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Author Topic: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.  (Read 18355 times)

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ol' Navy

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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2016, 07:12:05 AM »

no full quotes PLEASE!

Let me know if this reduces/eliminates the stutter issue.

Thank you.  I did this, but, the first two missions are where I definitely had the problem and still could not play them.  Again, this was the USMC F-4U campaign.  But then I tried the third mission, same campaign, no problem.  I haven't gotten further so I'll have to let you know.  Then, last evening, I tried the USAF P-38 campaign, and didn't see any problem with it (not known past first mission).  Funny?  Believe me, I am not complaining because I enjoy and appreciate your hard work.  Thank you.  Mainly, I wanted to let you know about the issue I was having, in hopes of helping others.  Thank you for the response, and your patience with an old not too smart guy


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2016, 12:47:40 PM »

I am genuinely pleased to help. I always suspect that for every one person that raises an issue there are ten more that just don't say anything.  I am currently playing the campaign myself with the P-38.  I will try one with the  Corsair and see if I run into trouble.  You can also try lowering the squadron density another notch.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2016, 01:02:20 PM »

About low fps....

....check this tread and look in your log if there is trace of the misisng object...


ol' Navy

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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2016, 03:34:46 PM »

I am genuinely pleased to help. I always suspect that for every one person that raises an issue there are ten more that just don't say anything.  I am currently playing the campaign myself with the P-38.  I will try one with the  Corsair and see if I run into trouble.  You can also try lowering the squadron density another notch.

Thank you.  I believe that I got a hold of a bad download when I downloaded your campaign.  This morning, I made a concerted effort to get rid of what I had, re downloaded it, reinstalled the campaign as per instructions, and now it works.  At least it makes me feel a little better in that it wasn't something that I screwed up on my own for a change.  And also, let me apologize to you for using "full quotes".  I have never learned to do otherwise.  Tried it one time, but my quote wasn't enclosed in a block and it wasn't shaded blue.  Believe me, I did think about doing it hear, but I just don't know how.  At 73 yrs old, it is just getting hard as hell to learn "stuff".  Thanks again.  I appreciate the help.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2016, 03:49:49 PM »

ol' Navy, I am the one who edited your post.
We want to avoid full quotes to have a more readable forum, thats all.  ;)

To do a proper quote isn't so complicated.
Just rethink maths brackets operations .. and you will understand.  :P
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ol' Navy

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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2016, 06:17:22 PM »

Next issue: exploding plane on runway. I am aware of this. Either there was a change to the Betty Bomber loadout in a recent update or I booted something, but that is the problem (see my reply #4 above). When you have exploding planes on the runway in any campaign it is almost always the loadout for some aircraft in the campaign. I have a fix and have tested it, and just now uploaded it to M4T. Same link as on the first post of this thread. You can safely recopy all of the files to your DCG directory but the only file that changed is Payloads.dcg. The new file will take effect for any new campaigns; if you want to apply the change to an existing campaign you will need to generate a new mission with DCG.

I have had a plane explode on the runway as you alluded to.  And I would be interested in what you say about generating a new mission.  But since this is my first time to use DCG, how would I go about doing so.  I have downloaded your campaign, the 1.1 version.  How do I get rid of the previous campaign and use this new one?  Thank you.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2016, 01:00:05 PM »

Any new campaign you generate will use the new campaign files. To update an existing campaign, follow the steps below. Note that these steps are needed to implement any changes you make to an active campaign. In DCG, you can change the number of planes (to reduce fps issues, for example), you can change loadouts, paintschemes, and so on. You must generate the new mission per the steps below before these items will take effect.

Make sure that Rabaul was your last active campaign. If you are not sure, just go to your career page and load the briefing screen, then exit.

Open DCG. Select Files --> Optional Third Party Data folder and make sure that the Rabaul folder is selected.

To make sure that Rabaul is the active campaign, select Edit --> Squadron and make sure you see the squadrons for the Rabaul campaign. In the example below I am playing the Rabaul campaign using the USMC Hell Diver subcampaign:

Note the message underneath the Generate Mission button ("Changes to squadron composition will not take effect until..."). Click the Generate Mission button. Wait a moment for the mission to be generated. You will know that DCG generated the mission when the message underneath the Generate Mission button changes to a mission briefing statement:

Now you can go into the game and load the new mission and settings. The settings will remain in effect until you make another change and apply it specifically to this campaign. Hope I made sense of all this.

ol' Navy

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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2016, 02:17:53 PM »

Thank you.  I am gonna try to do all this.  This DCG is new to me and I'm pretty much in a quandary on where to go.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2016, 02:22:05 PM »

We will get it.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2016, 08:35:59 AM »


Unless I am missing something really stupid, I do not see the aircraft option in any of the sub campaigns. eg: I can choose the USMC campaign but cannot see the Helldiver campaign. In fact, the Helldiver does not show up in the player squadron dropdown list. I have downloaded twice now and also started with a clean DGen folder. Same result.

Also, while checking out the FPS issues in FMB, I got the message "the chief's type ship IJNShigaEscort does not exist in your current installation." This is also true of IJNShinnan and IJNUkuru. It appears these have not been included in the latest CUP #WAW update #18. I do not believe they were ever imported from TFM412.

Best Regards,



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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2016, 09:07:02 AM »

I will look into this. It is working on my install, so we must have some Mod difference.  The Hell Diver issue is particularly odd. If I understand correctly, you choose the Marine campaign and in the aircraft selection dropdown you have the Corsair but not the Hell Diver. ..correct?


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2016, 09:29:05 AM »

Yes, that is correct. And just to clarify, whichever campaign I choose, USN, USMC, USAAF, IJN, I can select a career for the first plane (eg F4U, P38, Hellcat) but nothing for the second, sub career (eg Helldiver, B-25, SBD). Like this:

Another thing I found, only a minor glitch - jeez, you can't think of everything compiling something like this - mission 2 of USMC F4U campaign, I got a "mission failed" message whilst sitting on the runway. Checking FMB, you had put a primary target tag on a Jap vehicle in the target area but had set timeout at "0" minutes. I reset the timeout to 45 mins to solve.

Please don't think I'm nit picking. Producing something like this must have driven you mad sometimes.

Thanks and Regards,


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