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Author Topic: CUP and Expected FPS  (Read 13329 times)

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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2016, 07:35:27 AM »

Thanks for the testing results. Can you post hardware specs?

My average fps in the black death track is around 60 with a very slow pc (i3, gtx550,8 ram, 4*AA,AF, 1440*900 screen res) and SAS modact 5.3 / 4.12 as the mod platform, using a very heavy effects mod + 24Gb other mods + 43 sfs files (5Gb) mostly from DBW (ww2 only). I load every plane, building, map, vehicle texture from the #SAS folder because I mod them all the time. With a clean modact I'd get around 68 for the average fps. On a empty map or in fmb I get constant 75 fps which is my screen refresh rate (vsync enabled). I must add that I check and correct every texture and mat file which goes into my install and except the a few ship pack errors on startup my log is usually clean during the missions.


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2016, 08:16:11 AM »

I am running a moderately powered box comprising:
 - i7 950
 - 10 gb ram
 - GTX 970
 - resolution:  width=3840 height=1200

I believe the CUP FPS loss is due to the missing dead textures noted for the vehicles reported in test results post.  Visually while watching the Black Death track, indeed, I saw once the truck was destroyed, it vanished rather than placing a dead object.  From that point onward, FPS tanked as the view panned the combat area and hit spots where the dead trucks would have been.  When panning off the landscape, FPS shot up to acceptable levels.  Thus, likely if the dead objects were corrected, the FPS gain would be substantial.  In my HSFX modded, I actually believe I had to correct these dead objects myself per the update to the retextured trucks done in some improvement mod.  Prior to the fix, i saw similar results in my custom HSFX setup, but once fixed, it ran like a champ.

Perhaps if we can confirm from other CUP users that Black Death has heavy FPS drop and the cause is the missing dead truck textures, a future update could fix the problem.



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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2016, 09:20:58 AM »

WindWpn did you have 2 monitor working side by side?


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2016, 09:39:29 AM »

WindWpn did you have 2 monitor working side by side?

I have three monitors. 
Basically identical to this setup:


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2016, 02:31:55 PM »

20 avg fps on an i7, gtx970


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2016, 06:35:31 AM »

20 avg fps on an i7, gtx970



That is why i am wondering if its my CUP install or if this is "normal" for CUP running the Black Death track.  If someone else with the latest CUP install could try running Black Death track with FPS showing to report results, that would be great.  Regardless of system specs, if indeed, the errors exist, likely any system would come to its knees within this given scenario.



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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2016, 06:48:53 AM »

I had this exact same problem early on. Someone provided a manual fix for the Opel. I've got to find the link to the post where my problem was solved.

I think you'll find that if you turn off logging, most of the FPS issue will go away. IL2 seems to have a problem while writing such a huge log.

EDIT: Here's the link



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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2016, 09:48:58 AM »

Wind, I ran the Black Death track and here is what I got:

Max: 92 fps
Avg: 55 fps
Min: 11 fps (only for split second after big explosion)

Here are my computer spec's:

OS: Windows 7, 64 bit
CPU: Core 2 Extreme QX6850  (the fastest I can use with my motherboard)
Ram: 8 Gb
Video: Nvidia GTX 760

You may already know this but about a year ago I found that by turning off my monitor's "Vertical Sync", my FPS got a big boost.

I did not see the same errors as you in my log file.  I did, however, get these errors with (I think) every ship:

[4:53:18 PM]   Problem in spawn: com.maddox.il2.objects.ships.ShipAshe$HMSJavelin
[4:53:18 PM]   Ship: Value of [HMASNapier]:<Mesh> not foundCan't set property
[4:53:18 PM]   java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property

The only object error was this:

[4:53:18 PM]   Problem in car spawn: com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.cars.TomooseCar$Firetruck




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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2016, 10:31:32 AM »

thanks for the info guys and especially the link for the opal bug/fix as likely that is the cause in my case.  I know at one point in my custom HSFX install, I had to manually edit that configuration as well to address this similar issue, but it was a while back. 

QQ, in the CUP configuration, I see inside #WAW a folder titled /3DO-Fixes/  There appears to be a random collection of entries in here, thus was wondering if perhaps the CUP architecture is configured to automatically pick up any "mod" fixes from this folder relative to the SFS packs?  I have not really studied the architecture of CUP yet, as I have enjoyed the ease of install provided by this vast mod kit and regular releases of packaged content, but if tweaks are needed between releases, its a question where things would fit in.  Of course, perhaps Monty or others may know if this Opal bug has already been fixed in a past restore point, and perhaps my config is simply missing it (may be the case since Dennis noted high FPS running black death with a clean log).

all in all, will continue to look at it as now I am interested to figure out what is going in my CUP install.  just have to find some time for the deep dive!



