=== USSR Modern Vehicles pack Beta version 17th/Dec./2017 ===
Public Beta release.
Some planned objects are not finished.
* Contents
- ZSU-57-2 SPAAG
- ZSU-23-4 SPAAG
- BRDM-2 and BRDM-2U
- 18x Ural-4320 variants (containing BM-21-1 rocket launcher, civilian, Fire Engine etc.)
- 8x new trailers towed by Ural-4320
* Requirement
- "USSR GAZ-66 trucks and ZU-23-2 2x 23mm AA Gun pack v2.2" or later.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,38911.0.html and
- "USSR APC BTR-152/BTR-40 , AAA ZPU-4/ZPU-2 V2.1" or later
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,40948.0.html - USSR T-55A MBT by melissa v2.2
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,44671.0.html* 4.12.2m + SAS Engine MOD + its latest western patch are recommended for full-functions.
But in other games , you can use those objects in a bit limited styles.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/w4398y1m7w2j7rg/SovietModernVehicles_20171217.7zWhen you don't install latest western Engine MOD patch on 4.12.2m , you may face the error line.
Artillery: Value of [BM21_1rock]:<AttackMaxDistance> (20300.0) is out of range (6.0;12000.0)
Can't set property
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't set property
at com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryGeneric$SPAWN.getF(ArtilleryGeneric.java:129)
You can fix it to change the value in this line of technics.ini .
// Weapon
Gun CannonRocketSimple9M22U
NumShells 240
AttackMaxDistance 20300.0
AttackMaxRadius 20300.0
// Weapon
Gun CannonRocketSimple9M22U
NumShells 240
AttackMaxDistance 11900.0
AttackMaxRadius 11900.0

** Ural-4320 variants
- Standard chasis , Long chasis
- Standard nose (V6 engine) , Long nose (V8 engine)
- 6x6 , 4x4 (Ural-43206) , Tractor (Ural-44202)
- Standard Single Cab , Double Cab (-0551)
- Civilian colors
- Fuel bowser -- ATZ-6.5 and ATZ-11
- Airdrome Fuel bowser -- ATZ-10 and ATZ-22
- Aircraft Electric Starter, Towing Tag -- APA-5D
- Fire Engine -- AC-4.0 , 5.0 , 10.0
- BM-21-1 rocket launcher -- separated into Firing Artillery object and Movable vehicle object
** Trailers
- 5E97 : Diesel Electoric Generator trailer (for SAM/Radar sites, they are not provided mods yet but for future)
- K-21M : Electoric Distributer trailer (for SAM/Radar site)
-- In one S-75 (SA-2) SAM battery, 2x 5E97 and 1x K-21M are set.
- Communication Van trailer : small full trailer for radio communication
- Command Post trailer : semi trailer for command post, boxy style
- OdAZ828 : semi trailer for command post or SAM battery, rounded style
- ATZ-22's fuel tank trailer part
- UZST-9175-02B2 : 2x Axle board semi trailer, and carrying logs
- PPK35-31-12KB : 3x Axle board semi trailer, and carrying 1x 40 feet or 2x 20 feet ISO containers
Many 3D models are provided by BT~wasted, and their skins are made by Valkas.
** Updates of "version 17th/Dec./2017"
- add 2x board semi trailers.
- fix ZSU-23-4 scale bug.
- fix long trailers' visible and collision radius.
** Updates of "version 17th/Aug./2016"
- add UN white color BRDM-2.
- add UN Cargo / Water tanker columns using GAZ-66 and T-55A.
- change some columns with GAZ-66 medic KUNG Van of its V2.2 pack.
static object of ISO containers are published here.