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Author Topic: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.  (Read 18354 times)

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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #48 on: July 28, 2016, 10:13:43 AM »

Oh crap. I'll take a look when I get home.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #49 on: July 28, 2016, 04:43:57 PM »

It's one of those days.  My computer monitor just died. While I deal with that could you do two things for me. Please check and make sure that you select the Rabaul allcampaigns file in the DCG main menu Third party campaign option. I would give better instructions but I can't look at it. Also, in the dcg home directory could you find the file called something like dcgerror.txt and either post that here or email to me? I don't think it will be very big but to play it safe you should use the code option.

Sorry about the delay but don't worry. We will get this sorted.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2016, 06:16:38 PM »

I think the problem is the missing "Rabaul" entry in the campaignsINR.dat file!
So the complete line should be:

Rabaul Siege of Rabaul, October 1943

Save it and start a new campaign!
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2016, 03:46:44 AM »

It's one of those days.  My computer monitor just died. While I deal with that could you do two things for me. Please check and make sure that you select the Rabaul allcampaigns file in the DCG main menu Third party campaign option. I would give better instructions but I can't look at it. Also, in the dcg home directory could you find the file called something like dcgerror.txt and either post that here or email to me? I don't think it will be very big but to play it safe you should use the code option.

Sorry about the delay but don't worry. We will get this sorted.

Yes I ahve the allcampaigns files selected... here is the error log you asked for
Code: [Select]
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.172] Parameter String0 = C:\Games\IL2\Il2 custom nightfighter ed\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\DGen.exe
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.175] Parameter String1 = in
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.178] Parameter String2 = 0
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.180] DCG.ini processed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.186] Loaded messages processed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.190] Game version checked [1946].
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.193] Game version includes IL2AEP [True].
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.196] Game version successfully set up.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.202] Begin Parameter Check
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.206] Setting new log file date.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.209] Game Path = C:\Games\IL2\Il2 custom nightfighter ed\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.211] Finding configuration file to determine log file name.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.214] Logfile = eventlog.lst
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.451] No "Hawaii/" Campaign Found. Creation Failed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.454] Parameters processed.
[2016/07/28 17:04:11.457] Form Create Complete
"A day without slaughter is like a day without sunshine" ..Marcus Kincaid


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2016, 04:04:11 AM »

I think the problem is the missing "Rabaul" entry in the campaignsINR.dat file!
So the complete line should be:

Rabaul Siege of Rabaul, October 1943

Save it and start a new campaign!

that works
"A day without slaughter is like a day without sunshine" ..Marcus Kincaid


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #53 on: July 29, 2016, 10:17:16 AM »

Many thanks to you both! I will post the new files as soon as I get my pc running again.


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Re: The Siege of Rabaul - A DCG Campaign for C.U.P.
« Reply #54 on: August 09, 2016, 09:16:28 AM »

I have DirecTV and a relative new channel H&I (Heroes and Icons) has been running two episodes of Baa Baa Black Sheep back to back on Saturdays. After watching, I feel the urge to - I fire up this campaign, hop into a Corsair and to takeout some "Zekes".

Thank you vonofterdingen for creating and sharing your DCG campaigns with us.
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