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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2016, 11:04:00 AM »

I encountered the following issues which can cause low fps:

- too detailed mesh
- oversized tga's
- wrong mat file parameters
(these 3 wont show up in any log)
- repeating java errors

The Opel and other vehicle bugs can be fixed by copying the stock games technics ini entry for the dead mesh to the CUP ini file. But I never encountered fps drop with missing objects, it wont go into a loop looking for that mesh. If it does you will get several log entries about it.


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2016, 01:23:56 PM »

Hi all.  :)
Due to re-formatting a hard drive (I finally got sick of Windows 10 and wanted a clean rollback to Windows 7) I'm currently reinstalling C.U.P. with fresh downloads.

Off the top of my head (and it doesn't really matter, as long as the tests are on the same machine) the specs for my old home-budget-built PC are:
Core 2 Duo
nVidia GTX650 (on the o.e. driver, later drivers have given me various issues)
Windows XP (I'm running this install on my XP dual-boot)

I copied my 'virgin' 4.09 install and patched it to 4.12.2 with the factory patches.
Installed SAS modact 5.3
H.D. 1920x1080
no compression
'perfect' video settings
all other settings are virtually stock/default
I haven't initiated logging yet (and won't until I strike the FPS problem)

Stock game
Black Death: avg 42 FPS

SAS Modact 5.3
(vanilla, no mods added, no JSGME options selected)
Black Death: avg 45 FPS

(So far I have installed Module 1: MME up to SAS-MME09, including the selector that ships with CUP and copied the W.A.W. MAPMODS and STD folders into my #SAS folder to test them)
Black Death: avg 47 FPS

I'll keep installing C.U.P. modules until I see an F.P.S. drop, and let you know.  I *do* expect to see an FPS drop eventually, as I've been disappointed with my PCs performance and GFX glitches with every large modpack going back to the original UP, and including DBW and HSFX.  Also I'm not a fan of compression. So mostly I use ModAct.  I suspect some bugged objects as you guys do, perhaps going back to the earliest large modpacks, but I've never tried a systematic install to prove it until now.

But I *would* be confident to say that there are no FPS bugs up to module SAS-MME09.  I'm intending for this install to have the M.M.E. and W.A.W modules to start with.

I suspect the modest improvements in FPS I've observed so far could be due to superior memory management by the selector, but could also be "margin of error."

40-50 FPS is right in my sweet spot, and I'm very happy with the performance and appearance of the install at this stage.


Edit: Even with the W.A.W STD and MAPMODS folders copied to #SAS, I don't appear to be able to open any new maps, so it looks my install won't be accessing MME until I actually install WAW.  :(

Never  mind, I'll run a benchmark as soon as WAW is running.  :)


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Re: CUP and Expected FPS
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2016, 12:35:24 AM »

Continued installing fresh module downloads up to C.U.P.- Module 03 - World At War Pt04.rar.  This is the first level at which I can actually run C.U.P.  All settings are default as installed, no JSGME options selected, but instant logging is enabled as per the C.U.P. manual:

C.U.P.--W.A.W level 04
(vanilla, no mods added, no JSGME options, instant logging enabled)
Black Death: avg 27 FPS
logfile.txt: 10MB

So, there is definitely a performance issue at this level of C.U.P.--a drop of 20 FPS!  There are visible GFX glitches and freezes, aside from the frame rate being outside my comfort level.  :(

As well, at this level I can't save missions on the stock Berlin Summer Map, and I can't open Canon's English Channel Map at any memory setting.  :(

Canon's Channel Map is a standard test for me - I have never been able to use it in any modpack.  Even in a careful manual modact install I have only ever been able to load and save missions (with "big" il-2fb.exes) that soon crash with major GFX glitches.   :-|

My logfile is 10MB, a huge big mess, I don't even know how to start deciphering such a big logfile!

Now for a bit of good news.  I turned off instant logging by re-writing my [console] in the conf.ini to the stock settings:


C.U.P.--W.A.W level 04
(vanilla, no mods added, no JSGME options, no instant logging)
Black Death: avg 35 FPS

That's almost back to my sweet spot!  :)  I re-did this experiment several times and the results were identical.  Instant logging is costing 8 FPS in this install. In addition there is one big explosion in Black Death that is still visibly glitching for a second or two.

I know C.U.P. has many enhancements and bug fixes beyond this level, so I'm going to keep patching up to the latest level, then benchmark again.


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