First of all, I would like to thank you for this wonderful mod (i used the waw12 version with "fighter boys", wonderful !). Really really good.
Well I have followed both the step by step thread and pdf manual word by word but i do not have flyby at all (only "sound" of shooting).
I tried it in a clean CUP WAW17 installation, no jsmge mods activated, no other changes to conf.ini, followed manual and just updated conf.ini as in the “manual” for sound and log.
I already had the same problem with CUP-WAW12 in my old pc; but two weeks ago I bought a new one, new cpu and new gpu, nothing of the old one.
Tried with single mission USN corsair landing and ussr il2 (demo1).
In the box my logfile (of the log I maintained all rows where “exception” and “error” appear).
And tiger's flyby works in my hsfx 7.02 (actived in jsmge).
Is there something i could do ? i like tiger's flyby very much for the immersion ...
(java.lang.Exception: Invalid preset format)
Cannot load sound preset motor.PrattWhitney_R-2800_Series.start.end (java.lang.Exception: Invalid preset format)
FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 0
FM called 'FlightModels/F4F-3.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/wind_rear_02m.wav
FM called 'FlightModels/A6M2-21.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
warning: no files : music/crash
Loading mission single/un/F4U-1D/S05.mis...
ERROR file: File users/doe1/Icons not found
Mission: single/un/F4U-1D/S05.mis is Playing
warning: no files : music/inflight
ERROR file: File users/doe1/Icons not found
Mission: single/un/F6F-3/S01.mis is Playing
warning: no files : music/inflight
WARNING: TRenderManager::TriangleList_ProjectiveShadow()- internal buffer overflow.
FM called 'FlightModels/Bf-109G-2.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Cannot load sound preset motor.DB-600_Series.start.end (java.lang.Exception: Invalid preset format)
Motor resolveFromFile starter = 5
FM called 'FlightModels/I-16type24.fmd' is being loaded from Alternative File: 'gui/game/buttons'
Mission error, ID_04: java.lang.RuntimeException: Weapon set 'default' not registered in air.I_16TYPE24
java.lang.RuntimeException: Weapon set 'default' not registered in air.I_16TYPE24
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsLoad(Aircraft.java:3049)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
cannot open file for reading
Cannot open audio file samples/null.wav
ERROR file: File users/doe1/Icons not found
Mission: single/ru/IL-2/(Demo1)IL_2_1.mis is Playing
warning: no files : music/inflight
at com.maddox.il2.ai.air.Maneuver.update(Maneuver.java:4224)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.air.Pilot.update(Pilot.java:195)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.sounds.Voice.testTargDestr(Voice.java:1816)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
-- END log session --