Today I added WAW Parts 13 and 14 to my CUP installation. So far I've encountered only one problem, with the Martin B-10. This problem also occurs with all three of the B-10 derivatives. The cockpit (and aircraft) work fine, as does the dorsal gunner's position. The bombardier's position, however, does not appear at all. Instead, another stab at the C key produces this peculiar view:

It can't be seen in this screenshot, but the black across the bottom half of the picture is translucent; portions of the aircraft interior, including a deck and a pair of large, rectangular openings, are visible. I'm assuming that this is the ventral gunner's position, although he does seem to be looking forward. In fact, that looks very much like portions of the cockpit deck, control column base and rudder pedals in the center of the picture. Whatever this view shows, there is no response to mouse clicks or movements.
Another click of the C key puts you in the nose gunner's position:

The view is great, but neither the gun nor the turret respond to mouse inputs. In other words, all you can do is sit there and admire the scenery until, with another C click, you're back in the pilot's seat.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Any help with a solution would be greatly appreciated.