Can you run the Black Death track in both of your installs and tell us the results (average fps)?
Plus a logfile 
Finally got around to running this test. The compare is the latest version of CUP WAW (pt 17) with maps (pt14) vs a personal heavily modded HSFX Expert base. The modded HSFX offering comprises much with focus on extensive map set, latest static and stationary/chief objects. Plane set is expanded but not nearly as expansive as CUP. Likely biggest difference is that the HSFX version does not include the SAS Engine mod.
As for the compare results.
The Black Death used for default compare track.
FPS results: - CUP: avg: 21; max: 78
- modded HSFX: avg: 40; max: 107
Log size: - CUP: 5+mb
- modded HSFX: 88kb
Result Summary:Key is the size difference of the log files. Of course, CUP with all the aircraft includes many lines included for the aircraft inits, though interestingly while the track ran, there were many errors in the logs. Perhaps if someone else with CUP could run Black Death and see if similar results occur. Note, I also had the following JSGME/base options ON for the CUP WAW test:
- CUP VisualMOD 9
- CUP Gore for all planes
- CUP Forgotten countries
- WAW German Gunpods...
- WAW Random belt start pos
- WAW HQ Props
- WAW JC Effects
- WAW Soundset 1
Additionally, here are links to the log files for review:
CUPModded HSFXFurther testing: I plan to run another test of CUP with only the WAW and sound options chosen to see if any improvement; however, with these logs there are some key nuggets to see which are of interest. Of course, of folks with CUP run Black Death and have a much cleaner log, please reply as perhaps my CUP install, though runs, is bugged.
UPDATE: Ran with only WAW and the soundset1 with similar results. One key finding though in the log is the following:
[2:19:38 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/base.mat'
[2:19:38 PM] WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/base.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/OpelBlitzTextures/damage64.tga'
[2:19:38 PM] WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/OpelBlitzTextures/damage64.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
[2:19:38 PM] WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/Damage.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Damage.mat'
[2:19:38 PM] Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/dead.sim not created
[2:19:38 PM] com.maddox.il2.engine.GObjException: Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_medic_summer/summer/dead.sim not created
[2:19:38 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/Damage.mat'
[2:19:38 PM] WARNING: object '3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/Damage.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[2:19:38 PM] INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Damage.mat'
[2:19:38 PM] Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/dead.sim not created
[2:19:38 PM] com.maddox.il2.engine.GObjException: Mesh 3do/Cars/OpelBlitz6700A_radio/summer/dead.sim not created
This will definitely cause FPS loss and tons of repetitive java error entries. Do others see this error when running the Black Death track with CUP?