.html and activate in JSGME. All piston aircraft in this campaign will now load with the new soundset.

Thanks and Regards,



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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2016, 02:02:30 PM »

Downloaded the new JTW soundset and the MiG Alley campaign this morning. I've since installed both, and tested the first couple of missions. The missions went very well - never mind the fact that during the first mission, during my first pass at the bombers, a B-29 gunner whacked my engine.  >:(

I don't know if it's really necessary, but I also have #CUP Forgotten Countries activated. In any event, again, the campaign is going just fine so far. 

Many thanks, bergkamp. I'm looking forward to flying these battles from "the other side."  8)
A ya tsi-tsalagi.


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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2016, 03:18:06 AM »

Thanks for your response, EHood.

It took about 3 weeks to get this campaign converted, testing and retesting. I had the whole thing set up as "blue" side Korea North and then realised that there were no actor voices for North Koreans and got a weird mixture of German and Japanese voices! Had that not been the case, then yes, you would have needed Forgotten Countries enabled to fly a pure North Korean campaign. As it is now, an RU campaign, then you do not need to enable. Anyway, the campaign is supposed to represent Russian pilots flying in secret for the North Koreans.

As an aside, nobody else seems to be contributing to this thread, so I am wondering if Griffon_301 has anything in the pipeline and is intending to keep this open.

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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2016, 12:17:00 AM »

I have been using missions that I had downloaded many years ago and trying them in CUP. So far not many problems. The only issue I have is some of the older missions don't use the maps from CUP which would make the missions more authentic.
Instead they use the alternate locations close to the description of the mission location, because the correct map did not exist at the time.
Other than that, I really have not had much problems using older missions. Campaigns or Single.

Thanks Joe


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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2016, 02:11:17 PM »

Motorhead's Pearl Harbor - Tokyo mod (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,41494.0.html) works but theres a couple problems

On later missions, 1944 and on, your squadron spawns in the water by the carrier, no matter what kind of plane you're in.

Frame rates are often incredibly low to the point of unusable, but that might be more with my computer than the campaign itself.

Other than that it's merged very well with CUP and works better than it does with HSFX (I could never get it to work right in HSFX)


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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2016, 04:38:22 AM »

Hello Bergkamp!

well, I cannot contribute much currently as I do not have time to check many campaigns now...I intended to provide this thread as a collection of experiences from guys using older campaigns and how they adapt to CUP :)
so far the ones I have tested (mostly from ponyboy) all work as advertised and provide some great fun...
if you ever like to do a tour of virtual Hawaii in CUP for example, get his P-36 campaign from M4T; great fun using this bird in a pre and attack on Pearl scenario...


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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2016, 05:26:51 AM »

Hi Griffon.

I too have been working my way through PonyBoy's "Eagle and the Sun" campaigns, also and so far, no problems (up to campaign #4).

My main aim, so far, has been to resurrect some old campaigns and bring them up to CUP standard, for example, giving airfields a bit of CUP eye candy and implementing taxi to take off, or in the case of some Pacific campaigns, replacing the ships originally used. Mostly, though, I found that a lot of the "golden oldies" (I'm talking third party campaigns) can be made to work just by replacing the description of the map load .ini in the campaign .mis file (missions/campaign/xx/campaignxyz/xyx01.mis file), as you alluded to in your opening topic.

I guess it's up to the individual to check out their favourites and see what's what and come back here for further advice.

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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2016, 07:42:24 AM »

Just to remind everyone, a year or so ago I wrote a script that will scan a campaign and your IL2 install and tell you what's missing in terms of aircraft, loadouts, skins, ships, tanks, stationaries, etc. I've found it a great help in updating campaigns to work with CUP, or any other install type. I'm currently working through some campaigns.

It would be great to have a centralized place to upload campaigns that users have brought up to 4.12/CUP standards, after getting original authors permission. That way people only need to look there to see if someone else has checked out the campaign already, and CUP-makers can easily see what object/ships/aircrafts should be added into future updates.



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Re: WIP: Campaigning in CUP (using campaigns not originally designed for CUP)
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2016, 11:20:39 AM »

Excellent work Andqui!  Wish I had know about this earlier!


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This is for anyone who has downloaded the reworked "Hell_in_the_Pacific campaigns.

I've noticed in the Iwo Jima campaign, for some reason the mission is not reading "weapon none" from the mission file on certain aircraft, resulting in a "pink" aircraft showing at mission load, rendering the mission unplayable. This seems to have happened over the last 2 or 3 CUP #WAW module uploads (18-20) as there was not a problem with this campaign before.

The missions affected are: 1,2,4,20,26,27,28,29. For a long winded fix, to satisfy your curiosity, open the mission file in your main game (missions/campaign/UM/Hell) and scroll down and find entries for the class air. TBM3 and change weapons none to default. In mission 29, you also need to change the class B.29 from weapons none to default.

For all other lazy buggers, here is the link to Mediafire for the fix. https://www.mediafire.com/download/9xb64vx0fhv2hxx/IwoJima-Fix.rar  Unzip, copy folder and allow overwrite
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