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Author Topic: B24 CF100 Spawn problem.  (Read 3079 times)

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Re: B24 CF100 Spawn problem.
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2016, 02:38:39 AM »

Gatrasz, pay attention though! I was not able to get the B-24J mod  AND the B-24D100 running at the same time and not ruining the other Libs;
it is either the new B-24D AND the other Libs or the new B-24J AND the new B-24D, at least for me...
if you found an even better solution making all Libs work, pls let Simon know for inclusion in a later WAW update..

oh and btw, the bombsight on the B-24Ds does not work here either; the stock B-24D crashes and the new one gets stuck in the bombsight view, although you can jump out of it using the C key, something not possible in the stock B-24D....


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Re: B24 CF100 Spawn problem.
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2016, 08:24:57 AM »

Gatrasz, pay attention though! I was not able to get the B-24J mod  AND the B-24D100 running at the same time and not ruining the other Libs; it is either the new B-24D AND the other Libs or the new B-24J AND the new B-24D, at least for me...
That's true ; and the Liberator GR.V is still broken (like Liberator GR.I and PB4Y-1, if I add them). If it comes from the new B-24D (depending of which B-24 mods are included in CUP), I would prefer to have the full plane as JSGME option - so it could be either the new B-24D or...all the other B-24s  :D


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Re: B24 CF100 Spawn problem.
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2016, 09:01:49 AM »

boy, when i read threads like this, i get pretty pissed off.
over the years the modders have bought us some incredible B24 mods, which took a lot of hard work, and what does TD do in their next patch? - fuck it all up for everybody, that's what - and for what, one new 3d model, that insists on breaking all the others?
i used to have 6 properly working , fully functional B24 variants, now I have 2....
i am tired of constantly digging for a new workaround - i had all the LIberators and B24's working just fine and dandy in my Modact install, then add the 'new' B24, and it all goes to pot. jezus... >:(
.....taking fun seriously since 1968.....  8)


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Re: B24 CF100 Spawn problem.
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2016, 09:15:28 AM »

I will send you my B-24D folder for testing :) it works besides all other Libs :) only this new look J model does not want to cooperate...thanks to one of its two classfiles grr


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Re: B24 CF100 Spawn problem.
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2016, 08:04:26 AM »

I think I have to let you know that, using the last #MME 13s & 14, and #WAW 18B files, without any JSGME mod activated (so, basic up-to-date CUP fresh install) everything works well with B-24's scramble abilities (same thing with catapults on Iowa Class ships, which happened to stay broken after installing #WAW 18&18B the first time). I can't say if some new files failed to install/overwrite before or if some JSGME activated mod broke the game, but I'll know later...testing takes a lot of time  :-|
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