I found it wise to start a new topic concerning my issue with the SM-79 in FM, specially to bring it to the attention of the C.U.P team.
About two months ago I discovered the plane acted weird when placed in a mission with one or more another Italian planes, one of which was the player. As soon as the created mission was saved and opened again, the SM-79 did not act as it should be. The field of weapons to choose was blank and if a type of load was picked out, it did not stay there. Also the number of planes was reduced to one, though four were preferred on the first tab in which the squadron and so on can be determined too.
Reinstalling the WAW module was an option suggested by Gatrasz – thanks anyway to try to help me out man! – but it did not work at all.
The next step was the drastic one. I completely removed the game. Started from a clean IL-2, followed by the magnificent SAS IL-2 4.12.2m Mega patch and finally the SAS Modact 5.3 for IL-2 4.12.2m. The full new install of the C.U.P Modules made me hope again.
Imagine my disappointment to find out the problem still occurred when making a test mission.
Remarkable, but no other Italian or Axis plane placed in the mission acted this way.
Thinking may be a bug could have entered my downloads made me decide to download all C.U.P Modules all over again, because the ones I had were those I found on this site right after they were announced.
With all things new and fresh I started all over again. Total delete of IL-2 and reinstall from notch.
Yesterday I finished the whole job and… no… still the same problem.

Am I wrong to conclude there is something with the SM-79 class files?
Can anyone help me out with this one, please…
Best wishes for everyone on this site and their relatives!