thks for answering Agracier and compliments indeed for your maps! if I may I would like to ask u a couple of question: in UP 2.01 your Cartagena is already there, how can I change it to your new 1024 version?
I mean, it has not her own folder in files/maps, just the usual line in all.ini so I don´t know where to put my hands....
Moreover, enabling this map via the JSGME, I do see it in the quick mission bulider list but as I try to "fly" I get this message:"mission loading failed: Landscape dlc_SpainSW/dlc_load.ini loading error".
Well, on quick mission building I am a dunce. I have never been able to make a quick mission or to even install a new working map to the list. Don´t know why but I have never succeeded in this.
Maybe someone else can help you with this ... and help me at the same time ... ha ha
As for installing a new version of Cartagena in 1024. I´d take the files that you downloaded, unzip and all that and then give the map folder a new name - something like ag_Cartagena_1024 or ag_Cartagena_2 or whatever you feel suits you best.
Then add a new entry to your all.ini file like this:
ag_Cartagena_1024 ag_Cartagena_1024/load.ini
ag_Cartagena_2 ag_Cartagena_2/load.ini
But please first make sure that the new load.ini does indeed have the name ´load.ini´ - it might be called ´load_1024.ini´or something else. I can´t check from where I am but you can do so.
If the new load.ini has a different name, then just replace the old ´load.ini´with the new name.
Here´s a schematic how to add new entries to the all.ini file:
<choose a name using NO SPACES> <add a space bar entry> <add name of directory with NO SPACES> <add a ´/´> <add name of load.ini file>.
Hope this helps you out.