...I also use your old menu music set for newTFM in CUP, way better than that marching music crap that comes with IL2 stock 
maybe its time for a rerelease? or a new menu music set using stuff from Two Steps from Hell maybe?...
Oh yeah! I though that marching bollocks was long gone! OK Phil, its time we opened up a new JSGME Options thread, starting with those very suggestions for sound and vision!
BravoFxTrt hasn't been so active here recently, real life issues have kept him busy AFAIK. It was Bravo who sourced so many of those great screens for TFM. I spoke with him on Skype many times over the years, last was about 6 months ago. We need to give him a prod and get him back here more often. Its not like there isn't a lot going on at SAS!
...may I ask if they had troubles after adding the Mines and Torpedoes mod? because that was what I wanted to try tomorrow to see if I can get the TB-3s fixed with messing around with said mod...
Yes indeed Phil. With the modular nature of CUP it is very easy to go back a stage or two. In this case I used the mod folder #WAW from Part-14, before the torps were added, and the TB-3s tested fine. It was then a fairly simple matter to go back to WAW Part-17/18 but remove the Torp mod classfiles and testload each one, in small groups, until the failure could be replicated.
Pretty soon I had it down to just one offending classfile and the solution. - Did it in less than two cold beers!
In updating the manual later I wish to underline this robustness and safe backup inherent in CUP. People have previously mentioned a 're-install' when this is NEVER necessary. Its so easy to step back and forth to any stage because the SFS format is only referenced by the mod folders and the mod folders contain all the classfiles.
Anyone can step from one Restore Point to another, back and forth, simply by using the complete #WAW mod folders (or #DOF/#TGA/#JTW) at each Restore Point. You never need to touch the SFS files once you have them. Occassionally they are updated but are always backwards and forwards compatible.
Of course Module One - The crucial maps, has no mod folder but contributes to all of the others. So its best practice to always keep Module One up to date before doing anything else in CUP. In future I will also post a reminder to this effect at the top of each subsequent CUP upgrade. ie: are you up to date as far as SAS MME Part-13?
With CUP whatever gets fixed stays fixed!