Hi guys,
I've got a small issue with some missing sound with default CUP sounds. This issue has been there from the beginning (even though the sound part has been revised quite significantly in the last updates).
I have no wind sound when in the plane with an opened canopy. I had already asked about it in a previous post (
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,45205.0.html) but I never managed to find a solution. Am I the only one bothered with that? It seems so.
I've tried the alternative Sound packs (provided in CUP via JGSME), I get no wind sound with pack #1 but I do get a loud and clear wind sound with pack #2. Though, pack #2 sounds a lot different from the default CUP sounds. The only working base I have (I'm no modder) is that there seems to be some mix-up in the preset/.wav file names which relates to wind sound in cockpits in alternative sound pack #1 :
- There is no wind_rear_01m and 02m wav files in the samples.
- Besides, there's an "wind_opencockpit.wav" file and there's no mention about it in the preset files (looked at "aircraft.common.prs" and "aircraft.common_w.prs").
I've tried to rename files, edit the presets, etc. No matter what I do, I don't get any wind sound with pack #1 and I do get it with pack #2.
I'm not sure how that relates to the default CUP sound as I did not unpack the SFS.
I've just been using the alternative sound packs as a basis to try to understand what's going wrong.
As far as my CUP install is working, I'm running CUP part 17 and everything seems to be working fine.
This one has been bothering me since the beginning. I really love to fly a plane with the canopy opened, looking for planes or things around. It gives you a great "bird of prey" feeling.

Any help will be welcomed.